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Old 10-11-2005, 01:00 PM
foncarelli's Avatar
Everyday Im Hustlin
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I will start it off

Height:6' 1"
Occupation:Team Leader at FMC Dearborn Stamping
Former Occupations?:UPS, USPS
Credit Card Number:777-9311
Hobbies:Mustang modding, Basketball(thats all i have time for)
Things that tick you off:When people lie for no reason
Pets:No, i have 3 kids
Single/Married/What?: Married
Kids?:Hell yeah, Twins a boy and girl and a 13 year old
Favorite Movie:Comedies and Action movies. Too many to name
Favorite Food:Seafood in general
Fears:Not being able to support my family.
Goals:Be a good father and husband and live a healthy life
Summary about yourself:I try not to get into no ones business. I post a lot on the boards to pass the time at work and pick up a lot info about mustangs. This forum is pretty fun and not too many a**holes.
Old 10-11-2005, 01:00 PM
roushrider81's Avatar
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Name: Scott Hermanson
Height:5 11
Occupation:bagger at a grocery store
Former Occupations?: paper route
Credit Card Number: dont got 1
SSN: dont got 1
Hobbies: snowmobiling, golf, drivin the pony
Things that tick you off: rice burners. or people that constantly tell you to burn out
Pets: cat
Single/Married/What?: single
Kids?: na
Favorite Movie: the greatest game ever played
Favorite Food: d'anglo's subs
Fears: getting pulled over
Goals: get a good job and do good in school
Summary about yourself: read everything above over again
Old 10-11-2005, 01:12 PM
cobra4123's Avatar
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Name: Jason Peyton
Age: 24
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 240
Occupation: designer
Former Occupations?: all type of stuff
Credit Card Number: seriously I get half if someone answers this
SSN: refer to previous questions
Hobbies: Basketball, poker and now drag racing
Things that tick you off: stupid people
Pets: not anymore
Single/Married/What?: single
Kids?: nope
Favorite Movie: Jason’s Lyric
Favorite Food: Cajun Chicken
Fears: heights (not the falling part just the part about hitting the ground)
Goals: man get the car into cage territory one time, live life and enjoy it everyday
Summary about yourself: I don’t sit still and if I am my mind is some place else there is no rest for the wicked

Damn I’m a lot like slappy I think except I only draw on a computer
Old 10-11-2005, 01:26 PM
MineralGT's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Age: 23
Height:5' 11"
Occupation:Tech Support
Former Occupations?: Drillers assistant, Home Depot, Office Depot, Sea World, Commercial and Residential Garage Door Installer
Credit Card Number:XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Hobbies: Desert, Snowboarding, Poker, Relaxing
Things that tick you off: Internet Tuff Guys, Ebonics, All sorts of drama.
Pets: I have none-3 dogs in the house and 2 snakes
Single/Married/What?: Single
Kids?: Nope
Favorite Movie: Too many to list: Goodfellas, Casino, Tombstone, Anchorman
Favorite Food: Denny's Salads and Chicken Fettucini Alfredo
Fears: Some heights, Never being Supercharged
Goals: Great family and friends
Summary about yourself: I am pretty much done with the bar scene and just like hangin out and playing pool or detailing my car.
Old 10-11-2005, 01:38 PM
ponygrrl's Avatar
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Name: Christina High
Age: 21
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130
Occupation: collision estimator
Former Occupations?: waitress, real estate clerk, asst manager at a dog daycare
Credit Card Number: 1234 5678 9012 3456 expiration 07/08
SSN: 999-99-9999
Hobbies: mustangs and my boyfriend
Things that tick you off: a**hole drivers, people that are never satisfied and people that don't take care of their car
Pets: all brindle boxer named Borla and a tabby cat named Rocky
Single/Married/What?: in love.
Kids?: none.
Favorite Movie: wasn't there just a thread about this?
Favorite Food: macaroni n cheese or sushi (love tuna)
Fears: needles
Goals: be happy with life
Summary about yourself: i like pina coladas and getting lost in the rain....ok no really... i was one of those "smart" people in high school...graduated with 29 college credits, etc. then partied too much at UF and decided i needed to get away and come back here. now i'm much more grounded. have a boyfriend i adore. LOVE my car. i've been told i'm fun and sweet. i guess i won't disagree. i love meeting new people. i'm definitely not that girly (although i do like getting my nails and toes done). i love getting dirty (in more ways than one HAHA). anything else, just ask i guess?

oh and i'm ****ing lonely until monday when my boyfriend gets back so feel free to message me and keep me entertained thanks.
Old 10-11-2005, 01:38 PM
Grimmz's Avatar
Jack Touched Me...I Cried
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Age: 19
Height:6' 1''
Occupation:College Student
Former Occupations?: Worked at a Golf Course, Gov. Intern
Credit Card Number:
Hobbies: Computers, Girls, Cars,
Things that tick you off: Fake People/Fake Tough People, A$$holes
Pets: 1 Dog (4 yr old American Pit Terrier, All Black w/white Tipped Paws and chest.)
Single/Married/What?: Girlfriend
Kids?: Hell No
Favorite Movie: Boondock Saints, Band of Brothers, Anything with the Rock
Favorite Food: Hispanic Food! Anything My Mother or Grandmother make!
Fears: Drowning, Failing
Goals: Money, Respect, Beautiful Family
Summary about yourself: As I said I'm a college student at Florida State. I'm an International Business major. Plans right now are to keep on the books and try and get some internships as well as a study abroad semester under my belt before I graduate. Other then that Mustangs, my g/f, and school are just about all the aspects of my time for now.
Old 10-11-2005, 01:57 PM
roushrider81's Avatar
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what course did you work at??
Old 10-11-2005, 01:59 PM
Lunati's Avatar
Whats that Whining Noise?
Join Date: May 2005
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Posts: 411

Occupation:US Navy (mechanic)
Former Occupations?:cant tell u
Credit Card Number:yea right
SSN:dont have one
Hobbies:working on the mustang, hanging out with friends and spending quality time with the wife
Things that tick you off:the stupidity of my supervisors/boss
Kids?:not at the moment
Favorite Movie:the godfather
Favorite Food:latin food baby.
Fears:not accomplishing my goals
Goals:the provide the best for my family
Summary about yourself:i like to relax and have fun...enjoy life...u only live once
Old 10-11-2005, 02:43 PM
Lances03SVT's Avatar
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Name:Lance Duncan
Age:10 and 1/4 (Born on Leap Year)
Occupation:Inventory/Warehouse control
Former Occupations?:Carpenter,US Army Infantry,Man *****
Credit Card Number:xxx-xxx-xxxxx
Hobbies:Cars,movies,post whoring,flirting
Things that tick you off:Know it alls,bad drivers,Steelers losing,authority(damn the man),and white guys trying to be getto.
Pets:1 dog,a mutt named Scooby
Kids?:3 stepkids
Favorite Movie:The Crow
Favorite Food:Anything grilled.
Fears:Meeting cars at a narrow bridge
Goals:To retire early and enjoy life.
Summary about yourself:Ex Chevy guy that has crossed over from the darkside.Very nice guy and a smartass at times.Will always try and help if I can.Obsessed about keeping my car clean at all times.Was voted most talkative in High School and that has'nt changed much over the years I can get almost anyone to talk to me.Love Football and the Steelers.Very confident and outgoing,will do and say almost anything.
Old 10-11-2005, 03:09 PM
Grimmz's Avatar
Jack Touched Me...I Cried
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Originally Posted by roushrider81
what course did you work at??
A place by my house in MD, called Needwood Golf Course...nothing big...just a public golf course...
Old 10-11-2005, 03:21 PM
roushrider81's Avatar
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yea my dads the supertendent at gardner's course so he kinda nows most people becausae he is also the pres. of new englands golf assosiation. so i just thought i'd ask so i could ask him if he's heard of it do. you know the supertendents name by any chance
Old 10-11-2005, 04:09 PM
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Name: Chris "Shambles" Chamblee (if you didnt know this already, you are a moron.)
Age: 19 (suprise suprise!)
Occupation: Customer Support at Mustang Tuning
Former Occupations?: Stockroom Worker at Target, Receptionist at a Chinese Restaurant, Birthday Party Attendant at a Bowling Alley, Kennel Worker at a Vet Hospital
Credit Card Number: 4828-9573-6428-8566
SSN: 236-55-1947
Hobbies: I used to play Paintball, now i just listen to lots of music, mod the car when I have the chance, and chill with the woman
Things that tick you off: ******* customers, ******* people in general actually, bad drivers, people who cant tell the truth to your face, Alternators that fail while driving on I-76.
Pets: 3 Cats at my house and a Dog where im Staying. (Cats: Milton, Moxie and Mae Dog: Belle) and of course, all of you people here on the forums
Single/Married/What?: Dating. 1 Year and goin strong
Kids?: God I hope not.
Favorite Movie: Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail / Schindlers List (odd combo right?)
Favorite Food: Singapore Chow Mei Fun
Fears: Cant really think of any right now.
Goals: Become a pediatric MD
Summary about yourself: I've moved a few times up and down the east coast. Lived in VA for about 10 Years, GA for 3, and PA for the rest. Im a relaxed, sarcastic, free-speaking, and open minded person. I generally dont get mad that easily, unless you do something to REALLY **** me off (like, hardcore **** me off). This has to be the best job ive ever had because I deal with lots of cool people, both on the phone, in the office, and in the community. Now if I can just get my car working...
Old 10-11-2005, 05:28 PM
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"But what is your favorite color"? LOL
Old 10-11-2005, 05:31 PM
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That was from the Holy Grail for those who does'nt know.
Old 10-11-2005, 05:32 PM
FritoBandito's Avatar
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Name: Tanner Baker
Height:5'10" -ish
Weight:155 - ish
Occupation: Landscape Tech
Former Occupations?: Specialty Foods, grocery store stocker, RSR for frito lay
Credit Card Number: maxed out
SSN: -
Hobbies: Mustangs, home improvement, die cast, movies, blah blah (are you really reading this?)
Things that tick you off: Ordering things that don't come in or come in wrong. Jennifer Lopez movies.
Pets: 4 dogs, 2 cats
Single/Married/What?: Single, but live with g/f
Kids?: ???
Favorite Movie: The Last Castle
Favorite Food: my mom's fried chicken
Fears: Wrecking my car, spiders and bees, missing good football games, and lising my wallet.
Goals: Get another job...
Summary about yourself: n/a
Old 10-11-2005, 06:07 PM
PureStang's Avatar
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Name: brandon James

Age: 17

Height: 5'9"

Weight:170 lbs

Occupation:Cashier at Wegmans

Former Occupations?:stocker/cashier at TrueValue Hardware

Credit Card Number: haha! only a $400 max!! used only for gas

SSN:nah...dont want my identity stolen

Hobbies: Mustang, tearing engines apart, being w/ my g/f

Things that tick you off: People that are extremely lazy (lazy enuf not to push in a tape in the VCR, yes i know 2 people who are that lazy, they got a karate stick to push it in that was next to the chair), ricers who say they can beat you

Pets: 1 cocker spanial?(dog) named oreo

Single/Married/What?: not single, not maried, in a relationship

Kids?: none

Favorite Movie:Red Eye

Favorite Food: Pizza

Fears:losing ones i love

Goals: be successful

Summary about yourself: pretty laid back person, can get really annoyed at some things really easily, and all the stuff above! haha go figure
Old 10-11-2005, 06:47 PM
WaterDR's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2004
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Name: Blake
Age: 38 (in a few weeks)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170
Occupation: SR. Water Treatment Specialist (food and beverage industry)
Former Occupations?: US Naval Officer (LT), US Army Officer (Captain)
Credit Card Number: matt-took-all-my-cards
SSN:illegal alien
Hobbies: this GD site; boating, fishing, family; always been a car hobbiest; college football (especially ND); golf
Things that tick you off: all ignorant truck drivers; liberals with no position; people who hate Notre Dame because they are jealous; people w/o kids (they don't uinderstand our misery); WRX's (seriously, I think everyone who drives one of these is an a-hole); Sat TV when the weather is bad;
Pets: 2 dogs (Lab named Angel, and a toy poodle name Treasure), 2 cats, 2 fish, 2 hermit crabs, and 1 Rat (that's right, we have a rat)
Single/Married/What?: Very Married (stop looking Shambles)
Kids?: 3 girls
Favorite Movie: Caddy Shack
Favorite Food: Water Melon
Fears: somebody taking my kids
Goals: working on MBA; start a performance shop
Summary about yourself: Big advocate of childhood cancer and started a non-profit organization in memory of our daughter; very out-going; I love to help people especially in areas of personal interest
Old 10-11-2005, 08:25 PM
ThePunisher's Avatar
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 632

Name:The Punisher
Occupation:Industrial Technician(Electrician,Welder,Pipe Fitter,Fabricator, at Chemical Plant)
Former Occupations?:Circuit City warehouse/delivery, Residential electrician, several Industrial Technician jobs
Credit Card Number: (2xy) + (3ab) = 125
SSN: you is dumb
Hobbies:moutain biking, shooting pool, driving the ranch, welding, research in various areas of technology, video games, working out, shooting
Things that tick you off: the simple fact that there is never a shortage to stupid people
Pets: parrot
Single/Married/What?: Single, like to get hitched when meet right woman
Kids?: None
Favorite Movie: no favorite, movies with Kevin Spacey, Samuel Jackson, Tom Hanks, Tommy Lee Jones, Micheal Keaton, few others
Favorite Food: no favorite, chinese, pakistany, italian, mexican, food with a kick
Fears: no real fears
Goals: become more educated
Summary about yourself:
If your curious further, just ask
Old 10-11-2005, 08:46 PM
Shambles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
Single/Married/What?: Very Married (stop looking Shambles)
Damn, so close...

Maybe one of your daughters.....*strokes chin*
Old 10-11-2005, 08:49 PM
MattJ's Avatar
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Originally Posted by MTShambles
Damn, so close...

Maybe one of your daughters.....*strokes chin*

Uh oh! Low blow!!!
Old 10-11-2005, 09:21 PM
csledd's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Paducah, KY
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Name: Christie Sledd (no way!)
Age: 20
Height: IM SHORT!
Weight: omg I haven't weighed myself since... gym class? lol
Occupation: CIA of the Geek Squad (fancy way of saying comptuer tech in Best Buy terms lol)
Former Occupations?: manager at blockbuster, seasonal employee at the Gap, dish washers (that sucked), customer service at a local pool store
Credit Card Number: 902384-239840289349028340723847
Hobbies: mustangs, any kind of racing, computer games, movies, music, underage drinking, and just hanging out and having a good time!
Things that tick you off: people with no emotions, people who bury all their pain, ******* boyfriends, and annoying people
Pets: I have a blue tick beagle and a black and white cat that was a stray
Single/Married/What?: single
Favorite Movie: Fight club, se7en, butterfly effect, memento, pulp fiction, the transporter, and these aren't movies but i love the family guy and aqua teen hunger force
Favorite Food: chicken!
Fears: becoming pregnant! lol
Goals: to graduate from college before im 22 and get a better job
Summary about yourself: im pretty easy going. i get along pretty well with a lot of people. i like to try to have fun no matter what im doing and i hate angry people! i love mustangs and im about to get another one for just drag racing (5.0).. that will be my 3rd mustang I've owned. I'd like to one day buy a older one and restore
Old 10-11-2005, 09:44 PM
shad0ws's Avatar
I like to whine...
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 1,640

Name: Ben Brown (Beans)
Age: 17
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175
Occupation: Cook at Local Restaurant
Former Occupations?: Dishwasher and Busser at Same Restaurant
Credit Card Number: I'll give it out if someone buys me a SC with it.
SSN: Same applies as the above part.
Hobbies: everything revolves around making the stang better, work, and school
Things that tick you off: People who say "What?" and they actually heard you.
Pets: West Highland White Terrier (Whitney) and Border Collie (Red)
Single/Married/What?: Girlfriend
Kids?: Hmm, do my dogs count?
Favorite Movie: Super Troopers and/or The Patriot
Favorite Food: Cheesie Western from the Texas Tea Room. You guys wouldn't know anything about that.
Fears: Failing in life, ****ing up my car
Goals: Live a happy and wonderful life with a great family
Summary about yourself: I pretty much spend my time either working or going to school. Always struggling with gas prices since I drive a hell of alot since I'm 17, attend 2 schools on the opposite side of 2 towns and work in another city. I have little time to do much stuff, just work and try to have enough money to mod the stang and go out at the same time.
Old 10-11-2005, 11:16 PM
rebelyell's Avatar
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I'm in.. lets give more info than is neccessary:;

Name: James Rodney Shew
Age: 45
Height: 5' 10"
weight: was 187, now 175
Occupation: Industrial Mechanic
CC#: BR549
SSN: BR549-1
Hobbies: NASCAR, Fishing, video games. Any type motorsport, and most sports in general

Things that tick me off: Lazy *** workers, baggy *** pants, punks who think their honda can beat my mustang. and dog poo on my shoe.

Pets: 17 year old feist, 6 month old beagle, And my (now deceased) 8 year old dobie. She is in the spare room.

Married: All the time

Favorite Movie: Vanishing Point. (new version)

Favorite Food: Beef

Fears: Anything bad happening to my little family. And 671 blowers.

Goals: To keep my family together and keep a middle class lifestyle.

Summary bout myself: Almost died twice from cancer, so i aint scared of the grim reaper. I love going fast but it's too hard to do legally these days. I usually just end up getting my need for speed on my computer. I work 48 to 52 hrs a week. My work is very important to me. I love to cook and eat. I watch almost every Nascar race as long as I dont have to work. I want to mod my mustang but I think I'll wait till it's paid for and no warranty hassles. My mustang will be at the very least over 300 HP. And I still want her to look showroom good.. And I'm trying to raise a hormonal 13 yr old son.
Old 10-12-2005, 05:58 AM
Grimmz's Avatar
Jack Touched Me...I Cried
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Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
Things that tick you off: all ignorant truck drivers; liberals with no position; people who hate Notre Dame because they are jealous; people w/o kids (they don't uinderstand our misery); WRX's (seriously, I think everyone who drives one of these is an a-hole); Sat TV when the weather is bad;
LoL i just realized I'm about half or know people that are half of these...Aight I go to Florida State, so I know we'd wreck ND in Football, you guyz did well against Purdue...but then again thats Purdue...i respect ya for havin a tough schedual but thats just me rootin for the best friend has a WRX that punishes STi's and Evo's...and I def. don't have kids...LoL, oh i also lean more democratic....LoL can I get some love MT#1Cust?
Old 10-12-2005, 06:41 AM
davidg68124's Avatar
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Omaha, NE
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Name: David Gulick
Age: 39
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 216
Occupation: Automation/Electrical Engineer
Former Occupations?: You name it, restaurant, Electronics Tech, R&D Tech, Programmer, Mechanic, Manager, Maintenance Supervisor, Plant Mechanic, ETC.
Credit Card Number: Momma didn't raise no fool
SSN: See above
Hobbies: MUSTANGS, RC Heli(out for now, no time), Home and Yard
Things that tick you off: Well, this is a can of worms. Mostly just DUMBASS people who have no clue how to treat others. People that have no room for other opinions. My Ex-wife. Husker Freaks. The state of the world today. People that deride me because I believe in God. Promises made but not kept(me included). The race card when dropped. My wife is a teacher and all these damn parents that shed their responsibilty and blame my wife when their kid fails. The government deficit. The amount of taxes I pay and the fact that I struggle to survive while some of the kids that my wife teaches has nicer clothes than I do(she teaches in a poor school). The fact that our government is so broken, but American APATHY allows it to continue. Complainers. Everyone in it for themself mentality. The younger crowd's entitlement mentality. The general lack of work ethic from the young. Selfish people.
Pets: Black Lab/Newfoundland Mix 5 years old, Guinea Pig, Tarantula/Tree Frogs/Snake (My wife is a science teacher) currently at school.
Single/Married/What?: Very Married
Kids?: 8 between us 6 boys/2 girls 25,22,19,19,18,17,15,6
Favorite Movie: Fiddler on the Roof, Star Wars Saga, Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Favorite Food: Oriental of any kind. SPICY!
Fears: Working until I die, Not living life with feeling, losing the love of my life(Terri)
Goals: To retire when I am 60, run a 10 second 1/4 with my stang someday, revitalize my relationship with my sons from my first marraige(they are all mad at me right now), keep my job another year, be debt free in a few years
Summary about yourself: I work hard and I am always busy(thanks Terri). I love to dink with the car, be with my family, and generally have a good outlook on life. I believe in God but I am no freak. I am devout and highly involved with my church and if you want to talk about it, I am all ears. It took me many years to finally find the woman of my dreams, but t is all worth it now. I agree with another that the world is gonna end as we know it fairly soon(not doomsday stuff) but rather our government is going to collapse under all the debt it is creating and our economy/world's economy is going to change drastically if we do not start to exercise ourt rights again.
Old 10-12-2005, 07:26 AM
Slither's Avatar
Zig *hearts* Fishy
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Pensacola, Florida
Posts: 2,444

Name: Donnie Salter
Age: 26
Height: 5-11
Weight: 147
Occupation: Photogrammetric Technician/Image Specialist/Graphic Designer
Former Occupations?: Walmart (1996-2000) HSA Consulting Group, Inc (2000-Present) Hilton Garden Inn Pensacola Beach=side job(May 2004-Sept 2004 thanks to Hurricane Ivan) Bed Bath & Beyond=side job(August 2005-presest)
Credit Card Number: Don't have any. Paid them all off and canceled the bastards.
SSN: Steal my wallet to find out.
Hobbies: Mustangs, Nascar, Graphic Design, Traveling.
Things that tick you off: People that drive slow in the fast lane, people that drive fast in the slow lane, tailgaters, posers, bitches, cheaters, thug wanna bees, and last but not least..ricers.
Pets: A cat and a guinea pig.
Single/Married/What?: Single
Kids?: Negative
Favorite Movie: Back the Future trilogy, Indiana Jones, The Goonies, Days of Thunder, Old School, Wedding Crashers, Napolion Dynamite, and so on.
Favorite Food: Buffalo wings and anything spicy
Fears: Wrecking on a bridge and falling into the water not being able to get out of my car.
Goals: Be successful for myself and a future family.
Summary about yourself: Well basically all of the above. A few extras would be..I turn 27 Jan 10, my dad is a politician, my mom is a dentist, I will have my business degree in December, I have my Graphic Design degree, going on to pursue my Bachelors and Masters in Business, going to NY this winter, want to move out of hurricane alley.
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