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stanger00 05-06-2010 10:05 PM

Please! Show your support for the AZ law

Originally Posted by Smokin'Red35th (Post 210044)
The media wont cover positive support for AZ, we need to speak up

Governor Jan Brewer signed into law Senate Bill 1070. This legislation is another step forward in securing our border and protecting our neighborhoods.

I have signed a petition in support of securing our borders and calling on the federal government to finally act. I urge you to join me by clicking on the following link now:

Since signing this legislation, Governor Brewer has come under attack from President Obama, Mayor Phil Gordon, Al Sharpton and the liberal east coast media. Join me in standing with her and fighting for true illegal immigration reform.

Please visit today!

Quote from militarystangs.

PistonsFan102 05-06-2010 10:17 PM


If the federal government won't do anything, then don't put any blame on the state government.

This isn't a race issue. This is an illegal immigration issue. Period.

Badfish 05-06-2010 10:24 PM


Skroty McBooger Balls 05-07-2010 11:34 AM

the problem isn't the border its the terrorist in the damn planes......

PistonsFan102 05-07-2010 12:00 PM

And this is from 2004. I don't even want to know what that number is now.

3.8for the win 05-07-2010 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by Skroty McBooger Balls (Post 457456)
the problem isn't the border its the terrorist in the damn planes......

i have no idea who you are but your ignorance is sad.

stanger00 05-07-2010 12:16 PM


Keep it going everyone.

Black Sunshine 05-07-2010 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by PistonsFan102 (Post 457432)
This isn't a race issue. This is an illegal immigration issue. Period.

I couldn't agree more. If you are here legally, fine. If you're not, you shouldn't be here.

Originally Posted by Skroty McBooger Balls (Post 457456)
the problem isn't the border its the terrorist in the damn planes......

Please tell me you're kidding...

Oh, and I "signed" the petition.

Deathdiesel 05-07-2010 02:24 PM

Signed, im the 84,398th.

stanger00 05-07-2010 03:35 PM

She is not messin around.

Deathdiesel 05-07-2010 03:38 PM

Ouch, nice video.

wildride02gt 05-07-2010 04:58 PM

I joined the service and swore an oath to defend this country from all threats, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC. illegal aliens are just that, ILLEGAL.

venom 05-07-2010 05:58 PM

This law was so well crafted that they had to do amendments after it was passed LOL. Very well thought out .

King 05-07-2010 10:26 PM

Does anyone have a link to where I might be able to read through the actual bill? I tried looking for it online with no luck. Granted it's been a long week... Anyway, I'd like to make an educated decision on this bill instead of jumping to conclusions like some others may (or may not) have done.

stanger00 05-07-2010 11:04 PM

a comment from a random on my FB

"That bill is unconstitutional to the general public in the sense of harassment. Although I have to agree to disagree, over population is an issue,but if we secured our borders better we wouldn't have this problem now would we? On a different note, the bill 1070 only states that "with probable cause,law enforcement can arrest a suspected alien." What does that mean? I think it means that cops can legally racial profile people and harass whom ever they choose. Where is the American in that?"

and another from the same person

"And also for the idiots out there who say that getting rid of illegal immigrants will protect our neighborhoods are fools. Use you common sense, if you are not suppose to be somewhere why would you draw attention to yourself. Only a 9mm,a security system and a hope and prayer will protect your home. Stop looking for someone to blame."

The problem with people and this bill is that they all believe this is a way to start profiling people purely because of their racial background. I think its a huge mess but something needs to be done about these drug cartels making their way onto American soil.

Seriously whats wrong with having to answer a couple extra questions when your caught breaking the law?

venom 05-08-2010 05:08 AM

Originally Posted by King (Post 457517)
Does anyone have a link to where I might be able to read through the actual bill? I tried looking for it online with no luck. Granted it's been a long week... Anyway, I'd like to make an educated decision on this bill instead of jumping to conclusions like some others may (or may not) have done.

PistonsFan102 05-08-2010 07:44 AM

What pisses me off the most is how the media portrays the bill. Guess what? The media isn't the ones dealing with the issue, AZ is.

Stanger, would say there is a majority support for the bill in AZ?

r3dn3ck 05-08-2010 09:21 AM

i grew up in SoCal right by the border. This law was needed 20 years ago here. That AZ passed it makes me proud. AZ has the highest murder and kidnapping rates in the country now because there's too many fence jumpers that don't respect the borders.

You don't get cops stopping people for being mexican in public (that only happens in Walnut Creek, CA). You get stopped and asked for ID if you appear to be doing the sorts of things that are extra popular with illegals and not popular at all with legal residents. Hang out in front of Home Depot, you get asked for ID. Carry a burlap sack filled with weed across the desert, you get asked for ID.

Aside from that, this isn't just about messi-cans, it's also about dickheads from every other shitbox country in the world that came here on a work visa and overstayed it by 3 years. We get to bounce brits, aussies, indians, paki's, french, and best of all fucking pissant canadians ;)

Any of you that have ever lived there are in support of it, I am for that reason. Those that have never lived there, don't really have a vote here. You're not the ones that have to post a sentry by the door with a shotgun at night to protect your land/posessions/life from marauding beaners and gawd knows who else spilling across the most porous border in the world.

I vote for emplacing bouncing-betty land mines and FLIR guided mini-guns on tripods along the whole border. See how much lettuce costs a week later and decide if we need to modify our laws rather than ignoring them.

'02SilverBullet 05-08-2010 07:36 PM

I for one can't really say that I agree with this AZ law. I aready believe cops have too much fucking power to harrass anyone they want. This is just another.

So now they say cops can racially profile citizens and call it "probable cause". Everyone knows that cops don't NEED probable cause to stop and question anyone. They can make that shit up as they go, it happens ALL THE TIME. So why is a new law needed? Its pointless to me.

venom 05-08-2010 09:29 PM

I know cops can pull you over for anything as I experinced this recently. These two undercover cops pulled me over because they said I have a C in my vehicle regbwhen they ran plates of my stang which means convertible. Obviously I don't have a vert so they said it ok and btw what do you have under the hood. Now it all made sense, they just wanted to check out my stang so they used this BS reason. They were nice and I did not mind but as you can see cops can find a reason to pull you over even though you are not breaking the law.

Funny how illegal immigrants are the bad guys but those us citizens who hire them are not. Nothing in this law addresses the true problem,wonder why.

r3dn3ck 05-09-2010 07:03 AM

those are the 2 best arguments against the law. the fact of the matter is though that AZ was trying to make sure they'd have the right to pitch violators across the fence without any bullshit legal challenges.

Perhaps if they allowed the border patrol to actually shoot at jumpers, or supported the minutemen, or did anything really far reaching.

As for zapping the businesses that hire the fence jumpers, shut em down, salt their fields, and burn their crops and you still won't stop them.

When government is impotent because of corruption and unwillingness to govern and private citizens no longer have the right to abolish that failed government, the war to return balance cannot be far off.

'02SilverBullet 05-10-2010 10:19 AM




NewMustangMan 05-10-2010 10:34 AM

I agree shut down the people that hire them as well. I wish my state would do something. We just had a illegal alien rape a 6 year old girl. This is the 4th time he has been accused of something like this and nothing has happened. It was at a Fitness center where his mother worked, I assume illegally. The first time this ass hole was busted he got off because he was mentally unstable. How the f he was not stuck in a padded room or deported pisses me off. now a 6 year old girl has to pay for it for the rest of her life.


stanger00 05-11-2010 06:24 AM


Misdemeanor charge for not having a proof of residence. If you hang out at home depot eating burritos for hours on end, then how is it profiling if a cop gets a whim up his ass to question you about loitering? I say you are bringing it on yourself. What about the dude or family selling rugs, veggies or flowers on freeway off ramps or random streets. They're just asking for trouble.

We all see on the news of all the Mexican drug cartel wars that are going on in Mexico and bleeding over onto American soil. Why should we fear these people who dont even belong here polluting our streets with drugs and criminals. This needs to be addressed and if the Federal government wont take action then please let the State do something that is within the Federal statutes even if it presses the issue of being "unfair"

No matter how good some people may be the bad will always fuck it up. Sorry if anyone here has ever been a victim of some sort of profiling and its inexcusable but something has to be done about our LAXED borders.

Skroty McBooger Balls 05-11-2010 10:09 AM

ok ok salvadorian and im here Leagally what pisses me off is all the drunk driving hispanics who don't give a shit and all the others that commit stupid dumb-ass crimes that make all the hispanics look bad....fuck'em, fuck'em,.......FUCK'EM...if they have that much time to fuck around then they don't need money for their family...i say shoot them in the leg and send them over so they don't come back and make all us other hispanics that work hard look like shit......fuckin beaners

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