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skylark 05-31-2008 03:59 PM

"Ricer" was closed
There was a sticky referring to "Ricer comments": that was closed so I thought I would add my thoughts here. First that is a racist comment and I am not into such. We likely have many members of oriental ancestry so why the slur? Americans are likely considered to be uneducated selfish and smug by most of the western world let alone the east.
My last car was an Eagle Talon aka Mitsubishi Eclipse. It was an AWD model or I would have not considered it just as I would have not considered the GT if it were not a convertible.
Well the bests with the Talon or MOPAR as I called it were:
60'-1.68 on streets
2. et-11.68 on treets
MPH-122 on streets
0-60mph-3.6x seconds, again on street tires.
The guy I took for a ride who called it a weed eater hollered stop as I was halfway through 3rd gear. I imagine it was thee quickest street car he had ever ridden in as it was the quickest I have ever owned/driven. Conquests are my favorite but they are hard to fnd in excellent condition if you are looking for an '88/'89 model year, preferrably with an automatic. Those were the days.

WaterDR 05-31-2008 04:09 PM

Calling the term "ricer" racist is a real stretch.....pretty rediculous actually. The term merely refers to an import or an import owner regardless of ancestery. Additionally, certain modifications ad to the "ricer" impact....again, regardless of ancestery.

I think the correct term might be to say that calling something "rice" is "stereotyping" and if the shoe fits, the shoe fits.

I have a windshield sticker on my car...that is kind of rice.

skylark 05-31-2008 04:36 PM

I see you point. You are saying that my double bladed chrome wipers are consdered a "ricer" part. When I bought the Talon the seller said that the car that had a built motor was "sick". That meant nothing about the health of the motor as I had to ask being a bit older, so that could be the issue here, not up on what is considered a contemporary, accepted part of the language? Like "cool", a word that has transcended slang, as we all know it, of almost every living generation.
Sorry if I strayed from the point of that thread and did not see why it was closed either so just close this also since you are a mod and I am off track here it appears. Been a long day and boring besides. THX for the thoughts!

LOUNGE, I got lost! Looking for tech! Later.

JackThe Ripper 05-31-2008 04:54 PM


PColav6 05-31-2008 04:59 PM

Ricer is a racist comment? LOL.

JackThe Ripper 05-31-2008 05:06 PM

ricer is about as racist as dipshit.


Wombozi17 05-31-2008 10:27 PM

if you dont like saying ricer, dont say it. I dont like when people say certain words, but i wont go out of my way to stop them from ever using it again.

WNRacing 06-01-2008 12:01 AM


ricer = racist. LMFAO! I'm so sick of this whole pilitically correct bullshit. Go dry your tears, man up and get over it. If you don't like the term ricer then the Mustang world probably isn't the right place for you... buh-bye

lanmas23 06-01-2008 01:41 AM

i'm asian and i still say ricer! hahahhahaha, my friend is half mexican and half spanish, owns a chevelle and we saw an eclipse driving down the highway and he goes, "that car looks like it has been beanerized!"

WaterDR 06-01-2008 06:52 AM

Originally Posted by skylark (Post 335152)
I see you point. You are saying that my double bladed chrome wipers are consdered a "ricer" part. When I bought the Talon the seller said that the car that had a built motor was "sick". That meant nothing about the health of the motor as I had to ask being a bit older, so that could be the issue here, not up on what is considered a contemporary, accepted part of the language? Like "cool", a word that has transcended slang, as we all know it, of almost every living generation.
Sorry if I strayed from the point of that thread and did not see why it was closed either so just close this also since you are a mod and I am off track here it appears. Been a long day and boring besides. THX for the thoughts!

LOUNGE, I got lost! Looking for tech! Later.

No worries here....I did not actually close the other thread and never saw it.

Certainly, words can mean different things depending on context and context can include a lot of things such as historical reference. If I were to call a person of Oriental decent (note...the term "Asian" is often mis-used. If I am not mistaken, this term actually refers to people of a wide-range of decent) "rice" and did it based on their race, that might be racist. Take a look at the word "Jap" or "Zero". No one uses "Jap" anymore, but during WWII, that is all you heard. Today, "zero" is just a number or means "null".

Furthermore, as another poster noited, he is Asian yet uses the term rice. While that makes sense, it certainly does not work with some other people such as the "N" word. That word when used is nearly always racist, yet, when those that are the target use it, is is somehow some of them.

So, as a moderator, as long as someone is using the word "rice" to refer to a car, or to a driver because of what they did to a car, I consider this fine. BUT, if the reference is used to decribe a person based on decent, that is different.

nyheyman 06-01-2008 05:43 PM

This is the world we live in.

Dream 06-01-2008 08:13 PM

i have an asian friend that drives a mustang, and ive been with him when he once said HOLY SHIT ITS RICERONI! was an italian guy driving a civic with a fart cannon and an airplane wing.

never in my life did i think "ricer" would be racist. the only thing i hate is when people call me somethin im not. like if u call me cracker or hunkey or somethin i could care less really, for fuggs sake my best friend and i call each other homo every time we pick up the phone. "hey homo"...."hey retard".
hes also native and even he blatently makes stereotypical jokes. i actully got a video of him dancing around a fire just before it started raining.....soon as it does he goes " i told u fuckers not to mess with me" :P

i dont know how people get so touchey over the smallest things.

spike_africa 06-02-2008 06:29 AM

This is a ridiculous thread.

How does race have anything to do with being a ricer? You FAIL.

Slither 06-02-2008 10:43 AM

Does that mean ghetto-rigged is racist? DAMNIT!

Badfish 06-02-2008 11:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 22154

3.8for the win 06-02-2008 02:01 PM

this gets my vote for the worst thread of the year.

lol ricer=racist thats just dumb.

WaterDR 06-02-2008 10:36 PM

Oh come on, we have plenty that are worse.

madmatt 06-03-2008 10:48 AM

Originally Posted by spike_africa (Post 335368)
This is a ridiculous thread.

How does race have anything to do with being a ricer? You FAIL.


well, wait a second, my civic is black...maybe I am a racist ricer :D

3.8for the win 06-03-2008 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by WaterDR (Post 335512)
Oh come on, we have plenty that are worse.

well there might be some that are worse, but this is one of them.

Dream 06-03-2008 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by madmatt (Post 335559)

well, wait a second, my civic is black...maybe I am a racist ricer :D

:eek:yes....that means you are:eek:


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