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Cali bans smoking in cars with kids!

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Old 10-11-2007, 09:52 AM
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Default Cali bans smoking in cars with kids!

Governor signs into law measure to outlaw smoking in cars with kids

SACRAMENTO – In a move that makes California the third state in the nation to ban smoking in cars with minors, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed into law Senate Bill 7 by Sen. Jenny Oropeza.

“Protecting the health of our children is among government’s highest responsibilities,” Oropeza, D-Long Beach, said. “It is clear that increasing public awareness about the dangers of secondhand smoke is the right thing to do,”

Health experts have testified that recent scientific studies, including a 2006 report by the Harvard School of Public Health, found that second-hand smoke in a car can be up to 10 times more dangerous than in a home.

Effective Jan. 1, 2008, SB 7 imposes a $100 fine on drivers and passengers cited for smoking in a car with another person aged 17 or younger.

Protecting non-smokers and cleaning up the environment have long been priorities for Oropeza, a cancer survivor. Enacted Jan. 1, 2007, was AB 2067, Oropeza’s measure banning smoking in common-use areas of covered parking lots and adjacent stairwells, lobbies, lounges, waiting areas, elevators and restrooms.

Schwarzenegger, despite being a well-known cigar smoker, last year signed AB 2067. Both measures were supported by numerous health groups.

“I am so proud that my fellow legislators and the governor agree that our children must be protected from the toxins in secondhand smoke,” Oropeza said. “I will continue to helping lead California in eliminating pollutants that hurt our kids’ health.”

For more information on SB 7, including the Harvard study cited above and an updated Fact Sheet, visit her Web site below.

Elected to the Assembly in 2000 and the Senate in 2006, Jenny Oropeza is one of the highest-ranking Latinos in the Legislature and chairs the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee. For more, visit www.senate.ca.gov/oropeza

This isn't a bash Cali post so please don't go there. So what do you guys think of the law? I have mixed feelings about it, but it chaps my *** to see a mom or dad smoking in a car with the windows up and a little kid in a car seat.
Old 10-11-2007, 11:17 AM
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I think its a good thing. I don't mind people who smoke cause it's their own lives, but when you are affecting little kids it's a different story. But I'm sure we will start getting the Cali bashers in here in no time.
Old 10-11-2007, 11:50 AM
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First of all.. This is not bashing Cali.

I think all of these laws banning smoking everywhere are just dumb as ****. If they're going to ban smoking then just go ahead and just make it illegal. TN just passed a law that you can't smoke within 10ft of the front door of any business and took all of the smoking areas out of all restaurants but adult businesses.

It's just so stupid imho.
Old 10-11-2007, 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by 00blkstanggt
I think its a good thing. I don't mind people who smoke cause it's their own lives, but when you are affecting little kids it's a different story. But I'm sure we will start getting the Cali bashers in here in no time.
yeah I kinda feel the same way. I don't like government messing with peoples personal choices, but quite frankly a little kid sitting in a car being slammed with cig smoke is not a personal choice that kid can make.

I think Arkansas and Louisiana also have versions of this law.....I don't think it covers kids up to 17, but they do have it in some form.

WN Racing....I'm not asking this question to start anything, but what exactly is so stupid about it? Is it the fact that you don't like the government telling you what you can and can't do or do you think second thing is BS? As I mentioned above, I don't like the gov telling people what to do in their personal life, but if smoking effects people all around you then I think it should be regulated. Me drinking a beer doesn't hurt the pregnant lady or kid next to me. I'm just curious of why people are so dead set against laws like this

Last edited by jjtgiants; 10-11-2007 at 11:57 AM.
Old 10-11-2007, 01:42 PM
JackThe Ripper's Avatar
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I agree with WnRacing.

I think it is stupid. The people who are smoking are adults and are more than aware of the health risks.

The studies on 2nd hand smoke are absolutly rediculous, they take all kinds of crazy stuff into account and make it a huge thing, while a study on diesel emissions on the highway showed a higher toxin level and a higher risk of damaging heath. However they disregarded a lot of that information and excluded things they said were irrelevant in the study but were somehow relevant in the anti smoking laws.

does ANYBODY know somebody who got cancer from 2nd hand smoke?

You can actually sit in gridlock traffic behind a bigrig with yer kids in the car with the windows down for 45 min and that is perfectly acceptable.

However, it is unacceptable to smoke in yer car with yer kids.

Ok, lets put this theory to the test. I will be willing to sit in a garage with no ventilation with 2 smokers for 2 hours.

Now all i need is somebody to volunteer to sit in a garage with no ventilation with a running car for 2 hours.

Hmm... its a good thing the real issues are being tackled here huh?

I dont smoke in my car. Period. I dont smoke in my house. Period. It is not to do with health reasons, it has to do with the fact i dont want my stuff smelling like ****. lol.

i wouldnt smoke around logan either, because his lungs are still developing. . But honestly i would be more worried about traffic smog than 2nd hand smoke.

I think it is a bad idea to smoke in a car with kids. MOST people who smoke understand this now a days.

It just seems like a waste of money to enfore a dumb law that states the obivious. just a waste of tax payer money.

I also agree. Either make it illegal, or stop banning it.


arent there more important things to worry about?
Old 10-11-2007, 02:12 PM
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I think its good
Old 10-11-2007, 03:12 PM
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I am not a smoker and I think anyone who smokes is making a moronic decision. Smoking kills and causes all kinds of health problems. I firmly believe that second smoke is also not only dangerous, but annoying. People have a right to breath smoke-free air.

But, I also believe that people have a right to poison their lungs if they want. be an idiot. If I want to smoke in my house and in my car, I should be able to do that. Generally speaking, I think these laws are scary. Where do you stop? Seriously, let's sue the gun companies, and the fast-food places too.

Business should make their own rules. if the government wants to ban smoking from government buldings fine. But, notprivate places or spaces.

However, I do think it is wrong and a form of child abuse to smake in a car with kids. But I think education not laws should be used to fix this.

California.....the rest of the world just got another reason to laugh at you. Let's see, this week San Franscisco agreed to give ID cards to illegal aliens. Why don't you focus on real problems on not stupid, un-enforceable ****.
Old 10-11-2007, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack
I agree with WnRacing.

I think it is stupid. The people who are smoking are adults and are more than aware of the health risks.

The studies on 2nd hand smoke are absolutly rediculous, they take all kinds of crazy stuff into account and make it a huge thing, while a study on diesel emissions on the highway showed a higher toxin level and a higher risk of damaging heath. However they disregarded a lot of that information and excluded things they said were irrelevant in the study but were somehow relevant in the anti smoking laws.

does ANYBODY know somebody who got cancer from 2nd hand smoke?

You can actually sit in gridlock traffic behind a bigrig with yer kids in the car with the windows down for 45 min and that is perfectly acceptable.

However, it is unacceptable to smoke in yer car with yer kids.

Ok, lets put this theory to the test. I will be willing to sit in a garage with no ventilation with 2 smokers for 2 hours.

Now all i need is somebody to volunteer to sit in a garage with no ventilation with a running car for 2 hours.

Hmm... its a good thing the real issues are being tackled here huh?

I dont smoke in my car. Period. I dont smoke in my house. Period. It is not to do with health reasons, it has to do with the fact i dont want my stuff smelling like ****. lol.

i wouldnt smoke around logan either, because his lungs are still developing. . But honestly i would be more worried about traffic smog than 2nd hand smoke.

I think it is a bad idea to smoke in a car with kids. MOST people who smoke understand this now a days.

It just seems like a waste of money to enfore a dumb law that states the obivious. just a waste of tax payer money.

I also agree. Either make it illegal, or stop banning it.


arent there more important things to worry about?
I agree with you on the diesel emmissions thing, but this law in all reality will do nothing but generate money for the the State, not cost tax payers. I also agree with you that MOST people do understand that you probably shouldn't smoke in the car with kids, but we need stupid laws for stupid people. All of us here are all pretty smart people and realize that it might be the best thing to smoke in front of a child, but you know what...some people don't know any better or just don't give an F....so in all reality this law will do nothing to hurt your average person who has some common sense. I don't see the harm in it to be honest.

I'm not a doctor or scientist so I couldn't FOR sure if second hand smoke harmful, but I can't see how it wouldn't be harmful....it's the same **** the other person is taking in. I just don't know how people can say it's not harmful and think it's hogwash, but won't smoke in front of their own kids. A bit hypocrytical if you ask me.

Anyway, I think it's a good law that won't have any effect on people with common sense.

Water DR, I highly doubt the rest of the world will be laughing at us for trying to protect children. It might take some time, but I be willing to bet other states start adopting this law. I also don't understand how you guys can say you wouldn't smoke in the car with kids and that people shouldn't do it, but then bash the law that protects the kids. As for SF, they are in their own little world....please don't lump our entire state in with a crazy city.

Last edited by jjtgiants; 10-11-2007 at 03:26 PM.
Old 10-11-2007, 03:53 PM
JackThe Ripper's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
I just don't know how people can say it's not harmful and think it's hogwash, but won't smoke in front of their own kids. A bit hypocrytical if you ask me.

Anyway, I think it's a good law that won't have any effect on people with common sense.
I dont really think it is all hogwash.. i know it isnt healthy, it couldnt possible be GOOD for the kids, but i dont believe 2nd hand smoke is nearly as dangerous as they make it out to be. If you look at the studies it is rediculous the amount of leeway and exceptions and rule breaking in thier standards they use to make sure the result shows 2nd hand smoke to be such a menacing killer.


the thing that blows my mind is that they say that 2nd hand smoke is more dangerous than smoking! Seriously? How can that be? Cause the smoke uses a filter? is the smoker not also exposed to thier own 2nd hand smoke? and the 2nd haand smoke of others? its laughable!

back on point,

If they care about the health of the children how about they stop banning physical activities like tag? or they make an effort to provide even reletivly healthy food for children at school? 90% of what kids eat is junk. And thier parents allow it. And that just seems to be fine! Why not go ahead and bring them up into an unhealthy lifestyle of fastfood and long video game sessions? How about worrying about the toxic exposure to the deisel emissions from the school busses sitting there running thier engines in the parking lot as the children climb in the busses? Or better yet, how about some seatbelts in those busses? lol... As long as that kid doesent get the occasional whiff of smoke i guess none of the other stuff doesent matter.

I think the law is a bad idea because it is a law that is really made to make smokers look bad IMO. It is not a law to protect children, it is a law in the continued pursuit of nagging smokers and harassing them in disguise of a law to protect children. Either let it be LEGAL or ILLEGAL. If they outlawed the use of tobacco in the US i could accpt that, it has a real purpose. this kind of stuff is just rediculous.

Like i said, most smokers know better. The ones who do not shoudl be handled by social services rather than just wasting energy and money casting a blanket law.

keep in mind...

It is not illegal to serve coffee to children...
it is not illegal to give children red-bull
it is not illegal to do drywall work with children nearby
it is not illegal to take children to the race track where they are exposed to tons of un catted exhaust systems..
it is not illegal to feed children mcdonalds every single day
it is not illegal to sit in traffic with yer window down right next to a deisel truck blowing exhaust in yer direction
it is not illegal to allow your child to play videogames for 5 hours straight

do we need laws on that stuff too?

of course not. that is why this is a dumb law. it is just not needed, it is a law used to criminalize smokers and make them look like a bunch of bad people, which is exactly what the anti smoking lobby wants. This is a dirty trick, but an easy one to pull off. The people behind this law dont give 2 ***** about your kids eating habits or level of physical exercise or the amount of other toxins they are exposed to day to day. all they care about is making it harder for people to smoke because THAT is thier true agenda.

Either outlaw smoking, or stop with these stupid little bans.
Old 10-11-2007, 04:03 PM
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GO JACK GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You tell'em!
Old 10-11-2007, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack
I dont really think it is all hogwash.. i know it isnt healthy, it couldnt possible be GOOD for the kids, but i dont believe 2nd hand smoke is nearly as dangerous as they make it out to be. If you look at the studies it is rediculous the amount of leeway and exceptions and rule breaking in thier standards they use to make sure the result shows 2nd hand smoke to be such a menacing killer.


the thing that blows my mind is that they say that 2nd hand smoke is more dangerous than smoking! Seriously? How can that be? Cause the smoke uses a filter? is the smoker not also exposed to thier own 2nd hand smoke? and the 2nd haand smoke of others? its laughable!

back on point,

If they care about the health of the children how about they stop banning physical activities like tag? or they make an effort to provide even reletivly healthy food for children at school? 90% of what kids eat is junk. And thier parents allow it. And that just seems to be fine! Why not go ahead and bring them up into an unhealthy lifestyle of fastfood and long video game sessions? How about worrying about the toxic exposure to the deisel emissions from the school busses sitting there running thier engines in the parking lot as the children climb in the busses? Or better yet, how about some seatbelts in those busses? lol... As long as that kid doesent get the occasional whiff of smoke i guess none of the other stuff doesent matter.

I think the law is a bad idea because it is a law that is really made to make smokers look bad IMO. It is not a law to protect children, it is a law in the continued pursuit of nagging smokers and harassing them in disguise of a law to protect children. Either let it be LEGAL or ILLEGAL. If they outlawed the use of tobacco in the US i could accpt that, it has a real purpose. this kind of stuff is just rediculous.

Like i said, most smokers know better. The ones who do not shoudl be handled by social services rather than just wasting energy and money casting a blanket law.

keep in mind...

It is not illegal to serve coffee to children...
it is not illegal to give children red-bull
it is not illegal to do drywall work with children nearby
it is not illegal to take children to the race track where they are exposed to tons of un catted exhaust systems..
it is not illegal to feed children mcdonalds every single day
it is not illegal to sit in traffic with yer window down right next to a deisel truck blowing exhaust in yer direction
it is not illegal to allow your child to play videogames for 5 hours straight

do we need laws on that stuff too?

of course not. that is why this is a dumb law. it is just not needed, it is a law used to criminalize smokers and make them look like a bunch of bad people, which is exactly what the anti smoking lobby wants. This is a dirty trick, but an easy one to pull off. The people behind this law dont give 2 ***** about your kids eating habits or level of physical exercise or the amount of other toxins they are exposed to day to day. all they care about is making it harder for people to smoke because THAT is thier true agenda.

Either outlaw smoking, or stop with these stupid little bans.

I hear ya jack....I agree, where does it stop. Your absolutely right about the smoking laws/anti-smoking lobby being about making smokers look bad. They know the US will never ban tobacco so this is their way of doing with without really doing it. I just don't really see the harm in a law like this. I think Cali has some stupid laws, but this isn't one of them.

I personally think some of the things you listed SHOULD be illegal....mainly the issue about energy drinks and kids. You have 10 year olds slamming a
16oz Monster energy drinks that has enough crap in it to fuel a rocket ship.
Old 10-11-2007, 04:09 PM
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yet another reason why my state is retarded.
Old 10-11-2007, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
They know the US will never ban tobacco so this is their way of doing with without really doing it.

I personally think some of the things you listed SHOULD be illegal....mainly the issue about energy drinks and kids. ship.
i would actually be more than happy to vote in favor of a complete tobacco ban. Then my wife and i would HAVE to quit, and come on, who is gonna pay blackmarket prices for tobacco? lol...

as far as the energy drinks go, lol.. at the old Childrens Hospital in denver they have a guy who makes lattes and cappachinos at this little bar. On the front of his cash register is a sign that says

"Unattended children will recieve a free espresso and puppy"

Old 10-11-2007, 04:20 PM
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If smoking is banned states will lose millions of dollars in taxes..period. They wont want to give up that money. They will NEVER ban smoking all the way.
Old 10-11-2007, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack
i would actually be more than happy to vote in favor of a complete tobacco ban. Then my wife and i would HAVE to quit, and come on, who is gonna pay blackmarket prices for tobacco? lol...

as far as the energy drinks go, lol.. at the old Childrens Hospital in denver they have a guy who makes lattes and cappachinos at this little bar. On the front of his cash register is a sign that says

"Unattended children will recieve a free espresso and puppy"

LOL...that's pretty damn funny.

03DSG is 100% correct. That's a whole nother ball of wax. We fund SEVERAL health realated programs through the use of tobacco taxes here in Cali, so banning tobacco all together would result in millions of dollars lost...it would be like shooting oursleves in the foot.
Old 10-11-2007, 04:44 PM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
LOL...that's pretty damn funny.

03DSG is 100% correct. That's a whole nother ball of wax. We fund SEVERAL health realated programs through the use of tobacco taxes here in Cali, so banning tobacco all together would result in millions of dollars lost...it would be like shooting oursleves in the foot.
Funny aint it?

You can not smoke at work, you cant smoke in your car, you cannot smoke in any public/private building or outside or in parks or anywhere, and your cigerettes will go up another 4 bucks a pack, your health insurance will skyrocket. We will tell you what a horrible person you are, we will make you look like unfit parents and sub-human, we will write you tickets left and right and nag you untill the day you die.

But we really DO need you to keep smoking, please accommodate us to the same degree that we are unwilling to accommodate you.

Old 10-11-2007, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack
Funny aint it?

You can not smoke at work, you cant smoke in your car, you cannot smoke in any public/private building or outside or in parks or anywhere, and your cigerettes will go up another 4 bucks a pack, your health insurance will skyrocket. We will tell you what a horrible person you are, we will make you look like unfit parents and sub-human, we will write you tickets left and right and nag you untill the day you die.

But we really DO need you to keep smoking, please accommodate us to the same degree that we are unwilling to accommodate you.

You nailed it on the head dude!
Old 10-11-2007, 05:32 PM
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Well wright my ticket! Arkansas passed a law like that not long ago too. I say Fug em! Im going to smoke in my own space as long as I want. I will crack a window and let the smoke go out. My parrents smoked infront of me and the only seat bealt I have ever worn to this day was either my moms or step dads arm flying across my chest. The feds have too much friggen power as it is....... just another reason I am the way I am..... to hell with the US of fuggen A. Just my 2 cents worth!
Old 10-11-2007, 05:43 PM
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Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet
My parrents smoked infront of me and the only seat bealt I have ever worn to this day was either my moms or step dads arm flying across my chest.!

hahahaha my mom pulled that same ****. If she had to slam on the breaks she would fling her right arm across my chest in an effort to ensure i wouldnt fly through the windshield. lmao

the funny thing is people have been raising perfectly good respectful well behaved children for thousands of years.

Then the lobbiests decide the govt needs to tell people how to raise thier children, cant do this, cant do that. Now we got a bunch of disrespectful spoiled brats with a crappy education doin drugs and getting pregnant and the parents really cant do a whole lot of **** about it or they will lose thier kids to social services.

They really oughtta give the parents the right to use the belt again.
Old 10-14-2007, 09:41 AM
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Jack made some great points in his post and this is why these laws scare me a bit....where do you draw the line?

As far as pointing out that things were much more dangerous in the past with kids in cars, that is surely true. Anyone who has had a bady in the last 10 - 12 years knows that the hospital won't let you take the kid home w/o a legal infant seat. ****, my mom brought all of us home on her lap....you go to jail for that now.

But, let's look at too important facts:

#1 - The biggest cause of death for children is car accidents

#2 - The government gets TONS of revenue from smoking and fuel.

Why do I bring up fuel? Because as cars become more fuel efficient, the government is so concerned about a loss in tax revenue that they want to start taxing us for mile driven. Same will happen if you get rid of smoking.

If you want to cut-back on smoking, raise taxes and ensure that the revenue goes for smoking-related issues and don't allow the government to use the money for whatever they want.

We do have to protect our kids and smokign is very annoying to those of us that don't smoke....drives me nuts and I think most smokers are completely ignorant. If smokers just kept to themselves, I would not care. But, ****, you can't even walk into a store w/o stepping on 400 cigarette butts on the sidewalks.

Want to know the truth? Most non-smokers think that smokers are ignorant morons. We are all tired of the smell, the butts, and the dam smoke breaks (****, I have often wish I had started so I could take 15 breaks a day). It does make us sick when we see people smoking in cars with kids. We don't buy cars or houses that were owned by smokers and it drives me nuts in the winter that you can't walk into a store w/o some ******* smoking in the friggin entrance.

So unfortunately most non-smokers, depsite their belief in having rights, tend to favor these smoking ban type laws w/o regard to all the other consequences.

Me? I say smoke if you want in your own private places. If you did, no one would care.

And yes, the rest of the world is laughing at us. Not because we care about kids, but because for a country that is supposed ot have freedoms, we seem to loose more and more of them everyday. Ever been to Europe? Everyone smokes there (that why their teeth are soo bad - lol)
Old 10-16-2007, 05:53 PM
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Old 10-16-2007, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Dude
Smoking kills, period.

Hope you quit.

Do we REALLY need everyone living forever?
Old 10-25-2007, 02:41 PM
suckinit's Avatar
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What, cars dont have windows?

Kids dont have bicycles and skateboards? If you dont like the smoke little bobby get your own ******* ride. I'll smoke my lucky strikes with the windows rolled up, until I cant see out of my window.

All this recent controversy; lead paint in toys, "global warming", Internet pedophiles, is all leading to a generation of snot noses who will be devoid of the skills for protecting, and thinking for themselves.

By the time they get out into the real world, it will all have been good training for the future when the government regulates the time, and odor infringement of their *****.

Smoke em if you got em.
Old 11-24-2007, 06:44 AM
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Originally Posted by suckinit
What, cars dont have windows?

Kids dont have bicycles and skateboards? If you dont like the smoke little bobby get your own ******* ride. I'll smoke my lucky strikes with the windows rolled up, until I cant see out of my window.

All this recent controversy; lead paint in toys, "global warming", Internet pedophiles, is all leading to a generation of snot noses who will be devoid of the skills for protecting, and thinking for themselves.

By the time they get out into the real world, it will all have been good training for the future when the government regulates the time, and odor infringement of their *****.

Smoke em if you got em.

The no smoking with a child in the car is a decent law. If your smoking with a kid in the car that is obviously going to affect their health. And the whole window being down. If you put your window down not 100% of all the smoke is going to leak out. If you want to test this, smoke with your window down then get out of your car and get someone to smell your clothes.... Smoking in the car with a kid is worse than letting your kid smoke on account second hand smoke is worse for your health. The whole restaurant thing is somewhat stupid. I can see how some people might not want to be eating and smell smoke but thats not your choice. It is the business's decision on whether to allow smoking in their store or not. If you want to eat there eat if not dont. The whole 10 foot deal is stupid though. I can see how some people may not want to leave their office building and be welcomed to the road by a man smoking but suck it up people. Unless your somehow allergic to smoke then that 3 steps past a man smoking should not be that much of an annoyance to you.
Old 11-24-2007, 08:39 AM
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Thats what happens when you have to many tree hugers they want to bring communism here to the states. Good thing they all live in California best thing that could happen is that Cali breaks off from US and becomes its own conunty. That way when they put all those florencent lights in their landfill they will die from mecury poisioning.
Old 11-24-2007, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by venom
Thats what happens when you have to many tree hugers they want to bring communism here to the states. Good thing they all live in California best thing that could happen is that Cali breaks off from US and becomes its own conunty. That way when they put all those florencent lights in their landfill they will die from mecury poisioning.
Old 11-24-2007, 02:07 PM
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Old 11-24-2007, 02:15 PM
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Cali is gonna be so full of those stupid *** common sence laws that eventually unless you think a specific way you will be a criminal

its amazing how many people think that it is a wonderful idea to **** away your freedoms by making everything that is a "bad idea" illegal.
Old 11-24-2007, 02:18 PM
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I'm still pissed about Colorado banning smoking indoors.
Old 11-24-2007, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Badfish
I'm still pissed about Colorado banning smoking indoors.
There are a bunch of bars downtown denver that allow smoking still. The Celtic is one of them. Also u can still smoke in strip clubs if you wanna have a bunch of beatdown oldass strippers waggle thier post pregnancy stomachebag and cecarian scars in yer face

Quick Reply: Cali bans smoking in cars with kids!

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