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Gay marriages:For or Against?

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Old 10-21-2005, 11:20 AM
4.6 Love's Avatar
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Exclamation Gay marriages:For or Against?

What is your position on gay couples getting married? As for me, i am catholic and have always been all my life, and so has everyone in my family for as long as i can remember. Not that i have anything against gay couple but i for one think that gay couples should not be allowed to marry. Why, you ask. Well for one thing, getting married is a sacred act reserved for a man and a woman. I don't know why all this commotion was even allowed to be started. What is your position on this matter? I know there is an upcoming vote as to whether this should be allowed. I don't see why gay people think they should have the same rights as a "regular" couple, I don't think any religion in the world approves of this behavior, but what do i know...We got into a big argument in our History class over this subject.

Please discuss...
Old 10-21-2005, 11:21 AM
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I say do what makes you happy as long as it dosen't harm others..... for it i guess
Old 10-21-2005, 12:41 PM
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Yea I agree with cobra, dispite what people feel whether their religion forbids gay marriage or not, not all marriages are cosumated in a church. Therefore the legality a gay marriage is not effected by a paritular view point of any one religion. Ultimately, whether or whether not christianity says it should be allowed is irrelivent. The law states nothing to make gay marriage unconstitutional, therefore there is no reason legally to deny them the right. Where as marriage is a spiritual ceremony, the legal bind is not. I'm for it, why deny some one something because they are different? Not a logical argument.
Old 10-21-2005, 12:56 PM
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I could care less if they do or not. It's their life.
Old 10-21-2005, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Grimmz
Yea I agree with cobra, dispite what people feel whether their religion forbids gay marriage or not, not all marriages are cosumated in a church. Therefore the legality a gay marriage is not effected by a paritular view point of any one religion. Ultimately, whether or whether not christianity says it should be allowed is irrelivent. The law states nothing to make gay marriage unconstitutional, therefore there is no reason legally to deny them the right. Where as marriage is a spiritual ceremony, the legal bind is not. I'm for it, why deny some one something because they are different? Not a logical argument.
I disagree. It is the acceptance of (what I find to be) deviant sexual behavior and should be discouraged for health and societal reasons.

We all have lines that we draw for ourselves as to what is normal, what is tolerable, and what is unacceptable. I am willing to tolerate homosexual behavior as long as it is not accepted as a normal healthy life choice, which allowing homosexual marriage will force us to do.

In other words, those who are for it, believe that it is ok for homosexuals to marry and set and example for others and believe it is a normal lifestyle...
Old 10-21-2005, 01:03 PM
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I don't exactly agree with gay marriage but don't think it should be prohibited. You have the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness so if one dude marries another dude or two chicks marry , hopefully it brings them happiness. It is the religious aspect that finds fault in the same sex marriage not the legal. As far as I know there is still separation from the church and state so it's not really up to what the church decides. Sometimes you have to live with things you don't agree with, hell I don't agree with $2.30/ gal gas or inflation, or balding, but I guess I'll just have to suck it up.
Old 10-21-2005, 01:10 PM
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I could care less. Just keep that away from me, because how do i explain two guys walking down the street and holding hands to my kids.
Old 10-21-2005, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
What is your position on gay couples getting married? As for me, i am catholic and have always been all my life, and so has everyone in my family for as long as i can remember. Not that i have anything against gay couple but i for one think that gay couples should not be allowed to marry. Why, you ask. Well for one thing, getting married is a sacred act reserved for a man and a woman. I don't know why all this commotion was even allowed to be started. What is your position on this matter? I know there is an upcoming vote as to whether this should be allowed. I don't see why gay people think they should have the same rights as a "regular" couple, I don't think any religion in the world approves of this behavior, but what do i know...We got into a big argument in our History class over this subject.

Please discuss...

Correct me if I am wrong but isnt the Catholic religion the one that spend millions of dollars paying off families who had their male children touched and raped by priests. Not only that but the top tier priests covered it up by moving them from one parish to another if something happend. THey didnt have them arrested, kicked out of the church, nope move them someplace else.

For a religion having such strong stance against gay marriage there is sure alot of leway in other instances.

While I myself wouldnt wanna see or watch two guys kissing, humping, whatever they should have the same rights and be able to marry as normal people. Why should they not? They arent hurting anyone else.

Besides if you dont like the gay sex, the more that are married the less gay sex there will be.

Also if marriage is so sacred then why is it that over 50% end in divorce, yeah people really take that seriously.

Originally Posted by foncarelli
I could care less. Just keep that away from me, because how do i explain two guys walking down the street and holding hands to my kids.
Say its two guys holding hands walking down the street. You dont think if they dont already they wont know what gay is soon enough.

Its not like they are screwing on the streets. As much as I dont wanna see it either there are a helluva lot worse things out there.
Old 10-21-2005, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
I disagree. It is the acceptance of (what I find to be) deviant sexual behavior and should be discouraged for health and societal reasons.
Ok but then who decides what is actually a deviation? The Greeks, the Roman's, and the Arab's have all tested homosexuality as a part of their culture. In an argument like that no one can possibly win because your premise of "sexual devience" is relative. When you argue for something that is relative, no truth will ever come out of it. One of the reasons the constitution was written was as a tool for seperation of church and state, ie at the time civil rights for blacks, though out the years it has remained a tool to use when determining freedoms not exactly liked by religions. Many Southern catholic institutions spoke freely against freedom for blacks, yet we all agree everyone is equal today...In time what you believe society finds disgusting and deviant, will become's going to happen, as long as your secure with your sexuality I see no reason why that would effect you?
Old 10-21-2005, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by 04DarkShadowGT

Correct me if I am wrong but isnt the Catholic religion the one that spend millions of dollars paying off families who had their male children touched and raped by priests. Not only that but the top tier priests covered it up by moving them from one parish to another if something happend. THey didnt have them arrested, kicked out of the church, nope move them someplace else.

For a religion having such strong stance against gay marriage there is sure alot of leway in other instances.

While I myself wouldnt wanna see or watch two guys kissing, humping, whatever they should have the same rights and be able to marry as normal people. Why should they not? They arent hurting anyone else.

Besides if you dont like the gay sex, the more that are married the less gay sex there will be.
There are always bad seeds out there, no matter who you are or what religion you are.

The problem with most people is that they see marriage as some sort of right, and I and many religious people see it as a privilage.

My really legit reason why gays shouldn't marry(other than that it is morally wrong) is because it begins a slippery slope of what constitutes a healthy union between two people. It paves the way for more "deviant" behavior to arise. Should i be allowed to marry my 15 yr old sister just because i "love" her and she loves me? Or whos to say i can't marry my dog? You see what i mean? Do you people have a problem with moral standards? Should we just do away with them entirely?
Old 10-21-2005, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by 04DarkShadowGT
Its not like they are screwing on the streets. As much as I dont wanna see it either there are a helluva lot worse things out there.
LoL yeah it's funny, I didn't find out my Uncle was Gay until I was me he just lived with his roomate for the past 7 years. His mother doesn't even know...not everyone's Gaydar is that finely tuned...
Old 10-21-2005, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
The problem with most people is that they see marriage as some sort of right, and I and many religious people see it as a privilage.
Yeah, but the judicial system see's it as a right...and as DarkShadowGT pointed out, that perception has changed now that the divorce rate is almost 50%...
Old 10-21-2005, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by 4.6 Love

My really legit reason why gays shouldn't marry(other than that it is morally wrong) is because it begins a slippery slope of what constitutes a healthy union between two people. It paves the way for more "deviant" behavior to arise. Should i be allowed to marry my 15 yr old sister just because i "love" her and she loves me? Or whos to say i can't marry my dog? You see what i mean? Do you people have a problem with moral standards? Should we just do away with them entirely?

In this country you can't marry your sister, but in the Arab countries you usually end up marrying a about devients!'s funny you mention a slippery slope, because thats what your argument is, a slippery slope i'm sure you've taken courses in philosophy a slippery slope arguement occurs when an argument is presented on evidence that can not be tested or proven. For instance, when the blacks were free'd many people believed they would run on a rampage and kill all the whites...that was one of their arguments against freeing them, of course we know what happened when they were free'd. You can't base an argument on facts that can't be proven...I don't wana **** you off here or cause an up roar but in order to argue on this you have to come up with some better legitimate reasons...and they are out there, i'm just not guna tell ya LoL
Old 10-21-2005, 01:34 PM
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My eye is on this thread. If this turns ugly, its closed.
Old 10-21-2005, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
There are always bad seeds out there, no matter who you are or what religion you are.

The problem with most people is that they see marriage as some sort of right, and I and many religious people see it as a privilage.

My really legit reason why gays shouldn't marry(other than that it is morally wrong) is because it begins a slippery slope of what constitutes a healthy union between two people. It paves the way for more "deviant" behavior to arise. Should i be allowed to marry my 15 yr old sister just because i "love" her and she loves me? Or whos to say i can't marry my dog? You see what i mean? Do you people have a problem with moral standards? Should we just do away with them entirely?

You know what if your kid turned out to like the same sex? if mine does then i'll still love it and care for it the same. y worry what everyone else does. i'm sure that some of the stuff i do with my female friends is considered deviant. but they like it so y not. i ain't hurting anybody as long as it's wanted you violate peoples rights by tellin them what to odo and what not to do they are not kids
how can you take away someones happiness just because you don't like it?
Old 10-21-2005, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by MTShambles
My eye is on this thread. If this turns ugly, its closed.
I love it when your eyes are on me! cough cough free stuff cough!
Old 10-21-2005, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Grimmz
In this country you can't marry your sister, but in the Arab countries you usually end up marrying a about devients!'s funny you mention a slippery slope, because thats what your argument is, a slippery slope i'm sure you've taken courses in philosophy a slippery slope arguement occurs when an argument is presented on evidence that can not be tested or proven. For instance, when the blacks were free'd many people believed they would run on a rampage and kill all the whites...that was one of their arguments against freeing them, of course we know what happened when they were free'd. You can't base an argument on facts that can't be proven...I don't wana **** you off here or cause an up roar but in order to argue on this you have to come up with some better legitimate reasons...and they are out there, i'm just not guna tell ya LoL
i agree i know people that are racist toward black people. the reason is the same..... People's human nature is to be afraid of things they do not understand. my morals are diff than yours but who's to say yours are better or worse than mine it's all relative to an opinion you or i have.
Old 10-21-2005, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Grimmz
I love it when your eyes are on me! cough cough free stuff cough!
Let me ask you are you a girl? No flame intended..
Old 10-21-2005, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Grimmz
In this country you can't marry your sister, but in the Arab countries you usually end up marrying a cousin...

That's my point exactly, where does it stop? Why can't i marry my sister, or my dog? Just because laws say i can't or is it because its wrong? What do you think?
Old 10-21-2005, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Grimmz
I love it when your eyes are on me! cough cough free stuff cough!

Your getting free stuff tollerating you on the forums
Old 10-21-2005, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
That's my point exactly, where does it stop? Why can't i marry my sister, or my dog? Just because laws say i can't or is it because its wrong? What do you think?
Well it's called in breeding happens all the time in westren ky genome thing can't have a child if you the same sex...... and a dog dosen't have a mental capacity but hey if you wanna go ahead. the point is this just because you want to marry your dog dosen't mean i have so i'll live my life the same as long as you don't like screw it in my yard...
Old 10-21-2005, 02:43 PM
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Whether you believe it or not being gay is not a choice, do you really think that someone would say yeah Im going to chose a life style where idiots and asshats hate me because of who I choose to date or marry.

So what would you do if you had a child that was gay? Would you dis-own them, try to convert them to be straight, or would you do the right thing and love them for who they are.

No one against it has shown any examples of how a gay couple being married negatively affects your life.
Old 10-21-2005, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by 04DarkShadowGT
Whether you believe it or not being gay is not a choice, do you really think that someone would say yeah Im going to chose a life style where idiots and asshats hate me because of who I choose to date or marry.

So what would you do if you had a child that was gay? Would you dis-own them, try to convert them to be straight, or would you do the right thing and love them for who they are.

No one against it has shown any examples of how a gay couple being married negatively affects your life.
It is not a question of wether or not it affects my life or your life directly, it is a question of morals...If i had a son who was gay, i would love him with all my heart but i would never approve of him marrying another man...
Do you approve of gay couples adopting kids?
Old 10-21-2005, 03:45 PM
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I have no problem with gay marriage but i think it should be adam and eve rather then adam and steve.
Old 10-21-2005, 04:00 PM
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Originally Posted by 95bstallion
I have no problem with gay marriage but i think it should be adam and eve rather then adam and steve.
Yes that is my point...therefore it shouldn't be allowed...
Old 10-21-2005, 09:02 PM
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I could care less if gays marry each other. Its thier life.

I can agree with both sides of this debate though.

But If I were to vote right now whether to allow it or not..I would vote NO.
Old 10-21-2005, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by 04DarkShadowGT
Whether you believe it or not being gay is not a choice, do you really think that someone would say yeah Im going to chose a life style where idiots and asshats hate me because of who I choose to date or marry.

So what would you do if you had a child that was gay? Would you dis-own them, try to convert them to be straight, or would you do the right thing and love them for who they are.

No one against it has shown any examples of how a gay couple being married negatively affects your life.
My vote would be NO as well...I don't know that I necessarily believe that it is not a choice. I mean, I think that it has a lot to do with just uniqueness in general. A kid is different than a lot his peers for whatever reason and gets picked on for it or whatever, continually being told he/she is weird, different and then starts to wonder and actually convinces themselves that they are. Not to mention that homosexuality is becoming more and more public, and so the slightest thing that makes someone question themselves about being different and so they just label themselves as gay to compensate.

I agree with this debate being a slippery slope. An argument on this topic could bring into question religion and its foundation in general. I mean, looking from the christian point of view, God created/s us. Does not mean that God thus creates gays, if you say that it is not choice? But the argument is usually that the church and God is against homosexuality. Can God be against what he creates? Why would he create them if it were so bad? Does that not also mean that God creates all the people who may have birth defects or diseases from birth or whatever the case may be? The whole concept can really raise a lot of questions to make you think about.

I have to say that I am not a strong religious person. My philosophy is that there must be some other higher power of some kind because there just has to be an explanation of how we got here. But then, who created God? Where did he come from? Is it a he? Evolution has been proven as FACT whether people want to believe in it or not, whereas the basis for religion has not. Only books from many, many years ago, that have been translated, which may or may not represent the truth from the originals. Is it not possible that God is some kind of microscopic bacteria, seeing as how bacteria was the first organisms. He may have just been the first bacteria.

This could go on all night, and my head is starting hurt thinking about all of this, so I guess I will stop now.

Old 10-21-2005, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Grimmz
not all marriages are cosumated in a church.
I have been to a lot of marriages and never saw a single one consumated in a church. That is what you do in the limo.
Old 10-21-2005, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
I have been to a lot of marriages and never saw a single one consumated in a church. That is what you do in the limo.

LoL you know what i mean...i understand people's belief is that marriage is sacred and so on, but the same insititution to them, is different to another. That is to say a Roman Catholic Marriage in an archdiocies is not guna be the same ceremony taht a gay couple would have. I think it all comes down to the fact that there really is no legitimate reason against gay marriage, aside from the icky feelings people get when they think two guyz being together...instead of thinkin two guys, why not think about two very attractive Blond bombshells wanting to marry, it's the same principle...yet some how I find it hard to believe you guyz would have as big a problem with them.

I think the concern is more of a "de-masculating" epedemic than anything else. While yes no one wants to see two guyz do at it, billions a year are made on two women doing it...I have yet to hear one legitimate and legal reason why gay marriage shouldn't be allowed. For me that is all that matters, as soon as you bring religion and feelings into it, the entire argument has gone to hell...
Old 10-21-2005, 11:13 PM
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people are forgetting that marriage originated by God for unity between husband and wife. We americanzie wedding, but the fact still remains, that marriage was designed for husband and wife. If everyone was gay...the world could not exist. yes, gays can adopt...but where did the baby come from? the production of a man and woman. So if more and more people are gay, there will be less to adopt and therefore..less population.

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