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Old 07-24-2006, 08:57 PM
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Default Creation?

I believe that God created the everything and is allways present in our lifes.

I found if interesting when Jack the Ripper posted this:
"i think humans are no more than a byproduct of a greater design. not the purpose of it, but a resulting product that may or may not have been the point of creation in the first place.

However im sure most creationists think of it much along the lines that you do(talking to me).

either way, as line bigfoot, there is really no substancial proof that aliens exist or have been to earth. However, mathematically it should be a garaunteed thing that life (intelligent or not) does exist on other planets. I remember some show on the discovery channel where they figured if 1 in a million stars has planets, and one in a million of those stars with planets have a planet like earth with a buttload of water, and one in a million of those actually spawned life, and one in a million of those planets acually has intelligent life, that there would be millions of other intelligent species throughout the galaxy.

they say that there are more stars in the milkyway than there are grains of sand in all of the beaches in the whole world combined."

and later stated:

"Uh yeah, dont want to start any religious debate or anything, what im basically saying is i believe in some sort of intelligent design for the whole creation of everything. i dont belive it just so conveniently happened to happen, rather than there was something guiding the occurance of it and having a purpose for creation in the first place. I dont really believe in the perverbial god in the heavens with a white robe and white hair, but i dont think that the universe would have just happened to exist. I think there was some sort of intelligent force driving the creation.

However, i dont really believe that human beings are the point of everything. And i wouldnt put it past the "intelligent designer" to even have the foggiest clue that we are here. We just happened to be more of a byproduct as is everything else. I think "Existance" in general was probable the main goal and driving force whatever the hell it was that created everything. You could almost attribute a "god" title to whatever the force of creation was. But i dont really believe it has to be "Sentient" with the ability to make decisions and such of irrelevant matters rather than requiring an intelligence of a sort in order to get the job that it is trying to accomplish done.

kind of a wierd way of looking at things. Its not the standard idea behind "Intelligent design" that most people attribute, which is very much one of a sentient "hands on" god that created everything.

I guess one good way to describe it, **** happens, and we in this case are the ****. Lol.

i just dont really think we were the point of it all, rather than something that just happened through opportune moments and events.

EDIT:: So in this view, humans are really nothing too special. neither would aliens, so i dont see why if we managed to get a life and evolve to where we are, why couldnt other races on other planets?

but we still rock none the less. lol..."

so lets discuss this controversial issue!
Old 07-24-2006, 09:06 PM
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1.I aggree fully with the statement "i just dont really think we were the point of it all."
-we were created to worship God
2.I couldnt DISSAGGREE more with the statement "rather than something that just happened through opportune moments and events."
-humans are the only being that has inteligent thought,speech, and behavior.
therefore how can we just be an accident.
Old 07-24-2006, 09:10 PM
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but to a some since we are the ONLY beings with all three of those...
do you think the dogs are having this same conversation with eachother?
Old 07-24-2006, 09:18 PM
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do you believe that there is absloute truth?
Why or why not?
Old 07-24-2006, 09:38 PM
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First of all i am a Christian which means im a creationist...if u want to put a label on
there is absolute truth therefore we have faith.
The Bible is truth.
-archaeology has always been "evidence" that the bible is fact
-all 333 prophecys that are in the old testament about Jesus were fullfilled by Him; the scientific probabillity to fulfill only 48 of those is 1 in 10 to the 157th power; mathmetitians say anything over 1in 10 to the 11 is physically impossible
-the bible has over 40 authors aggreeing without contradiction, over a 1500 year time,the couldnt meet with eachother to make sure they werent going to contradict eachother.

and one question
1.Do you belive in heaven and hell?
Old 07-24-2006, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
Just curious, for those who are creationists, there is a level of rejection of science that must be determined in order to hold such beliefs.

where is that line drawn anyways?

you have people who refuse western medicine, relying strictly on faith and prayer. Well, people died faster before western medecine and science came into play. Ive heared before when it is yer time it is yer time and that is gods plan. Well if you chose to reject medicine and die, that was gods choice. If you embrace medicine instead and survive, then god's plan was disrupted by a man, which would prove him to be fallable?
On the flip side, if a person embraces medicine to survive, it could be viewed as defiance of God. If He dictates what happens, then it would seem that by using medicine to fix the problem, the person would be going against his plan for that person. Just seems contradictory to me. I hear all the time that things happen for a reason, which implies that it happened to fulfill God's plan. If someone gets sick, it must be God's plan for that person and by seeking help, they would be disrupting His plan, based on that belief.

I'm not a big religious person, nor am I big religious buff. However, through literature studies in college, referencing some of the ancient myths, there are several events from myths that are extremely similar to events in the Bible (Don't ask me for specifics as I don't remember. I just know we discussed them in class.) I mean, in general, the ancient myths with the various Gods and such are totally disregarded, but how do you explain the similarities? We see the myths as "stories" so what makes the Bible any more than a story written thousands of years ago? We have books that are several hundred years old written by various authors that haven't changed. What exactly makes the Bible anything more than a book written several hundred years ago?

Another issue I have is the whole evolution argument. I don't understand how, with the scientific PROOF, that evolution can be disregarded. I suppose because it goes against the typical creationist beliefs it is hard for "true" creationists to belief that something exists that God didn't explicitly create, but the evidence is there. I mean, what about mutations due to radiation and such? Did God purposely expose the person to radiation to change their form or did outside forces create the problem? I think most would agree that the problem came as a result of things we as humans did here on Earth.

The religious arguments could go on forever. The bottom line is, everyone is going to believe something different, and there will never be a common ground amongst the entire population.
Old 07-24-2006, 10:30 PM
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Evolution is only discared by hardcore religious fanatics because it goes against everything in the bible and everything their religion stands for. When darwanism is accepted you can basically discard almost all of the religions and their beliefs.
Old 07-24-2006, 11:06 PM
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Originally Posted by MattJ
Evolution is only discared by hardcore religious fanatics because it goes against everything in the bible and everything their religion stands for. When darwanism is accepted you can basically discard almost all of the religions and their beliefs.
Yeah, I guess what I am getting at is that there is evidence to prove that evolution happens, so then basically most religions can essentially be disproved, based upon current beliefs. Another thing I was getting at with that was the fact that evolution of species, to me, goes along with the scientific breakthroughs with medicine, as discussed earlier. Most people accept medicine to aid with illnesses and such, which based on the beliefs, were instilled by God. By using the medicine, the person is changing themselves to prolong life, thereby going against God's plan. Why is this ok, but evolution is totally impossible? Science says that evolution occurs for a species to survive. Are these two instances not related, and isn't it contradictory to accept medicine but disregard evolution?

I am not going to say that "God" doesn't exist, but I don't necessarily believe He exists in the state in which most Christian religions believe him to be, just as someone in an above post said. I believe that there has to be a reason for everything to exist the way it does, but I am not even sure that we would/could understand it even if we knew. The label of "God" could be given to what ever the reason is.

The Deists (ex. Benjamin Franklin) believed that that universe was essentially a machine set in motion by something superior and then basically left alone to run itself, that basically whatever happened within the machine happened as a result of the inputs, not controlled by the superior being (whatever it may be). I think this may be where I fall, as I believe that there has to be something that started it all, but that is not necessarily part of the day to day events that occur.
Old 07-25-2006, 01:00 PM
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A lot of you make some really good points! I agree that it's pretty arrogant to think we are the only intelligent beings in the universe. I personally don't know if I believe in god or not. I'm 28 and still trying to figure it out. I went to a private christian school most of my life and was really turned off by the arrogance of people who felt they were better than someone else because of their faith. I also was turned off by people who wanted to lecture others about faith and religion, but yet were total ****** or hypocrites. So was I turned off by religion itself??? Probably not, but I was really turned off by the people who supposedly are "good religious people", but yet hypocrites.....yes.

I feeling at this point in my life is that I don't need religion to be considered a good person. If I do good, treat people the way they are supposed to be treated, and live life in the best manner I possibly can I will be just fine and if there is a god he will recognize that.
Old 07-25-2006, 01:04 PM
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IMO creation has absoultley nothing to do with other intelligent life in the universe. they are two completley different topics

i do not beleive that some mythical, supreme, all powerful being created the universe. i do not beleive we are here for any reason at all. we are alive because we evolved that way. our minds became so smart, that we conjured up the "idea" of conciousness and for some, a soul.

religion sprouted because people are afraid of dying. and religion came and saved everyone! if you are a good person, and go to church you wont go to hell/swim in a black abyss for eternity.

sorry if i offend anybody, but religion is bull****. it has a hold of a rediculous amount of people, it's almost sad to see. some people need to start thinking..more evolved

when we die, we die. there's no more, thats it. you got one shot at life...dont **** it up
Old 07-25-2006, 01:06 PM
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read ANGELS & DEMONS by dan brown. its the book he wrote before the da vinci code. u might change yr thoughts on religion. i hate reading books and its the only book i ever liked
Old 07-25-2006, 01:06 PM
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i didnt read the whole thread so i dont know if that applies to what u guys are talkn about right now but i thought i might add that
Old 07-25-2006, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by smg32208
read ANGELS & DEMONS by dan brown. its the book he wrote before the da vinci code. u might change yr thoughts on religion. i hate reading books and its the only book i ever liked
my gf read that book and loved it! Maybe I'll read it to
Old 07-25-2006, 01:16 PM
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ya im not much of a reader and i liked it. right now im halfway through the da vinci code. imo angels & demons is better.
Old 07-25-2006, 02:08 PM
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the davinc code is only fiction....just remember
Old 07-25-2006, 02:17 PM
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God made us to worship Him!

Do you have a copy of the Bible?
If not you could look up on the internet...
Genesis 1,2,&3
i think it would give you some things to think about...
Old 07-25-2006, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
Lol... seems a bit arrogant doesent it?
Yes, extremely arrogant. Wow!
Old 07-25-2006, 02:52 PM
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yea i kno its fiction, but it(angels & demons) also says religion was created to attempt to stop or slow down science because.... i cant remember exactly the reason for this but something about science being evil. its always used for bad purposes. improvements in technology like weapons. stuff like that. ill reread the section and tell u exactly what it says

(makes perfect sense to me)

read the first few pages of the bible. it how was the earth created? the answer: god said let there be land, let there be water. tree of knowledge or something like that. eat the apple and gain knowledge. punish her for eatin apple. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Old 07-25-2006, 05:43 PM
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Wow i dont want to get into this. I was kicked out of my Bio. class many a times because of this, but i'll throw my .02 in.

God created everything.

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