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Old 04-28-2007, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by zigzagg321
Greg you have lost it. now you are referring to yourself in the third person. go get some help.
Old 04-28-2007, 12:33 PM
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i joined, but i never go there. i like mustang specific sites.

and the pm notifications were annoying as F#^& untill i found out how to turn them off.
Old 04-28-2007, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by wnracing
Yup.. It's a fun place because you don't have to worry or think twice about what you say or do..
There are lots of great car and stang sites out there, but I got to ask you, is life all about doing and saying what you want?

You know the guy that started that site.....your friend "slither"? Well he threatened to sue this site and a few of the members here because they "said and did what they wanted".

See what I am getting at?
Old 04-28-2007, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
who ****ing cares, it is a fun site. so far not a lot of posters, but it is growing, and it is not all mustangs either.

i know greg has his panties all in a wad over this place, hell, AM pissed off a lot of people, and i cant understand why people would want to do any business with them, but that is AM and not MB, some people can see the difference, some cant.

but Motorheadlounge aint meant to compete with MB. It just came around the time where AMemilie decided pull an attitude and insult a lot of loyal customers. It was meant to be a place where all types of car guys are able to BS, not just mustangs, not just the same ol "blah blad what gears for my 02 gt" "what exhaust for my 03 v6", "what lowering springs" blah blah blah. Its actually fun to talk about other cars and stuff. not just mustangs.

i personally dig it, like every board it will take a while before it picks up. that doesent happen overnight, all we gotta do is just keep at it posting.

as for all you guys sittin there slamming on slither for trying this, when is the last time you tried anything? that kid has started several forum boards, hold 2 jobs and has 2 degrees and is working to start his own business.. He has done more with in life than 90% of the people on here. So rather than slam on him for trying to do something, why not go out and try to do something tlike that yourself and then see how hard it really is.

pretty danm childish in my book to make fun of somebody for trying to start out a forum board. Hell, make fun of his elmo dolls and his tendancy to cry. Slither aint exactly lacking things that can be used for insult ammo, but making fun of somebody for trying something shows pretty pathetic character.

I also have to agree with Wnracing. Most of the mods here are pretty cool, but there are a couple that are complete social retards and i would have a hard time believing they have any friends just because they are such jackasses.

and no venom that aint you, yer just grumpy.

all in all, let Motorheadlounge be, we have had discussions on motorhead lounge about the negativity to Mustangboards and have ceased it. we arent trying to have a childish forum war, just trying to have a place to meet all walks of car guys, not just the mustang owners.

anyways, that wasnt really geared at anyone in particular.

The ONLY problem I have with slither is one thing: He puts comments in his sig here about joining his site, them slams us on his sight. That, my friend, is dishonest and unscrupulous. Other then that, my dealings with him have been pretty pleasant. But even you have to see my point.

In whole, I have no problem with people bashing this site, or advertising other sites here. We ALL belong to multiple sites. But, when someone uses thsi site to promte theirs, then bashes us, I have issues.
Old 04-28-2007, 08:49 PM
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For the record...

I have no problem with the moderators or admins here... or MB and any of its members in anyway...

I have a problem with AM...
I dislike this forum... by that I mean spammers and ads etc... I think there is room for improvement...

But I got nothing against any member mod or admin alike
Old 04-28-2007, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by wnracing

Isn't that part of lifes great freedoms? Freedom of speech?

I don't know, but Donnie's legal woes have nothing to do with me.. So, im not planning on defending anything that has to do with his personal affairs.

I was referring to MHL as a place where you aren't sensored.. You don't have to worry about what you say..

AND... I'm admin there... so if Donnie gets a sandy V... I'll be there to make sure he don't BAN... unless it is necessary that is...
Old 04-28-2007, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by zigzagg321
a good reason not to join MHL. IMO. The way you conducted yourself in this forum doesn't show a real good potential for a fair and reasonable mod.
thats what she said
Old 04-29-2007, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by zigzagg321
a good reason not to join MHL. IMO. The way you conducted yourself in this forum doesn't show a real good potential for a fair and reasonable mod.
Haha! That's what I would have thought but he isn't all that bad..the only bad admin there was Wildman...GM owner, lol.
Old 04-29-2007, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by zigzagg321
I just wouldnt want to be in a place where Greg can modify posts, ban, delete posts... etc. basically based on how he acted in here I dont trust him with admin powers. Whoever put him in control (donnie I guess) will regret it eventually.
Well 1rst off... I can have fun, I can take jokes, I don't care what anyone says about me, I don't take what people say on the internet serious...

If someone makes a thread with the title "HEY GREG YA DICK." Rest assured I won't be banning, deleting or editing anything...

As far as I'm concerned... People have the right to their opinions and they can voice them...

The only time anyone will be a concern to me, is if they are hurting the forum...

I also have experience with running a website...

My most notable thing on the resume, however, is the work I do at SN95forums... The website I worked on for them, and suggestions I gave, made the website's stats go through the roof... AND, the work I did (with help of WNR) is featured in this months MM&FF...

So I know a thing or 2 about running a website...

In a nuttshell

1. I have the know how / experience
2. I'm laid back

So I do hope you join...
Old 04-29-2007, 08:03 PM
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Just join yeh ****in *****, hahaha.

It ain't a bad place at all..check out my thread 'bout the midget runnin from the po's.haha
Old 04-29-2007, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by zigzagg321
a new leaf or an alter ego? admin powers somehow make ya humble? I'll just have to check the place out.
Like I said... I can have fun and I can be serious...
Old 04-29-2007, 09:20 PM
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Smokescreen "Greg" has been banned. He has been banned many times and has been given many chances and we the admins did not give him permission to come back nor did he ask. Not everyone wants to be in a forum thats immature. If someone doesnt like the way things are run here go somewhere else and stop coming here to have a 3 year old fit because daddy didnt buy you the Heman sword from Walmart. If you want to prove a point dont post here. When the traffic goes down real low then maybe something will change.
Old 04-29-2007, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by venom
because daddy didnt buy you the Heman sword from Walmart.
those Heman swords were AWESOME. i had the one that lit up and made sounds. those were the days, man
Old 04-29-2007, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by wnracing
I believe Greg did talk to a couple of mods, but that's not mine to argue.

Im confused?....

Just because Greg is a part of a forum that means it's an immature forum? Man, if you have a problem with Greg, that's perfectly fine with me, but don't BS and act like you know about MHL because you're not there and you have no idea what kind of a place it is..

Is it slow?.. Yes, it's only a couple of months old.. What do you expect? Has it reached its full potential? Absolutely not, it WILL get much better.. Eventually.

Maybe you should come over and check it out before you write it off on Greg's behalf..
You guys sound serious about that site, funny. Im sure you wouldnt mind me having a sig that states how much its sucks and only the outlaws of MB go there LOL, Free speech. For a fun site you guys are too serious for me Getting defensive here, kinda sucks dont it. Im not missing anything right now that I need to join another forum. Like I said before I wish you guys the best but dont do it at the expense of this site.
Old 04-30-2007, 06:51 AM
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Originally Posted by wnracing
hmm.. Well, I don't and have never had anything in my sig that was negative towards AM.. So.. Im sure that comment has nothing to do with me..

I am serious about MHL.. I would like for it to succeed..

As far as doing anything at the expense of AM.. We didn't start this thread, so Im not too sure where that was going either..

Whatever, you have a personal vendetta against Greg and I can respect that..
There you go again taking it personal when it has nothing to do with you.
You and other members need the 5000+ members of MB to promote the MHL site so dont deny the fact that you are mouching members off here. When you do succeed in getting your membership up dont forget all the sites that got you there.

If you were to sit back and analize what may happen a 1year from now you would stop wasting your time with this issue. The only one that is going to win is MHL owner as he will be able to attract advertisers and get paid while everyone else in MHL will be doing it for free.

I am an Mod for free because I like Mustangs and like talking about it thats it. I do not go to other forums and cause problems like your buddy Greg but thats just me. All someone has to do is look at your reputation and see that our very nice AMemilie has had to give you infractions.

You and greg are one of the same except you are smart and know that getting banned is not going to help your MHL site thats one less member advertising in his sig. If Greg was smart he would come here and respect our members and try to promote MHL but he cant keep his piehole shut long enough to analize what is best for him in the long run. Its all about him and look at me Im a screw up but Im a cool guy so give me 100x chances.

No one as far as owners of MBs has said anything about everyone advertising another site on their sigs. Im one of the members of MBs that has nothing to lose if they want to end this practice as the only thing my sig links to is Pics which I keep right here on MB pic section. I am a member of another forum where any links in your sig is not permitted. Im not selling anything my friend so take a chill pill, enjoy your Mustang and leave all the serious talk for MHL PMs LOL.
Old 05-02-2007, 03:47 PM
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holy **** who ****ing cares.

You're all acting like a bunch of ****ing 16 y/o civic boys.

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