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President Barak Obama

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Old 11-05-2008, 06:58 AM
PColav6's Avatar
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Originally Posted by staleygreg
It's time for a change
Ya know Cuba hoped for change, and they got it in 1959. Change can swing both ways.
Old 11-05-2008, 07:11 AM
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Originally Posted by PColav6
Ya know Cuba hoped for change, and they got it in 1959. Change can swing both ways.
Yep. Same with Hitler.
Old 11-05-2008, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper
At least we will finally be rid of who is whtout a doubt the worst president in the entire history of the USA.

Everyone who is bitching about Obama winning should take a good look at why he DID win.

Bush did such a lousy job and alienated so many americans that even many die hard republicans voted for Obama.

The republican party for the past 8 years has done absolutly nothing bu make things worse. It was like watching an episode of the 3 stooges for 4 years.

If bush did not do such an lousy job and cause so many people to lose faith in the republican party, McCain probably would have won.


Either way, we are better off.

And just to poke a little fact everyone seems to forget, Mccain ALSO supported the trillion dollar bail out plan, so the way i see it, either way were getting a socialist.
Speaking or rhetoric..... Chris clearly drank the media kool-aid over the last few months. All else fails, blame it on Bush! ::just shakes head quietly::

All I can say is be prepared for your back pockets to decrease in size during the second or third year of his term. He won't make any tax changes yet, just like Clinton didn't, but he will tax the **** out of all of us eventually, especially with the majority of dems in the house/senate.

Good Luck America.

PS. Who else wanted to punch Oprah and Jesse Jackson right in the face every time they showed them during Obama's speech? --I know I did.

Also, thank God, it looks like Prop. 8 has passed in California.
Old 11-05-2008, 08:09 AM
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Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper
At least we will finally be rid of who is whtout a doubt the worst president in the entire history of the USA.

Everyone who is bitching about Obama winning should take a good look at why he DID win.

Bush did such a lousy job and alienated so many americans that even many die hard republicans voted for Obama.

The republican party for the past 8 years has done absolutly nothing bu make things worse. It was like watching an episode of the 3 stooges for 4 years.

If bush did not do such an lousy job and cause so many people to lose faith in the republican party, McCain probably would have won.


Either way, we are better off.

And just to poke a little fact everyone seems to forget, Mccain ALSO supported the trillion dollar bail out plan, so the way i see it, either way were getting a socialist.
To say that Bush alienated Republicans to vote for Obama is giving Obama too much credit, and isn't true. Die hard Republicans still voted GOP, because they are die hard. What McCain lost was the conservatives, whom he chased away by virtue of running. Obama had nothing to do it w/ it, the GOP simply screwed up big.

Speaking of which, I have no idea how, w/ a 24% approval rating, the Democratic controlled Congress gains seats? It's when I hear stuff like this, that I wish the 17th amendment was repealed (especially after hearing the reasons for some people who voted). And it was here, that the GOP could have won big, but they just couldn't pull it together.
Old 11-05-2008, 08:14 AM
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Well one things for sure... if Obama does what he did as the representative of IL (I can't even name anything because he did nothing his whole career in there. Most of the time he wasn't even present). Were all screwed. I'll be interested to see what he does.. not expecting much though

Last edited by Dave04Mustang; 11-05-2008 at 08:18 AM.
Old 11-05-2008, 08:21 AM
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also not sure how many of you guys were watching last night but its scary when most other countries are celebrating because they all know our military is going to be reduced now especially with full democrat control of the government. In the mean time Russia is trying to become the USSR again... last thing we want to do is reduce military. this will be an interesting next couple years.
Old 11-05-2008, 08:57 AM
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+1 but if we made it with jimmy carter and bill Clinton i think we can make it with obama but it wont be easy.

i cant wait for 2012.
Old 11-05-2008, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by PColav6
Whatever, I can already see Nancy Pelosi trying to pass some bullshit gun confiscation/AWB legislation and it going through because we all know Obama isn't going to veto anything related to gun control. **** that, all of my purchases from now - feb are going towards firearms.
inventory...7 rifles, 6 shotguns, approx 1000 rounds of ammo for each, 2 pistols.
was thinking about buying a supercharger, but now i guess i'll spend that money on more firepower.

by the way... obama is 1/2 white, 1/2 black. why does he only claim to be black?
anybody out there who is 1/2 & 1/2 that can explain it to me?
Old 11-05-2008, 09:42 AM
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Well the democrats have all the cards I will give them a chance they have 2 years to prove that they aren't worthless
Old 11-05-2008, 09:57 AM
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Originally Posted by WNRacing

PS. Who else wanted to punch Oprah and Jesse Jackson right in the face every time they showed them during Obama's speech? --I know I did.
Same here. Every time Jesse Jackson showed up I laughed..
Old 11-05-2008, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by 98svt
inventory...7 rifles, 6 shotguns, approx 1000 rounds of ammo for each, 2 pistols.
was thinking about buying a supercharger, but now i guess i'll spend that money on more firepower.
For real, I'm buying a Romanian WASR-10/63 this month with plenty of bannable magazines, and some more M2 .30-06 and .30 carbine

Ammo for everyone! lol
Old 11-05-2008, 10:58 AM
jjtgiants's Avatar
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LOL....at the rednecks that are going to buy up a bunch of guns. that's funny. Honestly, this country put up with Bush for 8 years and we are not in very good shape, so give the dude a chance before going all crazy.

I would imagine he'll move to the center and try to get things done, but it's Nancy Pelosi I worry about. I'm a Dem, but don't really care for her much. I'm all about checks and balances in government and as a Dem I'm kinda glad the we didn't gain full control of Congress. I know it probably will cause gridlock, but there needs to be checks and balances.

You all need to remember politics cycles just like the economy does and the Reps will take control again at some point.

Also, I don't have a problem with other countries celebrating for Obama. I think the world is tired of the "we rule the world" attitude and wants someone that will work with them and not tell them what to do all the damn time. Obama sent a clear message in his speech last night to the world by basically saying we will kick your *** if you harbor terror and if you work with us to stop it then we welcome you.
Old 11-05-2008, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Lazerred6
Well the democrats have all the cards I will give them a chance they have 2 years to prove that they aren't worthless
They already had their chance, w/ Bush not caring anymore. And, as far I'm concerned, all that they proved is how gullible people are since they gained seats w/ a crap approval rating (which I believe is worse than my state's governor, which is sad).
Old 11-05-2008, 11:13 AM
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Yeah congresses approval rating is worse than Bush's
Old 11-05-2008, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
LOL....at the rednecks that are going to buy up a bunch of guns. that's funny. Honestly, this country put up with Bush for 8 years and we are not in very good shape, so give the dude a chance before going all crazy.

I would imagine he'll move to the center and try to get things done, but it's Nancy Pelosi I worry about. I'm a Dem, but don't really care for her much. I'm all about checks and balances in government and as a Dem I'm kinda glad the we didn't gain full control of Congress. I know it probably will cause gridlock, but there needs to be checks and balances.
Um, yes. Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of a majorly democratic house, who even said a year ago that "bush" is the reason they can't pass the legislation they want. Well now that they have a democratic and pro gun-control president, that bitch doesn't have much stopping her does she? This is the bitch that wanted to have firearms CONFISCATED from their owners. Do you honestly think Obama will veto and bill they try to pass that's for gun-control? Bullshit.

And associating guns with rednecks is like associating mustangs with rednecks...try again.

Sure I'll give Obama a chance, but I know where he stands on the issues that matter to me, and his stance is against mine, so why would I just sit back and wait?

And on a side note, now we all get to deal with the racist black people who have the cocky "the president's black so I'm better than you now" attitude, half of which probably didn't vote, and the ones that did obviously just voted based on race. This whole election was one giant cluster ****. Don't get me wrong, I have some pride in my country that we elected a half-black president and are giving him a chance, this election will go down in history. But I feel that a lot of the votes that went for him (the non-fraudulent ones) were for the completely wrong reasons. Plus, it was the "cool" thing to do, to vote for Obama. All of my hippy college friends who voted for him really don't have **** as a reason why, except the "because he's going to bring change" routine. if only I'd taken a screen shot of all of the facebook statuses with "VOTE FOR CHANGE" in them, all I can do is laugh. If someone bases their vote off of a meaningless catch-phrase then I really have no hope for our future.

Oh yeah; commie.

Last edited by PColav6; 11-05-2008 at 11:29 AM.
Old 11-05-2008, 11:26 AM
jjtgiants's Avatar
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Originally Posted by PColav6
Um, yes. Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of a majorly democratic house, who even said a year ago that "bush" is the reason they can't pass the legislation they want. Well now that they have a democratic and pro gun-control president, that bitch doesn't have much stopping her does she? This is the bitch that wanted to have firearms CONFISCATED from their owners. Do you honestly think Obama will veto and bill they try to pass that's for gun-control? Bullshit.

And associating guns with rednecks is like associating mustangs with rednecks...try again.
No need to call the woman a bitch. She is doing what she believes is right and you and I happen to disagree with her. I didn't know she was powerful enough to toss the 2nd ammendment out the window. Are we talking about assult rifes or just your average hunters/target shooting guns? I personally have no issue with guns, but I don't care if the government bans assault rifles.....that's just my personal opinion. Please provide legit facts to support your claim. I don't know if what you say is true or not, but I'd like to see where she said that.

It just cracks me up how the world has all of the sudden come to an end, and the dude is 90 days away from taking office. Eveyone should just relax and try not to get all worked up over the "what if's".
Old 11-05-2008, 11:40 AM
Black Sunshine's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
LOL....at the rednecks that are going to buy up a bunch of guns. that's funny.
I am not a redneck that's going to buy a bunch of guns. I am a redneck that already has a bunch of guns and I plan on getting even more. I already planned on getting myself a .22 pistol in addition to my .45, and this is just another reason to get one ASAP.

It just cracks me up how the world has all of the sudden come to an end, and the dude is 90 days away from taking office. Eveyone should just relax and try not to get all worked up over the "what if's".
If McCain had won instead of Obama, I think we would still be having this argument. People would still be expressing their 'what if' concerns.

Last edited by Black Sunshine; 11-05-2008 at 11:45 AM.
Old 11-05-2008, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
No need to call the woman a bitch. She is doing what she believes is right and you and I happen to disagree with her. I didn't know she was powerful enough to toss the 2nd ammendment out the window. Are we talking about assult rifes or just your average hunters/target shooting guns? I personally have no issue with guns, but I don't care if the government bans assault rifles.....that's just my personal opinion. Please provide legit facts to support your claim. I don't know if what you say is true or not, but I'd like to see where she said that.

It just cracks me up how the world has all of the sudden come to an end, and the dude is 90 days away from taking office. Eveyone should just relax and try not to get all worked up over the "what if's".
Anti-gun Speaker Of The House Election:
On January 4th, 2007, the House of Representatives voted to elect a supporter of gun confiscation as Speaker of the House (233-202). Nancy Pelosi supported gun confiscation when she cast her vote against HR 5013 the year before. In doing so, she voted to let government agents burst into people’s home and steal their firearms in the wake of a natural disaster. More than 300 Congressmen... an overwhelming majority ... voted right on this bill. But Pelosi was part of the small minority that actually voted in favor of gun confiscation. For this reason, GOA (Gun Owners of America: http://www.gunowners.org/) alerted congressmen that a vote for Nancy Pelosi (F- rated by GOA) would be considered a vote for gun control. As Speaker, Pelosi will be able to prevent constitutional bills from coming to the floor and will do her best to push the most extreme versions of gun control.

The details on this bill:
H.R. 5013 [109th]: Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006

To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to prohibit the confiscation of firearms during certain national emergencies.

Her votes on gun control in the past
* Voted NO on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers. (Oct 2005)
* Voted NO on prohibiting suing gunmakers & sellers for gun misuse. (Apr 2003)
* Voted NO on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1. (Jun 1999)
* Rated F by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun control voting record. (Dec 2003)

The important one:
Vote to pass a bill that would prohibit liability lawsuits from being brought against gun manufacturers and dealers based on the criminal misuse of firearms. The bill would also block these actions from being brought up against gun trade organizations and against ammunition makers and sellers. The measure would apply immediately to any pending cases. Several specific exceptions to the ban exist. This includes civil suits would be allowed against a maker or dealer who "knowingly and willfully violated" state or federal laws in the selling or marketing of a weapon. Design and manufacturing defect lawsuits are also permitted when weapons are "used as intended.
This means that gun manufacturers should be held accountable for the mis-use of guns....

The woman is a nutjob. Nothing says government control like disarming the population in the time of a national crisis.
Old 11-05-2008, 11:46 AM
Dave04Mustang's Avatar
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^^ and you left out shes from Cali... haha just kidding

Originally Posted by jjtgiants
You all need to remember politics cycles just like the economy does and the Reps will take control again at some point.

Last edited by Dave04Mustang; 11-05-2008 at 11:56 AM.
Old 11-05-2008, 11:49 AM
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Blaming a gun making company for firearm misuse is like blaming mc donalds for making people fat.......

Oh wait the dems tried to do that too because they don't beleive that people can make decisons on their own
Old 11-05-2008, 11:59 AM
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interesting, but not suprised. I mean she is from San Francisco. The unfortunate thing is she will be in office as long as she wants to be since ONLY people from SF elect her. So my question would be, what happened during a natural disaster that would spark this debate....Katrina, and the robberies and looting?
Old 11-05-2008, 12:03 PM
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Icant wait to hear all the new rap songs "obama this" "obama my nigguh" great..
Old 11-05-2008, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
interesting, but not suprised. I mean she is from San Francisco. The unfortunate thing is she will be in office as long as she wants to be since ONLY people from SF elect her. So my question would be, what happened during a natural disaster that would spark this debate....Katrina, and the robberies and looting?
Quite possibly. She'll have to take our forks, knives, and anything else that can be used to kill someone away. Then we'll be back to the best of times... when we were cavemen, we ate with our fingers and beat the **** out of each other with wooden clubs!
Old 11-05-2008, 12:16 PM
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I hate to bring it up again but any type of gun control only affects people that get their gun legally anyone trying to get them to do somthing illegal with will still obtain them by some other means
Old 11-05-2008, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Lazerred6
I hate to bring it up again but any type of gun control only affects people that get their gun legally anyone trying to get them to do somthing illegal with will still obtain them by some other means
I don't disagree with you on that one. I do think there are some control laws that make some sense....For instance I don't have a problem with the waiting period. If a person wants to obtain a gun legally, waiting a few days to make sure that person isn't a fellon or going to committ a crime in passion is ok in my book. We don't need more laws, we need to enforce the laws that are already in the books.
Old 11-05-2008, 12:44 PM
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How can you not blame bush? Since this man has been in office we have racked up trillions in debt. How else do you think we are going to pay it off? You can't blame Obama for walking into a shithole, and taxing people to try to get us out of it.
Old 11-05-2008, 12:47 PM
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You guys all need to chill out and wait to see what happens. Give him a chance, you never know what could happen. I'm sure all of you Bush supporters who voted 4 and 8 years ago had high expections that he would do a good job and believe everything he said he was going to do, but how many of you were disappointed? You think the country is just gonna change like that and everyone is gonna be screwed. People are already getting screwed by this economy so we might as well get someone new and fresh and see where they can take us.

Oh and I think it says something about McCain when Obama was able to steal a bunch of Republican states.
Old 11-05-2008, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Steeda97
How can you not blame bush?
Because the president doesn't run the country contrary to popular belief the democrat party has been in charge for the last 6 years cause Bush doesn't veto anything so the change Barrak is talking about is just hopes, dreams and pretty words AKA nothing
Old 11-05-2008, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by 00blkstanggt
Oh and I think it says something about McCain when Obama was able to steal a bunch of Republican states.
No it says alot about how people percieved Bush
Old 11-05-2008, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Steeda97
How can you not blame bush? Since this man has been in office we have racked up trillions in debt. How else do you think we are going to pay it off? You can't blame Obama for walking into a shithole, and taxing people to try to get us out of it.
How much of our taxes do you really expect to see go to paying the national debt? On the debt clock their is a household share number. Keep track of your increases in taxes, and how much that goes down, because it will not coincide. Most of the governments revenue flow comes from corporations, not us. Increase their share of the tax burden and have them help pay it off.

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