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LOL Cindy Sheehan, at it again

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:20 PM
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Default LOL Cindy Sheehan, at it again

Damn this lady pisses me off, she's discracing her dead son in my opinion. He didnt join the army to hang around and get an education...anyone who does, did it for the wrong reason. Anyone else find this woman despicable. She just got arrested in front of the capitol...stupid woman. What do you guys think about this grace to American society?
Old 01-31-2006, 06:40 PM
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she's discracing her dead son in my opinion.
Couldn't have said it better, she's putting out the wrong message about the armed service internationally. I particulary don't like her, but people deal with death in their own ways... is blaming the President a reason? Last time I checked it was a volunteer system.
Old 01-31-2006, 06:47 PM
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Exactly what Im saying. You dont join the military for a job, you join KNOWING that you will MOST LIKELY get sent to Iraq, or to war somewhere, and you accept this, and he probably died, HONORABLY, fighting for his mom's right to sit on a corner and bitch about our president. She just pisses me off.
Old 01-31-2006, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by madmatt
and he probably died, HONORABLY, fighting for his mom's right to sit on a corner and bitch about our president.
there you go man-- she's just too stubborn to realize that..
Old 01-31-2006, 07:18 PM
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I think she just hates this war too much to realize that she's dishonoring not only her son but every one of his fallen brothers-in-arms. Someone needs to bring her back to reality.
Old 01-31-2006, 08:07 PM
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I'm a liberal democrat from the SF Bay Area and I even think she's an idiot! Yeah, I don't like the war much and don't have a problem with people protesting, because that's their right, but I think her son would be embarrassed of some of her action......especially getting arrested in the House Gallery before the State of the Union Address!

At first when she was camping out at the Presidents ranch it was kind of cool cause she was doing it for some face-to-face time with the President to express her opinion of the war, but then she started getting all kinds of attention and became an attention ***** who will do anything to get on tv.

There was a news story here in California that she is going to run for United States Senate.....what a joke, I won't be voting for her!
Old 01-31-2006, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
I'm a liberal democrat from the SF Bay Area
nobody likes war but u should always support the cause ...even if u dont think its right.
Not sayin people should go hide in a corner just sayin that a few people gripeing wont change anything!
Old 01-31-2006, 08:48 PM
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Oh lord, lets not EVEN get into the political thing. Keep it on Sheehan.
Old 01-31-2006, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by TEXASPAUL
nobody likes war but u should always support the cause ...even if u dont think its right.
Not sayin people should go hide in a corner just sayin that a few people gripeing wont change anything!
I'm assuming your saying everyone should support the troops?? I agree with you, however to not question the policy makers on WHY we are going to war is not right. It's our family members and friends who are going to war so in my opinion if our Congress and President are going to send our men and women to war it better be a damn good reason!

My reason for pointing out that I was a liberal democrat was that not all of us agree with her antics. I'm just really suprised that everything I wrote the only thing you responded to was the liberal democrat part....interesting.
Old 01-31-2006, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by madmatt
Oh lord, lets not EVEN get into the political thing. Keep it on Sheehan.
sorry for the double post, but TEXASPAUL started it! ha ha ha
Old 01-31-2006, 09:08 PM
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I can't stand that bitch! It is people like her that make people second guess this war. And you are right...he joined knowing good and well there was a good chance he would go to Iraq. She should have camped out in her sons yard to try and stop him from joining the army instead of in Bushs' yard trying to get him to stop the war. IT IS NOT GONNA STOP!! And does she not understand that if he DOES pull out of Iraq, all these soldiers including her son would have died for NOTHING! Yes they protected our country while we were there but the job is not done. I hope some angry guy that was in Vietnam shoots her ***. People did this then too. I heard stories of soldiers walking through the airport and people spitting on of those guys surely has some anger still built up that would be gladly to whack this bitch.
Old 01-31-2006, 10:00 PM
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I don't really hate her, i mean she like half of america doesn't agree with why we're in Iraq, she's just trying protest against something she believes is miss lead. During Nam, lots of people just wanted to see the troops brought back home, safe and sound. It's the few radicals, the few psycho and over board people that bring bad face to the rest. Afgahnistan/Pakistan = Osama, Iraq = Saddam/Oil, yes we're using iraq to sustain oil for the future, thats an economic movement much like the Japanese invasion of SE asia... but why couldn't we finish Afgahnistan first before we worried about Iraq... the only two guyz who know the military wanted to wait, it was the politicians that wanted to go in so sudden.

On top of that, there are far more reasons for both rep.'s and Dem.'s to continue to tire of Bush. Even Rumsfeld seemed tired during the speech... idk I just don't see why one womans actions due to her son's death would make u Hate her? In general idk why rep. have to HATE democrates can call them hippies and ****, and vice's a vote, and opinion, emotions are what cause drama, oh so and so can't do this because it would look like this, wtf? are we in the 3rd grade here? Our society is so concerned with principles and morals that are seen in the possitive, would be interesting to see a state of Nirvana in good no bad....the balances all even...idk, no one probably know's what i'm talkin bout...

point being...who cares...stop worrying about other people, we'd all be better off...
Old 02-01-2006, 10:52 AM
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Nothing would make me happier than for every single one of our troops to be home today or sooner. The fact is that 1) the job isn't done. 2) There are other arenas that this war on terror will be played out in before that happens. Another thing that scares me is HOW the withdrawal will happen. Will it happen over a long period of time? Will it be fast and sudden? I fear that if we execute a long and slow withdrawal, then the men towards the end will be outmanned, outgunned and undersupplied. The would be a recipe for certain death for many of our troops. That's the last thing I ever want to see. At least give them a fighting chance.
Old 02-01-2006, 11:39 AM
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I agree with matt here and am going to try to nudge this back towards Sheehan and not so much the war.

Like it was said earlier that she has all the right to question originally protest like jig's was saying, but using the media as an attention-getter (and we watch it nonetheless) is just overstating. At first she wanted to talk to George Bush, then she called him the murderer of her son and wanted the troops pulled out... and then we stand around here today and she's still going at it. It's a volunteer service and she knew the code when her son enlisted. I can't imagine why this woman was blind to the fact that there were more than signifigant chances that her son was going to be going to a combat zone, he joined the military for god sakes.

To sum it up, I think she's still grieving, because think about, a loss for a mother like that is devestating... but she's made her point and needs to seek more intimate comfort within her family and such.
Old 02-01-2006, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
I'm a liberal democrat from the SF Bay Area and I even think she's an idiot! Yeah, I don't like the war much and don't have a problem with people protesting, because that's their right, but I think her son would be embarrassed of some of her action......especially getting arrested in the House Gallery before the State of the Union Address!

At first when she was camping out at the Presidents ranch it was kind of cool cause she was doing it for some face-to-face time with the President to express her opinion of the war, but then she started getting all kinds of attention and became an attention ***** who will do anything to get on tv.

There was a news story here in California that she is going to run for United States Senate.....what a joke, I won't be voting for her!
hey...a neighborhood guy. I work in P-town and live in Livermore. blue 03GT with TPS RPTS plate and really loud exhaust. Here's the killer part:

I'm a super conservative (by the actual definition, not how the GOP has polluted the term to mean just exactly the same as the Dems) and I agree on every point. Hmmmm.. maybe there's hope.

Anyway, even if her son did join for an education, that's:
1. her fault for not working hard enough to buy him one on her savings.
2. his choice as a grown up. Make your bed, pee in it, sleep there. That's what it means to be a grown up. Sucks huh?
3. Completely abjectly retarded. Join the military, you might get tupac'd and have someone bust a cap in you for giggles. Education is a potential side effect not a direct or certain effect of military service.

Sorry but, when I was 17 I tried to join the Marines. I wanted to be a big ol' badazz and travel to other countries and kill their residents and do all the stuff 17 year old kids think might be cool. That's why they fight wars, they're dumb enough to sign up. I didn't make it, but I had no thought that I might see anything but the business end of a AK-47 in any reality. If I lived through the AK-47 experiences, then I'd go to college and learn to really be a failure.

So, Miss Sheehan can go eat 4 bags of dikks, drink 2 kegs of jizz and then STFU. She'll never beat Feinstein or Boxer, even candidates that were good and VERY well funded failed to beat the twin biatches. What makes some hillbilly-redneck-almost-a-grandma-but-screwed-that-up-too unemployed media ***** think she can do any better much less convince the voters of that.... grrrr.. </rant>
Old 02-01-2006, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by r3dn3ck
hey...a neighborhood guy. I work in P-town and live in Livermore. blue 03GT with TPS RPTS plate and really loud exhaust. Here's the killer part:

I'm a super conservative (by the actual definition, not how the GOP has polluted the term to mean just exactly the same as the Dems) and I agree on every point. Hmmmm.. maybe there's hope.

Anyway, even if her son did join for an education, that's:
1. her fault for not working hard enough to buy him one on her savings.
2. his choice as a grown up. Make your bed, pee in it, sleep there. That's what it means to be a grown up. Sucks huh?
3. Completely abjectly retarded. Join the military, you might get tupac'd and have someone bust a cap in you for giggles. Education is a potential side effect not a direct or certain effect of military service.

Sorry but, when I was 17 I tried to join the Marines. I wanted to be a big ol' badazz and travel to other countries and kill their residents and do all the stuff 17 year old kids think might be cool. That's why they fight wars, they're dumb enough to sign up. I didn't make it, but I had no thought that I might see anything but the business end of a AK-47 in any reality. If I lived through the AK-47 experiences, then I'd go to college and learn to really be a failure.

So, Miss Sheehan can go eat 4 bags of dikks, drink 2 kegs of jizz and then STFU. She'll never beat Feinstein or Boxer, even candidates that were good and VERY well funded failed to beat the twin biatches. What makes some hillbilly-redneck-almost-a-grandma-but-screwed-that-up-too unemployed media ***** think she can do any better much less convince the voters of that.... grrrr.. </rant>
Hey it's nice to see a fellow east bay guy on this site! I'll keep a look out for your stang....If I pull up to a blue GT and go deaf I'll know it's you! ha ha ha
Old 02-01-2006, 01:25 PM
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Wait till the 5.4 comes in... then it'll be loud. And to think, I just changed my exhaust to quiet it down some... hahahah aint that ironic. I'll assume then that you know or know of 1sicGT and we might have actually met at some point. He and I end up chatting at most of the events that go on since we're both building the same kind of car.
Old 02-01-2006, 01:43 PM
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I hope it's me. It's never me.
Old 02-01-2006, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
no... chindy i'm not gonna waste my time writing her last name bitch
Oh ah ha ha....I thought you were talking about Jack and I.....good thing it wasn't cause I woud start rumors about you greg.....ha ha ha
Old 02-01-2006, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
I'm a liberal democrat from the SF Bay Area and I even think she's an idiot! Yeah, I don't like the war much and don't have a problem with people protesting, because that's their right, but I think her son would be embarrassed of some of her action......especially getting arrested in the House Gallery before the State of the Union Address!

At first when she was camping out at the Presidents ranch it was kind of cool cause she was doing it for some face-to-face time with the President to express her opinion of the war, but then she started getting all kinds of attention and became an attention ***** who will do anything to get on tv.

There was a news story here in California that she is going to run for United States Senate.....what a joke, I won't be voting for her!

She has a right to protest all she wants, that's what makes America great. But she went too far when right after hurricane Katrina she stated that the government needs to move it "occuping forces" out of New Orleans..

Some of her earlier statements like America isn't worth fighting for,
or her meeting with the communist dictator Hugo Chavez really go too far.

I think she got used to being in the spotlight, and like a washed-up actor/actress on a TV reality show, is doing anything she can to stay in front of the camera.

Well jjtgiants, as a conservative Republican I would like to say "Thank You". You seem to use your head on issues instead of just following the party line. There are quite a few people on BOTH sides of the political fence that cannot make up their own mind on an issue, and just tote the party line, instead of thinking for themselves. I have no problem with someone with a different opinion than mine, Again our differencs are what make America great.
Old 02-01-2006, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by rada
She has a right to protest all she wants, that's what makes America great. But she went too far when right after hurricane Katrina she stated that the government needs to move it "occuping forces" out of New Orleans..

Some of her earlier statements like America isn't worth fighting for,
or her meeting with the communist dictator Hugo Chavez really go too far.

I think she got used to being in the spotlight, and like a washed-up actor/actress on a TV reality show, is doing anything she can to stay in front of the camera.

Well jjtgiants, as a conservative Republican I would like to say "Thank You". You seem to use your head on issues instead of just following the party line. There are quite a few people on BOTH sides of the political fence that cannot make up their own mind on an issue, and just tote the party line, instead of thinking for themselves. I have no problem with someone with a different opinion than mine, Again our differencs are what make America great.
I appreciate your comments....I try to use my head as much as possible rather than just "going with the flow". I used to work for a State Assemblymember here in California and one of the reason I left State politics is because I couldn't stand partisan politics. A lot of my co-workers in the Capitol and our district office didn't agree with me because I based my policy recommendations to my boss based on the pro's and con's of the issue at hand and what was best for the constituents of the district....not what the party said. So sometimes things didn't go over to well!

Let me tell you, partisan politics are dirty even within each party. For instance if your seen as the man/woman who will sometimes vote with the other party or won't play ball all of the time with your own party.....your office budget all of the sudden gets reduced, you get crappy azz committee assignments and the office with no windows!

My short 7 years of professional experience has been working for elected officials and the reason i stay with it is because on a daily basis I actually get to help people with with "real" problems. I mean you wouldn't believe some of the sad stories I hear on a daily bases and most of them we can help. I say this because, yeah, there are dirty things that happen in politics, but not all of it is bad.

I'm not sure what any of this had to do with Sheehan....ha ha ha...sorry, I kinda went off for a second.
Old 02-01-2006, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
Let me tell you, partisan politics are dirty even within each party. For instance if your seen as the man/woman who will sometimes vote with the other party or won't play ball all of the time with your own party.....your office budget all of the sudden gets reduced, you get crappy azz committee assignments and the office with no windows!

No windows, that's cruel and inhumane punishment. Sorry, had to let that one fly. There's no way I would survive in politics, for the very same reasons I'll never make E7. I don't play in people's stupid reindeer games and kiss ***. I tell people what I think and how I feel and why I think & feel that way. If they like it, great. If they don't, oh well life goes on.
Old 02-01-2006, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
no... chindy i'm not gonna waste my time writing her last name bitch

LoL @ greg for irony.....

what wrong with liberal hippies, who do you think posses in PLayboy...or allows **** to be made.... LoL, I swear show me one of you guyz that says you've never seen ****, or nudity in a movie ima call u out like a bitch LoL.....

Take a line from Ali G....give everyone some weed, smoke that ****, and sit in the UN...let everyone get along and all the "my **** is bigger then yours **** will end"....Damn...
Old 02-01-2006, 07:39 PM
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hahahahahaaha...whew.....I crack my self up
Old 02-01-2006, 07:52 PM
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I have a completely different opinion on this women. I actually respect her because at least she is trying to call attention to something she believes in and is consistent. Until you have burried a child, be careful as to how you criticize this women. My only problem with her is how her actions affect the morale and safety of other soldiers that are currently alive.

But, let's set the record straight. MOST people in the military are either there for the money or the education or for some other personal motive PERIOD. Don't be naive to think otherwise. All throughout history, our wars have been fought by people who were motivated by their pocket-books or for the promise of getting three square meals. That is how the system works. Zhit, the war of 1812, the civil war, and the revolutionary was were fought in part by all sorts of people against their will.

The vast majority of people in the service are there, because they had no better option. Only the rare few do it as a personal desire to serve their country. I know. I wore a uniform for 16 years. I lead mean as an officer all during those years.

Heck, look at our recruiting standards? Look what we have to do to get men and women to join? Not only do we pay them, we provide for them in other ways, we offer bonuses that are HUGE, and provide all sort of financial rewards. If I had a dollar for every kid that I re-enlisted because of a bonus, I would be a millionaire. Now don't get me wrong, many of these kids are not payed a lot, but the vast majority of them are getting paid more then their worth in the outside world.

During the years preceeding "Iraq", most service men actually believed that they would never be called up. It is a fact of life and it is a thought process that the recruiters relied on. Hell, I joined in part so I could get a full-ride to Notre Dame. How many people would turn that down? Sure, I had my other reasons and I consider myself to be patriotic and I am proud of my service, but hell, I would no way do it for nothing.

So, what I am trying to say is be realistic.
Old 02-02-2006, 04:53 AM
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Yea, you are exactly right about the death of the child thing, but that is something that you have to be prepared for when your son or daughter is in the military. She's blaming Bush for something, that she couldve, or her son couldve prevented. I have no idea what its like to bury a child, but I know that has to be the worst thing a parent can ever do. I just dont like the fact that she is dishonoring her son's death, and the death of all the other soldiers over there. She seems to have lost the goal of her first argument, and is no seeking any attention she can get. Who goes to the State of the Union to act like that. People are commenting on why she was arrested instead of just asked to leave like that one senator(representative w/e he was) wife, but everyone KNOWS that she wasnt just going to sit in the room with her hands on her lap and act respectful.

Quick Reply: LOL Cindy Sheehan, at it again

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