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WaterDR 03-22-2008 06:42 AM

English Thread
I keep seeing a frightening trend on this forum and others: the horrible use of the English language.

I realize that there are some people that are learning English as a second language and they have challenges. I completely understand that. In fact, I work for an international company and communicate regularly via email with them. I am actually very impressed with how well they can write, but you can tell that they struggle a bit.

I am also not referring to typos or the use of "internet-lish" such as things like LOL, or CYA and other abbreviations of use of shorthand. I think we all understand the use of these tools.

However, there are some posts that I see that require the use of a translator: sentence run on, thoughts all melded together, and unrecognizable words. Someone may have an intelligent thought, but if you can't properly communicate it, it is useless.

If you struggle, fine, but I think it would be helpful after making a post to read it outload to yourself will see what I mean.

I am not trying to offend, but to help. To those that have English as a second language, I 100% respect that and understand the language barrier. Hell, I can't convey a thought in any language besides English.

zigzagg321 03-22-2008 06:45 AM

/\/\ this forum, as well as others, are plagued by bad grammar. I agree. It's sort of a pet peeve of mine. I automatically assume the person is a moron when they cant put together a simple sentence.

StreetRacer 03-22-2008 08:40 AM careful...could alienate half the forum members with this

r3dn3ck 03-22-2008 08:43 AM

You are judged by the words you use and in the modern era of internet based social networking (like forums) you are judged by your spelling about 50% of the time.

If you have trouble spelling, do what I did. Read a damned dictionary. You'll learn how to spell English words and how to pronounce them. If you can't manage to put 6 words together and have them make sense... try typing exactly the words you'd say in real life. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to make sense.

WaterDR 03-22-2008 10:06 AM

It seems like most of the culprits are the young folks too.....are people going to school?

StreetRacer 03-22-2008 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by WaterDR (Post 317869)
It seems like most of the culprits are the young folks too.....are people going to school?

they're a buncha weed heads...remember that weed thread? they can probably barely remember they're

Steeda97 03-22-2008 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 317892)
they're a buncha weed heads...remember that weed thread? they can probably barely remember they're

*Their name".

StreetRacer 03-22-2008 01:15 PM


zigzagg321 03-22-2008 01:25 PM

yeah and weed makes ppl have bad grammar. lol.

JackThe Ripper 03-22-2008 01:48 PM


What really blows my mind here is that anyone on here is dumb enough to think that this is somehow a new problem.

I dunno, i have mixed feelings on this stuff. I fully dont recognize "English" as the language we use here, personally i consider it "American"

as for bad grammer, yeah, it happens, and i think it is pretty anal to dwell on it because if the point gets across, the point gets across. All that is really needed is some punctuation to accomplish this.

As for the "Proper english".... quite frankly it does not matter if you like it or not, languages evolve, plain and simple. Even the older folks would be yelled at by thier great great grandfathers for butchering the english language. Wondering what the hell you are talking about, they would probably burn you at the stake for not speaking what THEY consider proper grammer.

As for the complete piss poor grammer you occasionally run across, that is nothing new, you have just so far been sheltered from it by tghe level of socioety you run in, however, with stuff like the internet a lot of social boundaries are crossed.

Bad grammer is nothing new. Languages Evolve the same way society does.

There is absolutly NO evidence that society is in decline because people arent too hung up on the proper rules for grammer. All i see is some people are just getting old. myself included.

As for the EXTREME bad grammer, dont worry, that level of talking really alienates those people from the rest of everyone else, they wont be abel to get jobs, etc, and will eventually weed themselves out. Just as it always had, and always will, none of this is new at all.

WaterDR 03-22-2008 03:54 PM

The internet has really "flattened" the has leveled the playing field. It brings people together in a way that would not have been able to communicate otherwise for lots of reasons and allows us to cross geographic, national, educational, and socio-economic boundaries.

Overall, it is a really amazing tool, BUT you still have to communicate a thought, otherwise your ideas are worthless. Missing punctuation is no big deal, but jibberish never works.

Let's also not confuse "jargon" with "slang" with "legitimate" English with just plain shitty communication. Jargon and slang all have their place and are actually legit means to communicate and relate to people. Also, jargon and slang will change throughout time, but proper English has always been proper English.

Look at this analogy...personally, I consider it unacceptible as a motor-head to drive an automatic UNLESS you know how to drive a manual (lol). If you want to use "slang" and other types of emphasis, people still have a responsibility to learn a minumum level of legit English first. No need to speak like the Queen of England, but you should be able to at least take an order at Burger King.

HokieStang00 03-22-2008 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by WaterDR (Post 317869)
It seems like most of the culprits are the young folks too.....are people going to school?

Don't lump us all together lol. The only thing I tend to do is use ..... instead of using commas or periods sometimes. It's just easier on the internet for some reason. I think a big problem could be the fact that the younger crowd is just too damn lazy. Why use puncuation and spell anything right when you can type it 5x faster without it?

And I don't know about you guys... but I tend to read over and fix mistakes as I go. I'm sure a lot of people just post whatever they have typed the first time.

JackThe Ripper 03-22-2008 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by WaterDR (Post 317945)
Look at this analogy...personally, I consider it unacceptible as a motor-head to drive an automatic UNLESS you know how to drive a manual (lol). If you want to use "slang" and other types of emphasis, people still have a responsibility to learn a minumum level of legit English first. No need to speak like the Queen of England, but you should be able to at least take an order at Burger King.

lol... i can respect that!

JackThe Ripper 03-22-2008 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by HokieStang00 (Post 317951)
Don't lump us all together lol. The only thing I tend to do is use ..... instead of using commas or periods sometimes. It's just easier on the internet for some reason. I think a big problem could be the fact that the younger crowd is just too damn lazy. Why use puncuation and spell anything right when you can type it 5x faster without it?

And I don't know about you guys... but I tend to read over and fix mistakes as I go. I'm sure a lot of people just post whatever they have typed the first time.

Dude, i did not understand a single thing you wrote there, i mean seriously, are any of those actually WORDS?...

you younguns these days


StreetRacer 03-22-2008 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by HokieStang00 (Post 317951)
The only thing I tend to do is use ..... instead of using commas or periods sometimes.

i dont know why either...its just something i've always done

todd03blown 03-22-2008 08:36 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 317922)

What really blows my mind here is that anyone on here is dumb enough to think that this is somehow a new problem.

I dunno, i have mixed feelings on this stuff. I fully dont recognize "English" as the language we use here, personally i consider it "American"

as for bad grammer, yeah, it happens, and i think it is pretty anal to dwell on it because if the point gets across, the point gets across. All that is really needed is some punctuation to accomplish this.

As for the "Proper english".... quite frankly it does not matter if you like it or not, languages evolve, plain and simple. Even the older folks would be yelled at by thier great great grandfathers for butchering the english language. Wondering what the hell you are talking about, they would probably burn you at the stake for not speaking what THEY consider proper grammer.

As for the complete piss poor grammer you occasionally run across, that is nothing new, you have just so far been sheltered from it by tghe level of socioety you run in, however, with stuff like the internet a lot of social boundaries are crossed.

Bad grammer is nothing new. Languages Evolve the same way society does.

There is absolutly NO evidence that society is in decline because people arent too hung up on the proper rules for grammer. All i see is some people are just getting old. myself included.

As for the EXTREME bad grammer, dont worry, that level of talking really alienates those people from the rest of everyone else, they wont be abel to get jobs, etc, and will eventually weed themselves out. Just as it always had, and always will, none of this is new at all.

I am under the assumption that you typed "grammer" instead of "grammar" on purpose?


JackThe Ripper 03-22-2008 08:39 PM

Originally Posted by todd03blown (Post 317976)
I am under the assumption that you typed "grammer" instead of "grammar" on purpose?


Lol... sadly no. I dont use any spell checks or grammer checks. I type about 150WPM, but my accurracy isnt that great, a lot of typos find thier way through. lol.

todd03blown 03-22-2008 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 317977)
Lol... sadly no. I dont use any spell checks or grammer checks. I type about 150WPM, but my accurracy isnt that great, a lot of typos find thier way through. lol.

LOL; I thought for sure it was done as an example:D

v6'stang 03-22-2008 10:43 PM

hahaha, sounds like we just need a translator to go from the "youngin'" language to the "old fart" language. :P

anyways, as for the grammar on here, i see it as it's just a post, as long as i get the point across idc what it looks like. yea i'll try to spell a word out the best i can, but i'm not going to look it up to put it on here. if i can get it halfway close you'll get the point. but when it comes to when it actually counts yea i'm going to look it up. no need in looking like a jackass on an application or a report for work. its kinda like when ya hang out w/ur friends, u don't always use proper grammar do ya? like when ur just shootin' the bull.

PColav6 03-22-2008 10:57 PM

I feel this thread is a personal attack on officer4c13 and will have no part of it. lol

v6'stang 03-22-2008 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by PColav6 (Post 318010)
I feel this thread is a personal attack on officer4c13 and will have no part of it. lol

umm, i've been MIA for a lil while...wanna fill me in? lol

r3dn3ck 03-23-2008 08:13 AM

I'll have to take issue with the whole weed head thing. That's flat ass bullshit. I smoke more pawt than most people will ever see and my spelling, grammar and punctuation are worlds better than 90% of the tripe I read on the web.

It has nothing to do with education and everything to do with caring about the impression left on those that read my words. Clean, properly spelled and easy to read text creates an air of intelligence that people pick up on.

PColav6 03-23-2008 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by v6'stang (Post 318020)
umm, i've been MIA for a lil while...wanna fill me in? lol

A new member here, cool guy, corrections officer, just can't type worth a shit.

Steeda97 03-23-2008 09:59 AM

Haha yeah he really can't spell.

StreetRacer 03-23-2008 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by r3dn3ck (Post 318049)
I'll have to take issue with the whole weed head thing. That's flat ass bullshit. I smoke more pawt than most people will ever see and my spelling, grammar and punctuation are worlds better than 90% of the tripe I read on the web.


thats one of my pet peeves and the only thing i can see that i disagree with r3d on....burns me up when people make excuses for that shit, and then try and convince everybody that its all good...i wont hijack the thread but i'll just post up this for people who dont buy into that marijauna is great garbage...

Steeda97 03-23-2008 12:25 PM

Can't agree with r3d there either. Maybe you haven't seen effects of it, but i know many people who have smoked themselves stupid.

JackThe Ripper 03-23-2008 01:43 PM

ive smoked a ton of weed in my time, i dont smoke much anymore, but honstly i can say i was just as stupid before the weed as i am now.:smokin:

zigzagg321 03-23-2008 01:50 PM

I've been doing it for years. 10 or so... Most ppl I meet and know have no idea I have ever touched it, not to mention all the other shit I've done that supposedly affects my brain negatively.

r3dn3ck 03-23-2008 02:45 PM

21 years and a memory like a steel trap. IQ tests I've taken over the years would seem to suggest that t3h pawt has affected me exactly zero as far as cognitive function.

I'll grant that it's a mind altering substance and some find that in itself objectionable but other than the actual high it's completely benign as a substance. Look at it like you would alcohol... shit everybody has their vice, mine just smells hella good.

1. No hangovers ever.
2. Does not cause lung cancer (doesn't help the whole emphysema thing).
3. Does not induce violent behavior.
4. Is not physically addictive. I stop for extended periods regularly to reduce my tolerance and there's never any withdrawl. You'd think there would be by the amount I put down during the smokey times.
5. Has no known lethal limit. Yeah, some newbs get over high and get all paranoid. If you get all pussified and can't take the high and trip out, that's your problem for being a total sissy bitch. You'll live and you'll have some killer dreams.
6. Only side effects are a sandwich and a nap. Just like jackin-off but without the mess.

Street... Correlation does not imply causation. Anytime someone has to cite 74 specific studies to make a point that just one or two citations would have done the job for, you can assume someone is bullshitting you. You cited NIDA, NIDA is under DHHS, let's see who else is working there... ummm ONDCP and FDA. ONDCP is in the business of making shit illegal so the government can prosecute their retardedly unsuccessful "war on drugs". The FDA just recently had the audacity to tell 128,000 (practicing and research) doctors who petitioned for a reexamination of marijuana laws that they're wrong and t3h pawt has no medical value whatsoever so those doctors and all the patients they're trying to help can just suck it. And then there's NIDA who is nothing but a mouthpiece for the ONDCP and DHHS as a proxy for the President.

Basically you cited the Fox as saying that the eggs in the henhouse he's guarding are bad and you'd rather he protect you from them.

I have no issue with people that ain't down because they have that option and are exercising it. I do take issue with people who drink too much of the Government Kool-Aid and think that that must be enough reason to hate something vehemently.

Crimsonred02 03-23-2008 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by WaterDR (Post 317826)
I keep seeing a frightening trend on this forum and others: the horrible use of the English language.

I realize that there are some people that are learning English as a second language and they have challenges. I completely understand that. In fact, I work for an international company and communicate regularly via email with them. I am actually very impressed with how well they can write, but you can tell that they struggle a bit.

I am also not referring to typos or the use of "internet-lish" such as things like LOL, or CYA and other abbreviations of use of shorthand. I think we all understand the use of these tools.

However, there are some posts that I see that require the use of a translator: sentence run on, thoughts all melded together, and unrecognizable words. Someone may have an intelligent thought, but if you can't properly communicate it, it is useless.

If you struggle, fine, but I think it would be helpful after making a post to read it outload to yourself will see what I mean.

I am not trying to offend, but to help. To those that have English as a second language, I 100% respect that and understand the language barrier. Hell, I can't convey a thought in any language besides English.

I couldn't agree more. More of us should do this, don't you agree?

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