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Old 05-31-2006, 08:26 AM
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Originally Posted by 1 BAD S
whatever dude. now you just said that you think what we're doing over there not wrong, but your against the war. hmmmmmm

I don't think what we are doing over there (which is attempting to stabilize a country in utter turmoil) is wrong. I believe that the initial situation in Iraq as to why we invaded, and the subsequent change and manipulation of the American people, is wrong. Many times a course of action is necessary, and in my eyes I did not see Iraq as a necessary choice. Afganistan, yes. Iraq, no.
Old 05-31-2006, 02:14 PM
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I really hope none of you guys are involved with Michael Crook and his bullsh*t, then I'd have to take away your Mustangs and de-idiot them.

Anyway, I'm not one for talking political bs over the internet, or in real life. As most people have their side, and usually are hard to break from their point of view, I know I have my view, and a couple of formally typed paragraphs on an internet forum certainately isn't going to change my opinion. All I'm willing to say is that I partially support the war in Iraq, and fully support the operations in A-stan. The reason I only partially support the war in Iraq is because, Iraq isn't doing anything to help us help them. That country is as corrupt as one gets and realy just needs to start over. We are doing a good thing over there, if some soldiers kill a few Iraqi civilians, so what? Who are we, that have never been in combat, to judge a soldier over there with constant stress, physical and emotional drain. There's a 99% chance that none of you guys know anything about what is REALLY going on over there, I know I don't. Maybe if you are a soldier and have been on tour in Iraq, and actually were in the combat and security stages of it, then yes, your opinion should be worthwhile. but the rest of us really do not hold a worth while opinion. Judging something without experiencing it isn't exactly a smart thing to do, but we all do it anyway whether we like it or not, it's natural.

All I can say is that I support our troops 99.999% for what they are doing, 1 out of everything 100,000 may be bad, how often do you see on our news, something positive about a soldier's action in Iraq? I rarely see it, how often do you see something negative about the soldiers in Iraq? My point exactly. The news likes to tell you how many of our soldiers died every day, do they say out of how many? Do they say how many insurgents our soldiers have terminated or captured each day? Do they say how many yards of ground we have gained in a city each day?

Chances are, you never hear the positive in the media, just the negative.

If you want something positive, ask a soldier, don't watch the news.
here's something positive for a change:

I haven't decided if I want to join the military or not, it's not because of the whole "I don't want to die" sh*t that teenagers pull out their ***, that is not what the military is about. Only ignorant fools think that every career position iin the military involves a gun and blood. If I were to join the military, that's where I would want to be, personally, because that's where I know I could make the biggest difference. No matter what I do in the future I will always support our soldiers, the guys with the reversed American flags on their right shoulders are my heroes, don't ever, EVER, lay the blame on them for a decision a few politicians sitting at a desk made.

Doesn't matter to me the "initial purpose" of our "invasion" of Iraq, all that matters to me is that a tyrant - Suddam Hussein, has been removed from power. Pro war or Anti war, you have to understand how much of a monster this person was, and taking him out was something that had to be done, just so happened the US was finally the one that decided to step up and do it.

But as I said in the beginning of my post, this stuff won't change your mind, you'll probably forget everything that everyone has said in this thread within the next 10 minutes. Which is why topics like this are useless, they have no effect on other people. All it does is give people that love to argue a chance to speak their mind and showoff how much BS they know.

A few months ago, I was in the habit of compiling some tribute videos for our troops, here are a few of them if you want to download and watch them:
Old 05-31-2006, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by MTShambles

I don't think what we are doing over there (which is attempting to stabilize a country in utter turmoil) is wrong. I believe that the initial situation in Iraq as to why we invaded, and the subsequent change and manipulation of the American people, is wrong. Many times a course of action is necessary, and in my eyes I did not see Iraq as a necessary choice. Afganistan, yes. Iraq, no.
im tired of reading your lips dude
Old 05-31-2006, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by madmatt
That was the natural disaster part. LOL re read it.
sorry dude i must have missed that part. ive been reading so much BS on here, i must have just skimmed over it. my bad. all in all, it was a great post!
Old 05-31-2006, 03:11 PM
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I like president Bush. IMO he did the best he could with what he had. Let's not forget that someone had to feed him the intel. I know we can't change the past and we can't predict the future but lets just say that tomorrow we find a ****pile of WMD in Iraq. Does that make it all better? Will that make Bush look like he knew what he was doing? Maybe. But at the end of the day we still have thousands of troops in harms way that need our support.

This thread was about BUSH, good/bad/whatever. You want to know what I like about him? Why I believe he did a good job? Because I don't see any fighting here, on our soil. The attacks we sustained could have been just the begining to the pain we could have felt here. Once again, we can't change the past or predict the future. He took the fight to "them". Does anyone remember the "axis of evil" speach?

I am proud to say I was a part of this war. I went over to fight, not for oil or for any political BS, but because Mr. Bush sent me. I will go back too when it is my turn, no matter who is in office. I fight there so we don't have to here.
Old 05-31-2006, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by steve-o
I like president Bush. IMO he did the best he could with what he had. Let's not forget that someone had to feed him the intel. I know we can't change the past and we can't predict the future but lets just say that tomorrow we find a ****pile of WMD in Iraq. Does that make it all better? Will that make Bush look like he knew what he was doing? Maybe. But at the end of the day we still have thousands of troops in harms way that need our support.

This thread was about BUSH, good/bad/whatever. You want to know what I like about him? Why I believe he did a good job? Because I don't see any fighting here, on our soil. The attacks we sustained could have been just the begining to the pain we could have felt here. Once again, we can't change the past or predict the future. He took the fight to "them". Does anyone remember the "axis of evil" speach?

I am proud to say I was a part of this war. I went over to fight, not for oil or for any political BS, but because Mr. Bush sent me. I will go back too when it is my turn, no matter who is in office. I fight there so we don't have to here.
thanks for your service man. and are you a f-16 driver, or do you just like the viper
Old 05-31-2006, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by 1 BAD S
thanks for your service man. and are you a f-16 driver, or do you just like the viper
It would actually be an F-16 Pilot, and by viper, I think you mean Falcon?

But as you said, Thanks for your service bro.
Old 05-31-2006, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by PColav6
It would actually be an F-16 Pilot, and by viper, I think you mean Falcon?

But as you said, Thanks for your service bro.
are u fuggin kiddin me. alot of US pilots call ourselves drivers. like my dads license plate reads B1 DRVR (for B1 Driver). its a play on words. and if you dont know the name for the f-16 is viper then you shouldnt be talking to me right now. ask any f-16 pilot if he drives the Viper, they'll know exactly what your talking about. noone calls the 16 a falcon (unless your gay) everyone knows it as the Viper. Steve-O i hope you drive the Viper so you can educate this guy on the Viper. and if he dosent, listen to these guys songs. they are two Viper pilots. http://www.myspace.com/dosgringosrocks
Old 05-31-2006, 10:45 PM
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Originally Posted by 1 BAD S
are u fuggin kiddin me. alot of US pilots call ourselves drivers. like my dads license plate reads B1 DRVR (for B1 Driver). its a play on words. and if you dont know the name for the f-16 is viper then you shouldnt be talking to me right now. ask any f-16 pilot if he drives the Viper, they'll know exactly what your talking about. noone calls the 16 a falcon (unless your gay) everyone knows it as the Viper. Steve-O i hope you drive the Viper so you can educate this guy on the Viper. and if he dosent, listen to these guys songs. they are two Viper pilots. http://www.myspace.com/dosgringosrocks
That's interesting, never knew they'd call it the Viper.. pretty stupid since the Viper is a girly car.

but anywho, yo said "ourselves" are you a pilot? If not, please change that word, poser! j/k.
Old 05-31-2006, 11:20 PM
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Originally Posted by PColav6
That's interesting, never knew they'd call it the Viper.. pretty stupid since the Viper is a girly car.

but anywho, yo said "ourselves" are you a pilot? If not, please change that word, poser! j/k.
i am a pilot, and i would take a viper anyday, both the f-16 and the dodge
Old 06-01-2006, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by 1 BAD S
thanks for your service man. and are you a f-16 driver, or do you just like the viper
Thanks. I am not a pilot though, I am a crew chief on the F-16. I started on the F-15 but when I got off active duty and went to the guard the base I went to had the 16. Oh....and as for the viper thing, the 16 is the falcon. The vid of the pilots that say they are vipor pilots or whatever, they are probably refering to their squadron.
Old 06-01-2006, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by steve-o
Thanks. I am not a pilot though, I am a crew chief on the F-16. I started on the F-15 but when I got off active duty and went to the guard the base I went to had the 16. Oh....and as for the viper thing, the 16 is the falcon. The vid of the pilots that say they are vipor pilots or whatever, they are probably refering to their squadron.
ok, let me do a little educating. does anyone know who made the "Viper"? Lockheed Martin. and yes the OFFICIAL air force name for the 16 in the Fighting Falcon. but that name wasnt given to it right when it was made. all the pilots called it the Viper, and when the air force named it the Fighting Falcon all the pilots kept calling it the Viper. they said the name Fighting Falcon was too gay for the 16. and no steve-o its not their squadron. if you listen in their songs it say something along this line, "if you drive the Viper" and things along that line. steve-o if you ever get the chance ask a guy who flies the 16 about the Viper. im 99.9% sure he'll know about it. just go on yahoo or something and type in f-16 viper, you wont get a squadron. heres a place i go to http://www.f16viper.org/
Old 06-01-2006, 02:18 PM
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o and by the way steve-o, ive been thinking about what im going to do if i get a choice in the f-15 or the f-16. i like the f-16, its like my favorite plane, but the f-15 is sweet also. and also the 15's are crossing over to the f-22. which one do you like better?
Old 06-01-2006, 02:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper

Instantly agreeing with a ****ing chimp in a cheap suit who is reading a teleprompter as his friends make his decisions is not a requirement for patriotism..
What are you talking about, Bush is always the smartest guy in the room and we should follow him wherever he wants to take us and believe everything that he says! ha ha ha ha.....Just like jack azz Al Gore invented the internet! Yeah right!
Old 06-01-2006, 02:23 PM
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F-14 dominated all of them.
Old 06-01-2006, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by PColav6
F-14 dominated all of them.
now i cant agree with you 100% on that, but i do agree that its a bada$$ plane. it just sucks that they're not trainning anymore students on it. their slowly going to get fazed out (which blows big time)
Old 06-01-2006, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by 1 BAD S
o and by the way steve-o, ive been thinking about what im going to do if i get a choice in the f-15 or the f-16. i like the f-16, its like my favorite plane, but the f-15 is sweet also. and also the 15's are crossing over to the f-22. which one do you like better?
If you are looking at being a pilot I really can't help you there but from the mechanic side I would say the 16 is more maintenance friendly but if you are taller than 5'1" then the 15 is the way to go. It is more of a maintenance pig but IMO you can't beat the 15. If I had my choice I would pick the 15. I was on the F-15E and that is fairly new. I can't see the F-22 phasing out the F-15 anytime soon. England just got some new (2002's I think) E models so if they are still building them I can't see them going away anytime soon.

What is your plans? pilot....maintenance.....what? Just curious.
Old 06-01-2006, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by 1 BAD S
now i cant agree with you 100% on that, but i do agree that its a bada$$ plane. it just sucks that they're not trainning anymore students on it. their slowly going to get fazed out (which blows big time)
Well TOPGUN already got rid of it several months ago, and I think all of them are almost gone.
Old 06-01-2006, 05:31 PM
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Originally Posted by steve-o
If you are looking at being a pilot I really can't help you there but from the mechanic side I would say the 16 is more maintenance friendly but if you are taller than 5'1" then the 15 is the way to go. It is more of a maintenance pig but IMO you can't beat the 15. If I had my choice I would pick the 15. I was on the F-15E and that is fairly new. I can't see the F-22 phasing out the F-15 anytime soon. England just got some new (2002's I think) E models so if they are still building them I can't see them going away anytime soon.

What is your plans? pilot....maintenance.....what? Just curious.
Pilot. My dads a pilot. my bro just got a pilot slot, hes going to UPT in Pensacola on the 12th of this month. but ya i think your right about the 15 being around for awhile. i think it will take awhile to get all the 22's in. but if i had my choice with the 15 i would want to fly the "slick" or the one seater. but then again the E is the newest also it would be a little more fun with a nav in the back seat ( Maverick and Goose style, lol). but ya im definitely going for a pilot slot out of ROTC
Old 06-01-2006, 07:33 PM
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