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01FR500 08-20-2009 07:15 PM

Beer Thread: Your Reviews and Thoughts
Lately I've been giving my best effort to not turn down the chance to try a new beer. I don't know a lot about beer, but if me and my tongue agree, then it's a good beer to me.

Just got through a can of this.

Apparently it's only brewed in Forth Worth, TX and can only be found in 12oz. cans in a 12 pack in Texas or Oklahoma.

Honestly, the 'oddest' beer I've had (although only in the past few months have I become a beer drinker). When I first saw It I thought "WTF is this?" Not the typical beer can you see. I try not to judge a book by its cover, so I poped the top. It tasted barely carbonated, heavy mouth feel unlike most light beers I've tried, but not much of a bitter after taste. Tasted nearly like water, and unalcoholic water at that. Not a very good overall flavor. I wouldn't buy it, wouldn't have even tried it if a friend hadn't left it in my fridge. I drank it ice cold straight from the can.

Leonide 08-20-2009 07:23 PM

if it tasts watered down, then why even mess with it? drinking watered down beer is like getting watered down mountain dew out of a fountain drink machine. :(

Switch 08-20-2009 07:31 PM

Note to self: Don't drink watered down beer.

rkaz 08-20-2009 07:37 PM

For the longest time I've been meaning to start drinking other beers than bud light. It's the only beer I've ever drank. I've had a few others like miller, coors or nasty light, but no more than one of anything but bud. I hardly ever get a chance to drink so when I do it's hard to stray from what I know I like. I'm just weird like that.

01FR500 08-20-2009 07:38 PM

Yeah i was disappointed with this can-o-crap. I don't think many people are in danger of drinking it though as it seems like a local rare brew. I've never seen it in stores, I don't know how my friend got it, he sure wasn't a fan of it though.

Edit for the sake of not double posting:

Originally Posted by rkaz (Post 424907)
For the longest time I've been meaning to start drinking other beers than bud light. It's the only beer I've ever drank. I've had a few others like miller, coors or nasty light, but no more than one of anything but bud. I hardly ever get a chance to drink so when I do it's hard to stray from what I know I like. I'm just weird like that.

I've got a friend that drinks nothing but Coors Light. I've tried to get him to drink Bud Light, Michelob, anything other than Coors Light but he just refuses. I have the mentality of wanting to try it all. He wants to stick with safe.

Switch 08-20-2009 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by rkaz (Post 424907)
For the longest time I've been meaning to start drinking other beers than bud light. It's the only beer I've ever drank. I've had a few others like miller, coors or nasty light, but no more than one of anything but bud. I hardly ever get a chance to drink so when I do it's hard to stray from what I know I like. I'm just weird like that.

Ew... Bud Light tastes like water.

rkaz 08-20-2009 07:52 PM

Well what can I say, I just haven't drank much else. I tried the mg64 and I thought that was water. I want to try sam adams, they make alot of different kinds of beer and seem to know what their talking about on the commercials

JackThe Ripper 08-20-2009 07:53 PM

My general Go-to beer is coors light. Nice, crisp, and refreshing. Especially if im at the bar.

If i want a beer i can TASTE i usually look for a good red beer or a blonde. IPA's sometimes

Beers that i like off the top of my head
Easy Street Wheat (draught, not can or bottle, it just aint the same)
Red Stripe
Modelo Especial
Corona if i cant find Modelo
Rolling Rick
Sam Adams light
Aruba Red (if you can ever find it)
Colorado Blonde (local brew)
Flying dog IPA

Not a big fan of Heinekin, Guiness, Miller, or Oatmeal stouts.

Im not a big fan of dark beers, sometimes they hit the spot in the winter, but in the summer there is nothing less refreshing.

Shambles 08-20-2009 08:05 PM

Philly has the best beer place EVER.

Eulogy Tavern.

Here's the beer list:


krenogin 08-20-2009 08:25 PM

man, as far as canned beer goes, i love the diesel,, full flavored budweiser. and either equal or better is beer 30. is like 14 dollars for a 30 pack and the flavor is surprisingly good.. but i can down a pint in one drink, so if that says anything.

WaterDR 08-20-2009 08:41 PM

I have been there.

Generally speaking if it comes in a can and says "light" on it, it pretty much sucks as a beer.

I have done consulting to the brewing business since 1995 and have worked with nearly every major brewer in North America.

While there are classical things that make a beer good or bad, it does really come down to taste which is a personal choice, budget, and purpose.

I don't drink a lot of beer and I hardly ever drink the so called banquet know, straight Bud, Busch, Coors Light etc.... they are good for getting drunk, and that is about it. No nearly enough enough taste, but if you are going to drink a lot, most people can't drink something that is too hoppy, chewy, or heavy.

What do I like? Well, that depends on a lot of things includiing where I am drinking as many of the good beers are local brews.

Years ago, every little small town had a brewery....or a bunch of them. But then a french guy invented pasteurization and that changed everything. Now breweries could ship great distances and have long shelf lives (up to 9 months). Breweries became a business and they consolidated to cut costs and out went all the small, craft breweries.

The ONLY remaining true craft brewery left in the US of any size is in Chippawa Falls, WI...Leinenkigel's....BUT they pasteurize.

Did you ever wonder why a keg often tastes better? That is because many keg products are not pasteurized. They generally get sonsumed quickly and the process is expensive.

The best beers are not pasteurized or even filtered....this is called "cask conditioned" and is the way God intended beer to gases added either. This is why a REAL, good beer has low fake bubbles.

Some of my favorite beers:

Creemore Beer (Not sold in the US....Canada only)

Rush River (River Falls, WI)

Fat Tire products (MN)

South Shore (Ashford, WI)

New Glarus (WI)



There are many others that I drink (probably had 500 beers) and I usually buy from places where I can mix and match. I also like ciders.

WaterDR 08-20-2009 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by Shambles (Post 424919)
Philly has the best beer place EVER.

Eulogy Tavern.

Here's the beer list:


By the way, if I were to go in there right now and order a beer, I would probably get a Blithering Idiot....have not had a barley wine in a while, but it is like drinking 5 Buds. Or, I would ask if they have a cask and order whatever they are serving that night from it.

WaterDR 08-20-2009 08:46 PM

This is also a fun beer to drink...only available in Canada:

JackThe Ripper 08-20-2009 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by WaterDR (Post 424929)
The ONLY remaining true craft brewery left in the US of any size is in Chippawa Falls, WI...Leinenkigel's....BUT they pasteurize.

Sounds like you know your beer, but i dunno too much about this statement. Care to expand on that a bit?

Colorado has tons of breweries.. Wynkoop, Left Hand, Flying Dog, Ska, Odell, New Belguim, Phantom Canyon, ... we have nearly 100 independant breweries in the state. Hell, That is more than Wisconsin.

im pretty sure that there are plenty of real craft brewers out there, you may just not have heard of them.

Shambles 08-20-2009 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by WaterDR (Post 424932)
By the way, if I were to go in there right now and order a beer, I would probably get a Blithering Idiot....have not had a barley wine in a while, but it is like drinking 5 Buds. Or, I would ask if they have a cask and order whatever they are serving that night from it.

Blithering Idiot is good...but I like the Arrogant Bastard Ale, or an Old Dirty Hoe.

WaterDR 08-20-2009 09:15 PM

Sure, there are different definitions of the term "craft" when it comes to brewing. Yes...nearly any small brewer is considered a craft brewery provided that they are using a "manual" process and developing products that are truly independant of eachother. Leinenkugel I believe is the largest craft brewery left....all ingredients are still added by hand and raw and fresh ingredients are used. I used the term "of any size" claim was based around their brewery being the largest remaining craft brewery and not the only remaining one.

Compare this to Coors bottled in VA. Coors brews the product in Co, ships it across country as a standard super brew where it is diluted and bottled at other locations.

JackThe Ripper 08-20-2009 09:17 PM

AH! Duly noted.

WaterDR 08-20-2009 09:18 PM

Thsi shows a little of the Coors part of Molson and Miller:

rebelyell 08-20-2009 10:42 PM

Pearl Light has been around forever. I drank it as a young man in the late 70's and early 80's. It's a very nice tasting beer, not a lot of bad aftertaste.

I don't remember the reason for drinking it, ie. cheaper, maybe. But I also went on a Strohs kick for a while, nice taste there too.

Right now I pretty much just drink Bud Light, I love the taste of it and I can drink em all day or night and they're usually on sale at the grocery store.. I like to drink heinekins when I'm out to eat, cause thats a pretty robust flavor that goes well with food..

I will also savor an ice old Miller High Life, in the bottle, but it has to be ice cold.. Rolling Rock is OK,

Worst beer I ever drank was Schlitz, and Pabst blue ribbon.. UUGH..

Leonide 08-21-2009 01:05 AM

Blue Ribbon is the most horrible tasting beer.... uuugh.

i prefer Guiness, the real budweiser, not bud light crap, or some good ole Arrogant Bastard. strongest beer, 18% alcohol by volume. :D

Shambles 08-21-2009 01:35 AM

uh...Arrogant Bastard is 7.2%ABV.

TUFF 4.6 08-21-2009 08:12 AM

Im like Jack, my go to beer is Coors Light and Icehouse. One thing to remember about is that it has to be COOOOLD! If a beer is allowed to get warm and then recooled it loses a lot of favor. I have drank two or three beer trucks in my time and found that the best beer is on tap.
If you guys ever run across a beer called Sam Smith (its an English beer/ale) try one. Its the best beer I have ever drank. We have a Capital Ale House here in Richmond and its 9 bucks a bottle but worth every penny. Thier beer menu is 18 pages.
Theres a place in Waco Texas that has 127 beers on tap and I tried 17 of them one night. If you order a Coors Light in there they look at you like youre "tarded".

Just remember "Dont Drink and Drive, but never turn down a cold beer"

PS leave the Pearl to David Allen Coe

the gillz 08-21-2009 09:11 AM

stick with the Shiner and you'll be fine :cool:

jjtgiants 08-21-2009 11:02 AM

I'm like Jack, my go to beer is Coors Light. I did however buy a 12 pack of red stripe last night.

I enjoy several of the California based microbrewz....WAAAAAY too many to list, but they are generally pretty good. If I'm going to have 1 or 2 beers with dinner I'll go for a microbrew, but if I'm going to tie one on for a long day of drinking while watching football I'll go for the light stuff.

NewMustangMan 08-21-2009 11:33 AM

i love Sam Adams White but it is seasonal so that sucks. I also like budwiser and budlight. Not a miller light fan though. Blue moon is also good.

Lazerred6 08-21-2009 11:41 AM

Beer is good /end thread

01FR500 08-21-2009 03:37 PM

I'm going to go out and try to find a beer I've never had before this afternoon. I will return with results of this quest. ....Tommorrow.

spike_africa 08-21-2009 05:27 PM

I am a bit of a beer snob I won't lie. I don't drink bud light, miller, etc.. cause pretty much all american beers suck. Sam admas makes some good things and Dogfish head makes a great beer. If you want to learn more about beers then checkout this site:

My favorite right now is Dogfish Head 120min IPA. 470cal. 22% alcohol and it tastes great. But its $10 per bottle.


whitestang04 08-21-2009 05:40 PM

Originally Posted by spike_africa (Post 425078)
I am a bit of a beer snob I won't lie. I don't drink bud light, miller, etc.. cause pretty much all american beers suck. Sam admas makes some good things and Dogfish head makes a great beer. If you want to learn more about beers then checkout this site:

My favorite right now is Dogfish Head 120min IPA. 470cal. 22% alcohol and it tastes great. But its $10 per bottle.

Damn Dustin it sounds like you would only need one or two of those. Where do you find that at?

cpthowdy 08-21-2009 05:56 PM

i perfer stella artois and im not sure if they sell this beer in the states, but when i was in europe they had "Jupiler" which was very tasty

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