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Old 03-24-2009, 04:15 PM
Deathdiesel's Avatar
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Originally Posted by PColav6
God damn racist.
Gee thanks...wtf did i ever do to you?
Old 03-24-2009, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Deathdiesel
Gee thanks...wtf did i ever do to you?

he is touchy about racism, he has a black lab.

Old 03-24-2009, 05:08 PM
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hahahaha awesome im gonna sig that!
Old 03-24-2009, 08:15 PM
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Originally Posted by WNRacing
lol, this is funny.

It can't ALL be blamed on Obama, this whole mess has been compounded for years and years, before Bush, probably getting fired up near the beginning of Clinton's administration.

America needs to learn the right way to live again and hopefully this will help knock us back flat on our asses. WE, as in all of us need to learn to live within our means, as in, if you can't afford the car/truck/house/insurance payment, don't sign on the dotted line. If you can't afford the credit card payment at the end of the month, keep it in your wallett or shred it. All of these people knew what they were risking on these ARMS and all of these other "gimme something for free" loans. I'm just sick of people blaming everyone but themselves, if you bought that house that you knew you couldn't afford if the interest rate increased then YOU made a bad decision.
Now, I think the Obama administration is coo coo, they seem to think they can "fix" the economy by throwing away billions of dollars to places like AIG is going to "stimulate" the economy.. bah! The only reason why these companies are getting bailed out is because that money is making it's way back to the politicians pockets in one way or another.
+1 except for the last paragraph. From what i've read the AIG issue is a lot deeper than that.
Old 03-24-2009, 08:22 PM
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On the last paragraph I think you should look at the collapse of Lehman Bros. and see what it did to the credit panic in the US.
Old 03-24-2009, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
+1 except for the last paragraph. From what i've read the AIG issue is a lot deeper than that.
AIG is a SCUM company. They undercut all of the competition on their rates, only to throw all of their money into shaky stocks trying the "get rich quick schemes" then when all of the money in the stock market was lost they couldn't pay their claims and had to run to the government and suck money from the tax payers. They have already applied for a rate reduction in TN because now they have plenty of money in the bank and they can undercut all of the competition again. You can see the cycle I'm getting at here... The only problem is that this time it was made very public and it probably going to backfire in their faces.

Someone is on the inside of that deal and getting their pockets stuffed, and it sure as heck isn't you or me.
Old 03-24-2009, 08:38 PM
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I don't understand people's relationship of shitty economy = shitty president, vice versa, as if the president has so much influence on it. Things got bad when Bush was in office and people hated him for it. Now Obama comes along and they have this unreal expectation that he's going to solve everything overnight. I'm no politics major, but I'm pretty sure the shithole we're in runs a lot deeper than one man's decisions.
Old 03-25-2009, 07:15 AM
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Originally Posted by WNRacing
AIG is a SCUM company. They undercut all of the competition on their rates, only to throw all of their money into shaky stocks trying the "get rich quick schemes" then when all of the money in the stock market was lost they couldn't pay their claims and had to run to the government and suck money from the tax payers. They have already applied for a rate reduction in TN because now they have plenty of money in the bank and they can undercut all of the competition again. You can see the cycle I'm getting at here... The only problem is that this time it was made very public and it probably going to backfire in their faces.

Someone is on the inside of that deal and getting their pockets stuffed, and it sure as heck isn't you or me.
I agree with you, I'm just saying their scummy tactics made it so their hands were in everything, so much so that AIG alone could have taken down most of the financial institutions in this country. I'm assuming by saying someone on the inside you mean politicians. I don't think that's the case. The AIG dudes were getting their pockets stuffed and totally took advantage because they knew the government couldn't let them fail.

This won't be a very popular statement, but I'd nationalize AIG for 1 week in order to get all of those crooks out of their and new leaders in there.
Old 03-25-2009, 07:30 AM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
I agree with you, I'm just saying their scummy tactics made it so their hands were in everything, so much so that AIG alone could have taken down most of the financial institutions in this country. I'm assuming by saying someone on the inside you mean politicians. I don't think that's the case. The AIG dudes were getting their pockets stuffed and totally took advantage because they knew the government couldn't let them fail.

This won't be a very popular statement, but I'd nationalize AIG for 1 week in order to get all of those crooks out of their and new leaders in there.

...Considering how hard our domestic auto manufacturers had to fight for what, 17 billion (each) you really don't think that there are a handful of politicians getting their pockets stuffed out of the 140+ billion dollars that we just handed over to AIG?

I think we should let AIG go under. Demand a refund of all of the bailout money and let them try to operate in bankruptcy or just shut down all together. There are plenty of insurance companies out there ready to pick up the pieces.
Old 03-25-2009, 08:06 AM
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Originally Posted by WNRacing
...Considering how hard our domestic auto manufacturers had to fight for what, 17 billion (each) you really don't think that there are a handful of politicians getting their pockets stuffed out of the 140+ billion dollars that we just handed over to AIG?

I think we should let AIG go under. Demand a refund of all of the bailout money and let them try to operate in bankruptcy or just shut down all together. There are plenty of insurance companies out there ready to pick up the pieces.
Capitalism FTW. Markets have the ability to correct themselves in bad times, by giving those who haven't been stupid an opportunity to succeed. By subsidizing the idiots, this lull period is only going to be extended or be made worse by dragging everyone under. This was the point behind Rick Sanetelli's rant on CNBC.

Now, those that blame Obama or Bush solely for this only have to look to themselves since it was congress that screwed this one up. However, presidents like FDR, Johnson, Carter, and Clinton all didn't help by passing legislation to get us into this mess. However, I will blame Obama for making it worse. There's a reason why when Bush left, the market stabilized and as soon as Obama opened his mouth, Wall St went !@#$, SELL! What Obama is trying to do is emulate FDR, by increasing spending in a time of recession. However, there's a couple problems with that. First is that FDR didn't have $11 trillion of debt to deal w/. Second is that what FDR did had no effect on the depression, but may have actually extended it. Third is the fact that FDR had the dollar on the gold standard. Now we don't so we are very now vulnerable to inflation. If you want to see how bad it is, see Glen Beck's video on An Inconvenient Debt. What's even worse is Obama is to set new records highs for budgets, yet this is a time where tax collection is down because of the economy and a time where we can't get loans anymore. This means inflation. Apparently, Obama never learned about the depression and what role inflation played (especially in Europe).
Old 03-25-2009, 08:39 AM
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[QUOTE=WNRacing;393812]...Considering how hard our domestic auto manufacturers had to fight for what, 17 billion (each) you really don't think that there are a handful of politicians getting their pockets stuffed out of the 140+ billion dollars that we just handed over to AIG? QUOTE]

I would like to hope not, and if there are a handful of them they will eventually get caught and I hope they go to jail. I would also like to think that any politician elected to Congress would have enough political sense not to touch anything having to do with AIG. I'm probably giving them to much credit by assuming they are smart enough to realize that.
Old 03-25-2009, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by WNRacing
...Considering how hard our domestic auto manufacturers had to fight for what, 17 billion (each) you really don't think that there are a handful of politicians getting their pockets stuffed out of the 140+ billion dollars that we just handed over to AIG? QUOTE]

I would like to hope not, and if there are a handful of them they will eventually get caught and I hope they go to jail. I would also like to think that any politician elected to Congress would have enough political sense not to touch anything having to do with AIG. I'm probably giving them to much credit by assuming they are smart enough to realize that.
Who do you think let AIG give out bonuses? That's why Chris Dodd has been on a denying spree for ages. Why do you think Chris Dodd, Barney Franks, etc. all were saying to invest in Freddie and Fannie? Because they were the top two paid by both organizations. It says something when you have Chuck Shmuckster saying that the American public doesn't care about pork.
Old 04-03-2009, 11:27 PM
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This is probably to late to chime in this one but here goes:

That giant sucking sound that Ross Perot mentioned in his bid for president has arrived.. When our United states gave free trade to Mexico, was the begining of that. A large corp. wants to make money. YES. Moving that corp to Mexico for labor costs vs. the cost for the move. YES. corp. has made more money in 1 year because labor cost are ******* ridiculously low for any american to fathom, 1 dollar a day, vs 7 dollars an hour at the very minimum for a low level entry manufacturing job.. We have been screwed since this happened. It just took a while for it to show up in statistics..

This has been coming for a long *** time. And skilled jobs don't mean **** anymore. We need skilled jobs here, and the pay scale to recognize it too..
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