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blakerbomb 05-05-2012 02:48 PM

First car help/advice
Hey guys, im 20 years old and i still dont have a car. So im going to get one this summer but only have $7000 or $8000 to spend. I dont know much about cars however. I do know is that i like to go fast haha. Im not gonna be racing but i like the feel of accelerating fast and going a little over the speed limit. So, what car do you think would be good for that price and my first car. How many miles should it have on it, etc. Im looking at a ford mustang from 2003-2004. Ive never driven one but are they really fun to drive? The ones im looking at have around 100,000 miles on it and are v6. Some are v8. Is there a big difference between them? Thanks! :t:

krenogin 05-06-2012 10:26 AM

When I got my car I thought I'd be happy with a v6, but over time it got old. If I had a v8 I would still enjoy it as much as ever, just because of the sound and modding options available. The v6 may be a better first car because it's less likely you'll wreck it, and I've seen them last for over 200k miles and some close to 300k. However if you can find a v8 around 70 - 90k miles for 8k then go for it and just take ur time to get used to it.

Steeda97 05-06-2012 10:59 AM

Get a LS1 camaro if you want to go fast. LOL.

bigkeeko 05-06-2012 01:16 PM

V8 and V6. Chalk and cheese.
Not sure what your insurance deals are like but if you can stretch to an 8 then that`s the way to go.

Shadow_Stang 05-06-2012 07:00 PM

I saw a white ws6 trans am the other day... I'd try to find a cheap one if I were you.

drag_racer33 05-09-2012 11:25 AM

I like my 6, and learned a lot about mustangs because of it (along with modding a bit) but I am trying to make myself save money for an 8. If you can swing an 8 first go for it

NewMustangMan 05-10-2012 07:49 AM

I had a 6 for my first Mustang. Loved it but in the end you will always want the 8. at least i know i did. Like above check your Ins. first though before you buy a GT.

sand1303 05-17-2012 07:55 PM

agree. if u can get the v8 in your price range, u should. 94-95 still have the 5.0 and that motor loves to be modded. 99 and up will give u great performacne without doing anything but doesn't take to bolt ons as good without spending a lot of money. if not u will be happy with a v6 as long as it is 99 and up. don't get a 98 or less if u are going v6 route. with that much money u can have a very nice v6 with very low miles. or u can have a higher mileage v8.

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