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Palestine and Israel

Old 01-02-2009, 04:01 PM
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Default Palestine and Israel

I know this conflict will never end, but damn.

I hate it even more when you have Muslims in the US are protesting about Israel and the US siding with them. Give it a ******* break, Hamas is a terrorist group. End of story.
Old 01-02-2009, 05:01 PM
JackThe Ripper's Avatar
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palastinians, isralies, they are all the same to me.
Old 01-02-2009, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper
palastinians, isralies, they are all the same to me.
Absolutely not...
Old 01-02-2009, 05:54 PM
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Old 01-05-2009, 10:57 AM
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How can we be worrying about that conflict when we still have the BIG one on our hands, you know, Ford vs Chevy!!!!????!!!!

Think about it. You think Ford, someone else thinks Muslim, now present an argument that will change either...........................not all that hard to understand is it?
Old 01-05-2009, 11:17 AM
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reminds me of the movie....

Old 01-05-2009, 01:06 PM
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i think that few americas can really understand what is going on....but i have a feeling that all those that do not support israel would feel differently if they had to live in fear of attack 24/7.

for some reason people like to talk about peace, and turning the other cheek, when someone else is in danger.

think about this:

your sitting at a restaraunt in downtown San Diego, and a rocket launched from tia juana hits and kills 10 people......how long do you think it would before we were "shocking and aweing " mexico into rubble....

we would not stand for one rocket, yet in israel they get rockets everyday, and suicide bombers blowing up buses and market.
Old 01-05-2009, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by afterhours
i think that few americas can really understand what is going on....but i have a feeling that all those that do not support israel would feel differently if they had to live in fear of attack 24/7.

for some reason people like to talk about peace, and turning the other cheek, when someone else is in danger.

think about this:

your sitting at a restaraunt in downtown San Diego, and a rocket launched from tia juana hits and kills 10 people......how long do you think it would before we were "shocking and aweing " mexico into rubble....

we would not stand for one rocket, yet in israel they get rockets everyday, and suicide bombers blowing up buses and market.
Thats a bunh of crap, everyone knows that if mexicans launched a rocket at america it wouldnt have a warhead it would just have more illegals

Old 01-05-2009, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper
Thats a bunh of crap, everyone knows that if mexicans launched a rocket at america it wouldnt have a warhead it would just have more illegals

hahahaha....why build a rocket when you can walk thru the tunnels built by the mexican mafia.
Old 01-05-2009, 03:13 PM
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lol jack.
Old 01-06-2009, 01:00 PM
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Kind of like the Mythbusters episode when they tried to see if sling-shoting people over the boarder was possible.
Old 01-06-2009, 01:23 PM
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to really debate this you need to understand something about middle-eastern cultures, they're all about the feeling and emotion of the situation. Here in the west we'll say "well you broke law X so all actions (Y) taken by you since time (z) are illegal and we take some action to address those situations, or we suck it up and realize that it's better to be constantly annoyed (**** even shocked and appalled at the mere existance of thing Y) rather than get shelled by our ****** neighbor over it for 50 years. However in the middle east (and largely the whole of the "old world") logic, reason and personal accountability don't get let into the party when there are matters of nationalistic hyper-pride to deal with.

Basically, the hate is cultural. The funny part is that jews and muslims are basically the same damned thing. Neither eats pork and both consider all the same people to be prophets. I think a little limited deposit of nuclear weapons directly on Jerusalem and Mecca would shut the whole matter down for about 50,000 years and allow them all to cool their (stupid *** religious) jets. Imagine... turn the holiest places on earth into places no man can go for 50 centuries... that'll stop all the goddamned bickering about which con man was the best.
Old 01-06-2009, 01:35 PM
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Yeah Hamas is such a terrorist group. It seems so fair that we took their country and gave it to the Jews. Why can't the Palestinians just leave it alone? /sarcasm. :|
Old 01-06-2009, 01:46 PM
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I hate to say this, and risk offending a lot of people, but if people would pull thier heads out of thier asses and drop religion and work for the betterment of all mankind then this **** wouldnt be happening.
Old 01-06-2009, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by r3dn3ck
to really debate this you need to understand something about middle-eastern cultures, they're all about the feeling and emotion of the situation. Here in the west we'll say "well you broke law X so all actions (Y) taken by you since time (z) are illegal and we take some action to address those situations, or we suck it up and realize that it's better to be constantly annoyed (**** even shocked and appalled at the mere existance of thing Y) rather than get shelled by our ****** neighbor over it for 50 years. However in the middle east (and largely the whole of the "old world") logic, reason and personal accountability don't get let into the party when there are matters of nationalistic hyper-pride to deal with.

Basically, the hate is cultural. The funny part is that jews and muslims are basically the same damned thing. Neither eats pork and both consider all the same people to be prophets. I think a little limited deposit of nuclear weapons directly on Jerusalem and Mecca would shut the whole matter down for about 50,000 years and allow them all to cool their (stupid *** religious) jets. Imagine... turn the holiest places on earth into places no man can go for 50 centuries... that'll stop all the goddamned bickering about which con man was the best.
then they would atart fighting over who was to be first to re-enter the holy land in 50,000 years.
Old 01-06-2009, 02:17 PM
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bwahahahah... true true.
Old 01-06-2009, 03:07 PM
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solution: nuke'em till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.
Old 01-06-2009, 03:53 PM
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Nuke that sandbox to a sheet of glass, then get out the windex. No streaks, no shieks.
Old 01-06-2009, 03:55 PM
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yeah man! lol well i work in the department of defense and im sorry to dissapoint u but im pretty sure that wont happen but im all for it lol
Old 01-06-2009, 04:51 PM
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my philosophy is:

i don't care what you do....believe what you want, worship who you want......wage your holy war, great have fun.

until it effects me, puts me or people i love in danger.

its a shame that civilized people allow terrorism to exhist, it is a shame that we have created generations of politicians that believe in "proportional response". what good is being the only superpower, if we cannot use that power to protect ourselves and our friends.

the only time there can be peace is when there is a winner.
Old 01-06-2009, 05:28 PM
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This is an issue that I could write about for ever, but I will save that volume for later. I have a few good friends who are Lebanese, so these issues effect them greatly, traveling and such (my friend whom is 38 is married to a smokin' 24 year old over there) So many messed up stories, such charged conversations... all I really want to say is if the weapons that israel has were on the other side of the fence there would be no more israel, whatsoever. In a heartbeat and without a care they would nuke the **** out of them. Its messed up.
Old 01-06-2009, 11:01 PM
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i think israel has shown too much restraint...they have allowed the US, the UN and the opinion of people all over the world that have never had to hind from a rocket, or ever exerienced war.....

Israel has one of the top military in the world, and its pilots are some of the best and most experienced. it is surrounded by countries that want it destroyed and funnel money to terrorist groups along with rockets and small arms....

yet for the most part, if there was not rockets fired at them constantly they would let palestine be on its own.

while we can all agree that innocent civilians being killed is a bad thing...how innocent are a people that elected a bona fide terrorist group(hamas) to parliament postions in its government.
Old 01-07-2009, 07:57 AM
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and the reason the have one of the top military groups in the world is bc we sponser them with machinery and weapons while also training them...
Old 01-07-2009, 08:16 AM
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afterhours... insightful words. something to really think about.

Scenario: 2012, Canada elects Terry Nichols (the other Oklahoma City bomber) as prime minister. The new Canadian PM decides that the US has made fun of them for long enough and starts supplying every Canuck they can find with 5-inch diameter ground-to-ground rockets replete with blast fragmentation warheads and says, "Point these south and press this button. When you need more call." So now Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Wisonsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, etc... are all under constant rocket attack. The attacks only kill 10 people a month on average. How long before every single american is willing to murder in cold blood every single canadian for having put us in this shitty position? Not long. You see, we like everyone else is perfectly willing to let you sleep in a bed you've done gone and **** in. Elect a terrorist as your leader, get treated like a country full of terrorists because, sorry to say, you are.

If you don't do anything to stop your countrymen from getting your country into trouble you deserve all the danger, pain, suffering and death that you are dealt. Bush2 (and by extension the republican party) got the whole world pissed off at us like never before and the people stopped and thought, you know... this might cause me trouble abroad, guess we'll get rid of the righties for a few years and try and get some reputation back. We elected the other party en' mass because the ones that had been doing it were causing additional risk to our lives by disproportionately dealing with ******* stone age cultures who have found modern technology and materials. I didn't want the election to turn out the way it did... I wanted Alan Keyes to be president. But I'm down with Obama giving it the ol' college try.
Old 01-07-2009, 10:35 AM
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Yeah, I thought I could give Obama a try until I realized somehow I went back in time to 92. And sorry, but you can't say Bush and as an extension, the GOP. There are just way to many factions to make a blanket sweep like that, especially since there are so many GOP members that opposed the man. Problem was during the time period, most GOP members in Congress were Neo-cons and had scissoring parties w/ Bush on the weekends at Les Bos.
Old 05-17-2010, 06:01 PM
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Default Palestine and Israel

Just read the bible, the answer is there, very CLEAR the Gaza strip was given to the Israel by Jesus. So it belongs to israel. Hello.
Old 05-17-2010, 08:02 PM
JackThe Ripper's Avatar
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Yeah... just what people need, more answers spoon-fed by religion.

is there a reason to be digging up a thread a year and a half old?
Old 05-17-2010, 11:59 PM
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We should really just go over there, and spank the **** out of both sides with a really thin switch, and tell them to knock it off, or we'll send them to their rooms.

Aka. Boooom. I mean, seriously....what do they do for us? Other than make our sneakers, and clothes and ****? We have plenty of illigals whoa re willing to do that.
Old 05-18-2010, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by r3dn3ck

I think a little limited deposit of nuclear weapons directly on Jerusalem and Mecca would shut the whole matter down for about 50,000 years and allow them all to cool their (stupid *** religious) jets. Imagine... turn the holiest places on earth into places no man can go for 50 centuries... that'll stop all the goddamned bickering about which con man was the best.

**** YES! THIS!
Old 05-18-2010, 07:31 AM
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Originally Posted by r3dn3ck
How long before every single american is willing to murder in cold blood every single canadian.
**** I'll do that now...... **** Canada. lol
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