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krenogin 01-19-2010 10:26 PM

Sen. Scott Brown
What's everyone think on him winning the senate race? I think its friggin awesome! An added republican to fight the health bill? anybody with me on this?

unrealstang 01-20-2010 04:20 AM

I'm glad he did. This may be the key to stopping the health care "reform" ( I don't support it but for those who do you are entitled to your opinion just as I am ). It's going to get real ugly on the Senate floor...

00blkstanggt 01-20-2010 07:38 AM

I don't really care. I don't really care for politics anyways since no matter what we get screwed one way or another. Plus I already have great health care coverage and don't pay anything, so I'm good.

WNRacing 01-20-2010 08:18 AM

I think it says a lot for the people of America, finally showing that they made a mistake and are going to get rid of the Dems. as soon as possible. B.O. can say goodbye to his little "healthcare" bill, all of the Dems. will be scared shitless for their upcoming elections. Good Job Mass.!

krenogin 01-20-2010 10:18 AM

the only thing im not liking about this is that even tho this senator will hopefully kill the health care reform, it will allow obama to have the excuse that "he couldnt fill his obligations out because of someone else" and he wont look like an asshole for not doing what he said to people that voted for him. SO in the end, we republicans and others get what we want by taking the health care reform down, and the democrats are gonna be mad that it didnt pass and will blame it on republicans because obama himself didnt cancel it. So things will be interesting soon enough.

Lazerred6 01-20-2010 10:32 AM

Now if Nancy Pelosi could just get hit by a bus

WNRacing 01-20-2010 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by krenogin (Post 445919)
the only thing im not liking about this is that even tho this senator will hopefully kill the health care reform, it will allow obama to have the excuse that "he couldnt fill his obligations out because of someone else" and he wont look like an asshole for not doing what he said to people that voted for him. SO in the end, we republicans and others get what we want by taking the health care reform down, and the democrats are gonna be mad that it didnt pass and will blame it on republicans because obama himself didnt cancel it. So things will be interesting soon enough.

Dems. aren't going to be mad.. If anything I'm sure that a majority of them are relieved that they will have an excuse to forget about healthcare and will have a better chance of getting re-elected when the time comes. The whole deal is a bit of a double-edged sword, we'll just have to wait and see how it all works out. I certainly feel better about the future United States today than I did yesterday.

NewMustangMan 01-20-2010 11:26 AM

Great win for us. and agree with Lazer

Switch 01-20-2010 11:37 AM

Don't really care. Republicans are just as bad as democrats. I haven't decided which one is the lesser evil, yet.

Moved to politics.

jjtgiants 01-20-2010 12:16 PM

I don't know much about Senator Brown other than his party affiliation so i'm not going to pass judgement. I do know the Dems are probably kicking themselves in the ass right now because they didn't get healthcare reform done before this election. It's hard to tell if this election will set the mood for the upcoming elections, but I suppose it will.

Regardless of how you feel about healthcare reform, something has to be done about the increasing costs. I'm like 00blkstanggt when it comes to not having to pay a penny for healthcare because of my employer picks up the cost for my family and I. The problem is that my employer has seen an increase in the cost of providing health benefits for employees in the tune of +15-18% per year. At some point it's going to get to a point where employers aren't going to be able to pick up the cost or even offer health plans for employees.

For example, my best friend that works at a medium size company offers healthcare at no cost to him, however now that he is married with a child his company will not pick up any of their costs. Long story short, he is paying nearly $1,000 a month for health insurance. What that does is take someone who would be considered living comfortable and middle class to struggling and barely making it.

If I had the answer to the problem I'd probably be sitting in Washington D.C. and not shitty azz Oakland, CA, but something has to be done.

WNRacing 01-20-2010 01:24 PM

^Agreed, but the answer is definitely not socialized health care.

In all seriousness, lawyers are to blame for a majority of the increases, helping people sue for BS malpractice and causing the doctors, surgeons, etc. to carry massive E&O/Malpractice insurance policies and the cost continues to rise.. If the government could step in and somehow increase the limitations on these lawsuits the doctors wouldn't have to carry so much additional insurance and that alone would help tremendously.

jjtgiants 01-20-2010 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 445959)
^Agreed, but the answer is definitely not socialized health care.

In all seriousness, lawyers are to blame for a majority of the increases, helping people sue for BS malpractice and causing the doctors, surgeons, etc. to carry massive E&O/Malpractice insurance policies and the cost continues to rise.. If the government could step in and somehow increase the limitations on these lawsuits the doctors wouldn't have to carry so much additional insurance and that alone would help tremendously.

agreed, that's a piece of it.....but just a piece. Hopefully the politicians in D.C. will go back to the drawing board drop all crazy ideas from both the left and right and figure something out that makes sense.

Switch 01-20-2010 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by jjtgiants (Post 445980)
agreed, that's a piece of it.....but just a piece. Hopefully the politicians in D.C. will go back to the drawing board drop all crazy ideas from both the left and right and figure something out that makes sense.

Something that makes sense, that doesn't seem too difficult. I don't see how it is for all the politicians. I'd like to see something that limits the power of lobbyists.

r3dn3ck 01-21-2010 08:33 AM

Just a note, now that the only remaining raison d'etre for the first year of the obama presidency is going to sink like brick ship they're DEFINITELY going to pick a new unwinnable fight to polarize the citizenry with.

He promised to pull out of the middle east wars but got in office and realized he was stupid to say such a thing and that he can't just do that without millions dying in subsequent civil wars in those countries because we turned our backs on them after promising to really help yet a 4th time.

He fell back on health care thinking that was winnable. Silly man! You can't legislate every man woman and child to be born into 1000 bucks of debt per year and you certainly can't tell someone they HAVE to have something. Freedom comes with the freedom to not have to pay for something you don't want, even if everyone else thinks you need it.

The only other major areas he campaigned on (and you have to fulfill promises if you want another term) were the economy (he's already done fucking that up for a while), energy and education. Hmm, let's think about those:

Economy, well he's going to take credit for fixing it but really, it was all the people that got genuinely fucked (usually of their own fault really) taking that fucking deep and suffering some pretty humiliating come-uppins, the banking industry that re-focused on fucking the consumer a little deeper and people like me that bought a house in the deepest part of the housing crash (to take advantage of good pricing).

Energy, he promised we'd be the shining light of renewable energy. BWAHAHAHAHAH. You want to be the leader in green, move to france. They're it. Besides, no matter what energy policies are put in place they're going to take 20 years to really take any effect and that won't really have been BO's doing so he won't get the credit he needs for re-election. So fuck this track, let's try another thing to call BO's legacy.

Education: There will be some minor education reforms, mostly raising the cost and deferring as much of that added cost as possible to the states to pay for. It'll become easier to become a teacher, which means more Fark headlines and smokin' hot teachers boning 14yo pimple faced kids for no readily apparent reason. We'll re-focus national energy on math and science and colleges will bloat their budgets to handle the added load of idiots trying to understand the quadratic formula. This is BO's best chance for a real legacy but it's a nebula of complexities that's not solvable by just tossing cash at it so he'll fuck it off as being way way too hard and terribly inconvenient.

Where else could he go... what could you possibly use a super majority to do... hmmmmm. He can't do anything that he promised he would on the campaign trail, so he'll have to be crafty. What could possibly do the trick? Guns guys. He's going to go after guns. More specifically, ammo. He knows he can't touch the guns but he can start massive sin-taxes for ammo and he'll try to bring the brady act back. None of that will happen until at least this time next year, after the new congress has been seated.

Yeah, sounds like I drank the crazy sauce from a bucket but if you think about it for a while, you'll see it's just too damned logical not to be true.

krenogin 01-21-2010 11:10 AM

well said, very well said. Im already seeing the effects on AMMO.. everywheres offering LARGE volume discounts trying to move it before he does something.. I can get 550 .22LR ammo for like 20 bucks,, 100 45 rounds for 60 bucks, 7.62x39 for cheap by 200 round packs its crazy.. when he tampers with my guns ill freak!

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