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Old 07-30-2006, 06:41 PM
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texaspaul- do you agree with drinking? if you were old enough to even think about drinking a beer then would you? i imagine your parents drink a few every now and then, so do you look down upon them? if you do then you sir, are a hypocrite

its the exact same thing basically....not chemically, but the principle is the impairs your senses....people like that far as being dumb goes? no, thats un-true....un wise? thats a possibility.....but if you tracked down every person in the top 5% of your class rank, and the top 5% of s.a.t. would find atleast half of them smoke i know thats a pretty large assumption, but i would almost garuntee it....because weed stimulates your mind and order to learn your brain must be stimulated....and quite frankly, how could the possibly do all of the studying, i mean its so boring? not when your high, you will probablly be able to find a way to make it funny and keep yourself least thats what they all tell me.... done

EDIT: ok sorry paul, i just read the post that said you disagreed with drinking
Old 07-30-2006, 06:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Badfish
why!? IMO people have a right to do whatever the hell they want to themselves. as long as it doesnt endanger anyone else (drunk driving, very wrong) why does it matter?
yes...but everything in some way affects someone else....if the you became sober then tryed to join the military...and they would accept you because of your past mistakes...and they wouldnt allow you a job....since their policy states that...if you had a idea that would save the world but since you werent in a job that could use that idea...then thats like riping the military off of a good soldier....
Old 07-30-2006, 06:46 PM
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i smoke a LITTLE bit before studying. it calms me down and focuses my mind
Old 07-30-2006, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Badfish
i smoke a LITTLE bit before studying. it calms me down and focuses my mind
Do you listen to some Jack Johson or Bob Marley while you're at it? lmao..

Come on guys........smoking weed to help yourself study? Get real, just turn off the TV.
Old 07-30-2006, 07:07 PM
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jack johnson is a flaming ***. and yes i enjoy marley (please see custom user title)

and uh yes. and its proved quite effective. its not like im smoking my self into a stupid state. i mean smoke just a tiny bit..maybe 2-3 small hits. it centers me, calms me down, and enables me to concentrate and become more engulfed in whatever it is im studying. good grades earned me a GT.
Old 07-30-2006, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by 99vertV6
texaspaul- do you agree with drinking? if you were old enough to even think about drinking a beer then would you? i imagine your parents drink a few every now and then, so do you look down upon them? if you do then you sir, are a hypocrite
i think its ok to have a drink or two...but getin drunk is what i think is wrong

honestly my parents dont drink at all....if they did thats ok...unless they got drunk...they personaly dont like the taste of alcohol...
even when im old enough to drink i wont....i dont like the taste of i have better things to do....
Old 07-30-2006, 07:23 PM
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well i kinda look at it like this....rules are set to be broken...and i really dont care what people do on there own time....just dont endanger anyone else and be sure to make legit decisions...pot doesnt impair me to the point that i cant function 100% normal....and as far as driving high goes....I dont do it, i refuse to drink and drive or smoke and drive....but when im riding with someone while high my senses higten and i become more alert do to the "cop factor"...
Old 07-30-2006, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by TEXASPAUL
i think its ok to have a drink or two...but getin drunk is what i think is wrong

honestly my parents dont drink at all....if they did thats ok...unless they got drunk...they personaly dont like the taste of alcohol...
even when im old enough to drink i wont....i dont like the taste of i have better things to do....
haha ok danny.

youre opinion will change...that or you will never have sex ever. (untill you get married) which was probably your goal anyway

(and no im not saying you need to do drugs n alcohol to get laid, but having such an opinion on those things will very soon backfire since you are going into high school)
Old 07-30-2006, 07:25 PM
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jack johnson is a flaming ***. and yes i enjoy marley (please see custom user title)
i second that
Old 07-30-2006, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Badfish
dumb things? making wise decisions? I'm sorry my freind but you have no idea what you're talking about. i am a very smart person, and firmly beleive i have a bright future. i know how to make informed, well thought out choices.

marijuana smokers arent all lazy dumbasses. it just so happens that alot of lazy dumbasses smoke marijuana.

by the way marijuana is proven to NOT kill brain cells. it impaires memory for a few days after use but thats it
you might think you have a bright future now but smoke weed regularly and often for a period of time and you will be a useless member of society that I and every other productive member of society will have to support because of the wonderful welfare laws in this country :bash:

You sir are living in ignorance if you truly believe weed does not do any long term damage to your body...I don't know where you got this information but whatever pot head site it was probably isn't the best source for this information. When you get to college you will learn to consider your source because there are morons everywhere that will say what you want to hear and have "research" to back it up.

As to your original question, I think all the people wanting to smoke weed should be allowed to smoke it so that we can speed up the process of allowing them to become useless and hopefully catch them before they breed future morons to our society.
Old 07-30-2006, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Badfish
haha ok danny.

youre opinion will change...that or you will never have sex ever. (untill you get married) which was probably your goal anyway

(and no im not saying you need to do drugs n alcohol to get laid, but having such an opinion on those things will very soon backfire since you are going into high school)
you sound like mister all wise with tons of life experiences seeing as you are a big high schooler
Old 07-30-2006, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by millatime
you sound like mister all wise with tons of life experiences seeing as you are a big high schooler
uh ok. when did i say "i have much life experience, i am older than everyone here , and because of that i am much wiser"

ive been thru highschool, he's just telling him what i know, about the **** that will happen in high school. how does that make me sound like im mister wise with tons of life experience?
Old 07-30-2006, 08:29 PM
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In all your wisdom you seem to know that high school will change this kid...If he has convictions he will stand behind them. He doesn't seem like a push over that follows the crowd or does whatever he has to for a laugh.
Old 07-30-2006, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by millatime
In all your wisdom you seem to know that high school will change this kid...If he has convictions he will stand behind them. He doesn't seem like a push over that follows the crowd or does whatever he has to for a laugh.

haha high school changes everybody, unless that person is so unsocial that he/she has no freinds to influence them. he is 14, i dont beleive he has mentally matured enough yet to have convictions backed by reasonable, somewhat educated thought. the only reason he does so now, is becuase his parents have been shoving it down his throat his whole life.
Old 07-30-2006, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by SpinMedia
Let me tell you a little about my pot smoking life...

All im going to say is i started doing pot on my 13th b-day, and quit when i was 17/18. I did it non stop for about 5 years, honestly, i really dont regret doing it early, because its just a child experience, I did it earlyer and ended it earlyer.

I did have good times when I was high and bad times:

Good times: Getting close with friends, chilling, just laying back and getting into really deep thoughts.

Bad times: Waste of money, Wrecked a car high, I got caught by the cops once and had to spend several months with attorneys and going to court which i finally got dropped, made me slow, i would hate having to try to sneak into my house and trying to fake it sober around my parents, The time my parents caught me with pot was one of the worst times in life, it messed me up in school, i crashed a car driving high once, i came close to getting into a really really deadly accident once because i was high with a bunch of friends in the car, actually had several close calls. Chicks hate it, it messes up your face, it gives you bad eye sights after years and it gives you bags in your face, now a days if i ever doing something "slow", something that i know should of took me a shorter amount of time, i always question to see if pot had damaged my brain in any way. Honestly it just wasn't worth it all and I wouldn't want to lose my job because of it.

Do i think it should be legal?
- If you would of asked me this question 3-4 years ago when i use to do it, i would of told you yes. If you ask me it now?. No, i think it should still remain illegal, after everything i did i wouldn't want other people going through that.I think its just a stage in your life, But none of the less if you do it just keep it in your house.
if you say so

but if you actually beleive in what you say, most of your marijuana cons revolve around driving. well no **** man, driving under any influence is stupid. my "girlfreind" (not sure where "we" are right now) loves it. its actually really sweet, nothing more fun then smokin a fattie followed by a nice male to female workout.

i know a certain someone with a black mustang that lives somewhat close to me...he's been smokin for a while (he's an old dude, he's 30) he's not "stupid"
marijana is proven that it does not damage the brain, if you feel stupider, its because you let your self get that way, the weed didnt do it.

i can respect the fact that you choose your career over mary jane (which i wil have to soon too) but blaming the herb for your ****ed up life or whatever is dumb. YOU chose to drive high, YOU let yourself get dumb, and YOU let yourself get caught...

your my homie, homie. dont take my post in a negative way
Old 07-30-2006, 08:59 PM
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I used to smoke everyday during lunch in highschool to come back to math class. It helped me concentrate on eveything a lot better than I would be sober. Getting an A the first semester and a B the second semester because I skipped the final exam seems like it helped me more than it hurt.

I started in middle school. mabye the summer after 7th grade and I smoked untill roughly the age of 20 on and off. I dont smoke anymore but ive noticed a huge increase in remembering things. It can be as simple as remembering something small that someone said 3 weeks ago, or just a huge batch of something you need to remember. You guys can claim that it doesnt kill brain cells or effect your memory, but its been scientificly proven that it does, and it sure did for me as well.

Should it be legalized? I think it should be. The government can grow high quality marijuana in HUGE HUGE batches and tax the hell out of it. With that said, you can have the cig and pot smokers essentially holding the economy up quite well as well as a big portion of the tax income.
Old 07-30-2006, 09:03 PM
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in my beginning years of hight school i did it. then when i hit my junior year i stopped. one thing i cant stand is when someone does it and brags about it. then you know hes doing it just to try to be cool. if you choose to do it thats fine. just dont come driving around me or any of my friends while your doing it, or dont start talking about how much weed you smoked the other night. it would be like me coming on these boards and saying i drank so much Dr. Pepper last night. i just dont see the point of telling people you did it.
Old 07-30-2006, 09:07 PM
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i never said it didnt kill memory. that is the one downside for me, i cant remeber alot of things (mostly words)

i just said it doesnt DAMAGE the brain, it just reduces your memory while you use it. it comes back if you sober up long enough
Old 07-30-2006, 09:08 PM
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I dont know why weed has a bad reputation..? Weed is no different than alchohol. It just **** with your decision making...just like alchohol.

like 60% of the WORLD smokes pot. Someone needs to legallize dat shyt so i can open my own damn LEGIT more jobs. Flowerist would be the #1 job market fa realzzzzzzzzzzzz
Old 07-30-2006, 09:12 PM
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Originally Posted by NoKturnaL
I dont know why weed has a bad reputation..? Weed is no different than alchohol. It just **** with your decision making...just like alchohol.

like 60% of the WORLD smokes pot. Someone needs to legallize dat shyt so i can open my own damn LEGIT more jobs. Flowerist would be the #1 job market fa realzzzzzzzzzzzz
hellz chea meng
Old 07-30-2006, 09:18 PM
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if anything. CIGGARETTES should be illegal. Those are BAD for your HEALTH.
Id rather smoke suttin that deals with your state of mind than suttin that really *** up your Lungs/heart...

hey? anyone know if there are any proven studies if Weed has the same affects on your lungs as ciggs do?
Old 07-30-2006, 09:34 PM
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not nearly as many chemicals in weed...but weed has way more tar...thats about all i know
Old 07-30-2006, 11:01 PM
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Our country revolved around tobacco, thats why its legal. You say people should be able to do whatever they want in their house. You smoking pot doesnt affect anyone but yourself. What about the reputation and shame that you, your parents and family get when they either find out you do it or you get caught? What about all the drug related crime? So if pot does become legal then people will just grow it themselves. Pot makes you tired, hungry, and forget things. I dont know about you guys, but I dont want a bunch of high people running around. It makes you do **** you normally wouldnt do.
Old 07-30-2006, 11:21 PM
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Originally Posted by 03gtmustang
Our country revolved around tobacco, thats why its legal. You say people should be able to do whatever they want in their house. You smoking pot doesnt affect anyone but yourself. What about the reputation and shame that you, your parents and family get when they either find out you do it or you get caught? What about all the drug related crime? So if pot does become legal then people will just grow it themselves. Pot makes you tired, hungry, and forget things. I dont know about you guys, but I dont want a bunch of high people running around. It makes you do **** you normally wouldnt do.
Old 07-31-2006, 05:30 AM
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alcohol is just as bad or even worse than marijuana! Im no pothead or nothing but i dont see why it is illegal. Weed does not make someone violent or do dumb things such as alcohol would! Never heard of any crimes because of weed other than someone having possesion/dealings with other people. But hey its all good, people still do it! haha
Old 07-31-2006, 09:04 AM
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Yes, and alcohol was once banned. But look what happened when they did that. The situation just got worse. They couldnt control it, people made it themselves in their basement. So they made it legal and put strict laws on it.

Why dont they do the same with weed? Think of the image we would get. Think of all the people that would grow it themselves and the government wouldnt make money off of it anyways. Look at the opium trade in China or whatever. Look what that did to civilization.
Old 07-31-2006, 09:14 AM
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All I have to say is it would be legal but the us government doesn't know how to go about taxing it. mostly because so many people grow it them selves. but untill they do figure out how to tax it, it will be illegal. I'm sure their thinking because think of how much money the us gov could profit from, we're talking BILLIONS. So for all you guys who do smoke up just wait i bet it will be legal soon.
Old 07-31-2006, 09:45 AM
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I only smoked weed once when i was 18...tried it, didn't like it but other than that..I have no comments about it..

Quick Reply: Marijuana.

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